By 8 weeks pregnant your baby is already the size of a large cherry. Of course, you don't feel it, but the baby is already moving, it is also developing very dynamically and growing along.
- 8. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
- 8. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 8. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
8. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
Malec has the characteristic appearance of an embryo: a large head and a curved torso, from which the limbs clearly stand out. Interestingly, the features of his face are more and more clearly visible.
- the nostrils and tongue are more pronounced, the jaw is forming in the mouth, and the eyes more and more resemble the eyeballs of an adult human. Moreover - they already have a retina and a cornea, an iris and a lens. The middle ear is also formed in the head, which in the future will be responsible for the sense of balance
- the kidneys, heart, lungs, liver and of course the brain are already well-formed. The heart is at full speed and is pumping more and more blood
- The umbilical cord that was formed from some of the cells during the formation of the embryo is now finally starting to play an important role. In the 8th week of pregnancy, some of the blood vessels in the umbilical cord disappear, and from then on, there are two arteries and one vein through which the baby receives oxygen and food. At this time, the baby's intestines also develop in the umbilical cord
- joints and bones begin to form - for now taking the form of bone tissues
What are the early pregnancy symptoms? [TOWIDEO]
8. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
Your child is growing fast, so he needs energy to do so. For you, that means burning more calories. Faster metabolism and persistent nausea discourage you from eating meals and vomiting make you lose "accidentally" a few kilos.
This is a normal symptom, although pregnancy is usually associated with weight gain. There will be time for this in the months to come as a woman's weight tends to stand still during the first trimester.
Although nausea can take away the appetite, better metabolism can sometimes manifest itself in attacks of wolf hunger.
- Nausea in pregnancy: remedies for morning sickness (effectiveand unsuccessful)
You are now in the 8th week, so you are finishing your 2nd month of pregnancy.
You can also get weirder and weirder cravings - not necessarily on herring with whipped cream, but e.g. tomato juice, which you don't usually drink.
- Pregnant diet: rules. How to eat properly in pregnancy?
This is a sign of the body that it needs certain minerals, so do not be afraid to succumb to such nutritional cravings. Avoid unhe althy ones, for example, wanting fast food or sweets.
8. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
If you have already visited the gynecologist, he must have calculated the approximate date of your delivery. To do this, he used the formula that is used in medicine, the so-called Naegele's rule.
It is assumed that a pregnancy lasts 9 months, i.e. 280 days, and fertilization usually takes place on the 14th day of the cycle. To calculate your due date, add 7 days to the first day of your last period, subtract 3 months and add the year.
The rule ignores the fact that the onset of pregnancy actually begins with conception, not the date of your last menstrual period, so when you are now 8 weeks pregnant your pregnancy is actually 2 weeks younger.
Remember these first calculations anyway. They are used in books on the development of pregnancy, on the Internet (also in our cycle), and most importantly in the research calendar to which you must comply (all tests examining the condition of the fetus and assessing the he alth of a woman are performed at the moments of pregnancy specified by specialists).
- Visits to the gynecologist and tests during PREGNANCY
At the first visit to the gynecologist, you were definitely recommended to take pregnancy supplements. If your doctor has prescribed a specific preparation for you, follow his recommendations. If not, choose one whose composition complies with the guidelines of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (you can get more information at a pharmacy or on the manufacturers' websites).
Ingesting pregnancy supplements is very important to your baby's development and he alth. Many of the ingredients that your baby needs are taken by him at your expense, so you have to supplement their deficiencies with pills (diet alone, although very important, is not enough).
In addition, research shows that vitamins and minerals have a specific effect on specific areas of a child's development - the nerve connections in the brain, the retina of the eye, bones and teeth, the thyroid gland and the immune system.
- First trimester of pregnancy
- 7.pregnancy week
- 9. pregnancy week
- 10. pregnancy week