13. week of pregnancy is the last month of the first trimester. You can finally sleep peacefully, as the period of greatest risk of miscarriage and genetic defects passes. Your baby is fully formed and quite large. See the top recommendations for women in their 13th week of pregnancy.
- 13 weeks pregnant: how is your baby developing?
- 13 weeks pregnant: what's happening to you?
- 13 weeks pregnant: the most important recommendations
13 weeks pregnant: how is your baby developing?
A fetus in the 13th week of pregnancy is about 80 mm and weighs about 15-20 g, so it is the size of a tangerine. Although it is already quite large and shaped, has all the organs, it is still completely dependent on the mother's organism.
It is from him, through the placenta, that he receives oxygen and nutrients without which he would not survive.
The placenta begins to function around the 13th week of pregnancy, when it reaches full maturity and takes over the role of placental villi. It is connected by blood vessels to the uterine wall.
Your child can already do a lot: he can move, although you do not feel it yet, he waves his fingers and limbs, he moves his head. Without movement, it can only last a dozen or so minutes. These exercises strengthen his muscles.
- The intestines continue to move deeper into the abdominal cavity, the liver begins to produce bile and the pancreas produces insulin,
- the child's face changes - the eyes move to the nose, and the ears - to the sides of the head, that is where they will be finally located. Although the ears are already developed, the sense of hearing does not work yet, but the little one reacts to sounds. Probably the fetus perceives them as vibrations with its skin,
- develops a newborn reflex to look for a breast. When his mouth accidentally touches the uterine wall, he turns his head over, like a newborn baby is looking for a source of food.
13 weeks pregnant: what's happening to you?
In the 13th week of pregnancy, as you already know, the placenta begins to function, and it also grows larger and larger. This can make you tired and weak.
That's why it's worth resting now and taking afternoon naps, which will strengthen your body and make your daily functioning easier.
You are now in the 13th week, i.e. you are finishing your 3rd month of pregnancy
Although your baby is the size of a tangerine, your uterus is bigger - it's the size of a melon. Therefore, apart from the fetus, it also includes amniotic waters and the placenta.
In the 13th week of pregnancy, you may still have problems with constipation and heartburn, but morning sickness should slowly subside.
- Nausea in pregnancy: 10 ways to stop nausea
This is because the production of the hCG hormone, which is responsible for nausea, is decreasing - it is no longer needed by the baby, because it does not have to stimulate the yellow body to produce progesterone.
Now it is produced by the placenta, and progesterone is responsible for the slower bowel movements, which lead to problems with defecation, heartburn and gas.
To avoid them and help your digestive system work, drink plenty of water, eat less but more often, and eat high-fiber foods.
In the 13th week of pregnancy, you may also notice further changes resulting from pregnancy: some mothers complain of deterioration of their skin, or - on the contrary - improvement of its condition.
It all depends on how you react to the hormonal changes that are taking place in your body. As your blood volume has increased, you can take on a he althy blush.
- Pregnant beauty: what skin problems may arise during pregnancy?
Another symptom typical for the end of the first trimester is breast enlargement. It is also caused by hormones, although few women have a grudge against them.
What causes breast tenderness in pregnancy?
13 weeks pregnant: the most important recommendations
13. one week of pregnancy is the time when the risk of miscarriage is reduced by 65%. Even so, you are concerned about any unusual symptom you notice. For example, spotting.
This is indeed a signal that something may be wrong with your pregnancy, but not necessarily. In the period when the uterus is growing dynamically and is supplied with blood, it may cause slight spotting.
If they are not accompanied by severe abdominal pain or clots, there is no need to fear. If the spotting turns into a haemorrhage, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
- Bleeding in pregnancy: causes of bleeding in the first half of pregnancy
Since your breasts are bigger now, get yourself a new bra so as not to irritate them or put pressure on them - choose a larger cup, but also a larger circumference under the bust - in a few weeks you will feel that it was a good idea.
Choose the ones with wide straps, because your breasts are now heavier and need good support.
- The right BRA for pregnancy andfeeding
Also read:
- Second trimester of pregnancy
- 14. week of pregnancy
- 15. week of pregnancy
- 16. week of pregnancy

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