Fetal sludge is often called fetal sludge. It is the substance that coats the skin of fetuses in mammals and is made up of the secretions of the sebaceous glands of the fetus, exfoliated epithelial cells, the hairs of the fetal hair and the secretions of the amniotic cells. What are the functions of fetal gunk? When should the first bath of a newborn take place?
Fetal sludgecovers the skin of the fetus already in the period of intrauterine development and newborns born into the world. Its production begins in the third trimester of pregnancy. The fetal sludge consists of the secretion from the sebaceous glands of the baby, exfoliated cells, as well as the fetal nap and the secretions of the amniotic epithelium, the membrane that surrounds the fetus and forms the fetal bladder.
It is a slippery, greasy substance of a white and yellow color. It has moisturizing, regenerating and cleansing properties for baby's skin.
fetal slurry - functions
After the baby is born, the sludge is absorbed spontaneously within a few days, therefore it should not be removed from the body of the newborn too quickly. Even in utero, the fetal fluid is a barrier that separates the baby's body from the surrounding fluid. Thanks to it, the skin of a developing baby is protected against maceration and can develop properly.
Another task of the fluid in the fluid is to create a non-specific immune barrier that protects the baby from infections and inflammation. During labor, the slippery texture of the fluid makes it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. This not only shortens the time of labor, but also (and maybe most of all) reduces the risk of vaginal and birth canal injuries in the mother and injuries to the baby.
In the first days after childbirth, the sludge does not lose its moisturizing functions and allows the skin to maintain its proper pH. In addition, vernix is a substance that perfectly heals wounds and skin irritations associated with childbirth.
It is worth adding that the vernix has insulating properties. Therefore, between the 26-36 week of pregnancy, it may make it difficult to correctly read the parameters of the baby's heart rate, which is assessed in the CTG test.
Fetal slurry - newborn age
Fetal slime is also used to assess the fetal age of a newborn child. If the doctors could not accurately assess the age of the child, because the mother had an irregularitymenstruation, assess the condition and amount of fluid.
The Ballard scale is used for this.
Taking into account various parameters, the amount of fetal fluid that covers the child's body is also assessed.
In premature babies, it is almost completely absent, as the amount of fluid gradually increases with the gestational age of the baby. But keep in mind that at the end of the 7th month of pregnancy, the amount of fluid in your fluid is reduced.
Term babies born between 38-42 weeks of gestation will be covered with less goo than premature babies born in weeks 32-36 of pregnancy.
In newborns born after the term of delivery (after 42 weeks of pregnancy), i.e. those that are transferred, the transmission syndrome may occur. It affects about 10-20% of all transferred pregnancies.
The characteristic feature of the transmission syndrome is that there is less subcutaneous tissue, no nap, and no fluid.
smudge - first bath
The World He alth Organization (WHO) recommendations say that the first bath should take place after 24 hours of a child's life. If possible, at least six hours after birth. Of course, hospital standards vary, but you can always ask that your newborn's first bath be performed later than immediately after birth.
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