Chlamydiosis is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, which is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, during childbirth or from direct contact with an infected person. Although chlamydia is most often asymptomatic, its complications can be very serious - from inflammation of the genital organs to infertility.
Chlamydiosisis a threat primarily to young people who lead an active sex life without using condoms. The infection is also diagnosed more often in women using oral contraceptives. Often the carrier of the bacteriaChlamydiatrachomatismay not be aware of the infection for many years (the bacteria are dormant), putting themselves and their sexual partners at risk. This is a very dangerous situation, because chlamydiosis can cause many serious diseases.
Chlamydia - symptoms
Chlamydiosis is an insidious disease because most often it is asymptomatic. Sometimes there is vaginal discharge (increased 7-14 days after infection), pain or burning when urinating. If the infection spreads to the appendages, there may be pain in the lower abdomen and during intercourse, or bleeding between periods. There is also bleeding from the vagina and bleeding after intercourse. Infected men experience a burning sensation when urinating. Sometimes the symptoms of chlamydiosis closely resemble rheumatoid arthritis.
Chlamydia - how do you get infected?
Chlamydiosis can be caught primarily through vaginal and anal intercourse, but also through contact with the partner's sexual organs. Chlamydia can also affect the throat if we have had oral sex with an infected person. Bacteria penetrate the mucous membranes and damaged skin, so they can be transferred to the hands when we touch the partner's genitals and then ours or, for example, we put our fingers in the eye (such situations, however, are less common). In addition, chlamydiosis can spread from mother to baby during labor.
Treatment of chlamydia
Correct diagnosis of the disease is very difficult and therefore a quick and accurate diagnosis is rarely made. Detecting the bacteria in the body is expensive, it involves testing the level of IgM immunoglobulinsand IgG in the blood, as well as the presence of microbes in the smear (from the vulva, cervix or urethra). Chlamydiosis is treated with antibiotics - the treatment must include both sexual partners - only then the risk of re-infection is minimized. Neglecting treatment can lead to chronic inflammation of the genital tract, which result in damage to the fallopian tubes and, consequently, infertility.
Chlamydiosis: serious complications
Chlamydia can cause joint pain and inflammation, changes in the nervous system, decreased immunity, various types of vascular diseases, as well as asthma and allergies. The spread of the infection may also cause perihepatitis, manifested by abdominal pain, which is most often associated with inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas.
- urethritis
- epididymitis and prostatitis in men
- cervical erosions in women
- cyst
- Bartholin gland inflammation
- inflammation of the fallopian tubes (appendages)
- secondary infertility
- perihepatitis
Chronic bacterial infectionChlamydia trachomatiscan manifest itself as:
- arthritis
- with throat inflammation
- Reiter's team
- changes in the nervous system
- decline in immunity
- asthma
Newborns born to women with chlamydial cervicitis may have:
- ocular inflammation or conjunctivitis
- pneumonia.