Women expecting children regardless of the trimester of pregnancy were classified as at increased risk of severe infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In addition, they are at risk of premature birth, even before the 37th week, as reported by the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So the question is, how should a woman who is struggling with the coronavirus be given birth? We asked the gynecologist Dr. Jacek Tulimowski about it.
Pandemic is a difficult time for all of us, especially pregnant women. They are not only worried about their he alth, but also their relatives and the unborn baby. If the pregnant woman has not had COVID-19, the stages of labor should be normal. Although it is worth noting thateach female organism is different, which means that each birth is also different . And in the case of pregnant women struggling with the coronavirus. How should they give birth? Moreover, can they breastfeed after giving birth?
The gynecologist Dr. Jacek Tulimowski answered the set of these questions in an interview with Poradnik Zdrowie.
- There is a chance that the child may be born so-called postcovid, i.e. with covid infection transmitted during pregnancy from the mother. Now the rules of childbirth have changed. There is no need to give birth by caesarean section or surgical delivery.We are born in accordance with the current state, i.e. the obstetrician determineswhich delivery for a given patient, of course COVID-19 positive, will be beneficial. If there are indications for cutting, there will be cutting. If we can give birth by force, through nature, it will be natural childbirth. - explained Dr. Jacek Tulimowski. According to him, "you can also feed and kangaroo", there are no contraindications for that.
The gynecologist noted that "one cannot, without any clinical reasons, separate the postcovid mother from the baby and forbid her from breastfeeding". - We knowfrom the latest research that antibodies are already present in the food of- those mothers who contracted or suffered from COVID-19 during pregnancy. So just imagine why we should forbid a mother who has had COVID-19 from feeding her baby, has developed antibodies, and gives these antibodies to her baby while feeding. Well, it would be totally absurd -summed up the doctor.