23. The week of pregnancy is the last moment to put on high-heeled shoes: in the weeks to come, your body's center of gravity will shift so much that it is no longer very safe. It's also one of the last weeks that you can still see your feet - that will change soon.
23. week of pregnancy: how your baby develops
The fetus in the 23rd week of pregnancy is already the size of a small doll: its weight has increased to about 455-500 grams, and the parietal-seat distance to about 20 cm.
23. one week is the beginning of the 6th month of pregnancy
- The skin of the fetus is transparent - all internal organs can be seen through it. The toddler now looks like a pug, because day by day he has more and more skin, which is very loose - it is growing much faster than body fat.
- The baby already recognizes his mother's voice, so it is worth talking to his abdomen as often as possible - after giving birth, the sound of your voice will calm the baby down.
- Most of the time, the child is quite calm and sleeps - scientists estimate that it spends up to 20 hours a day in this way. Therefore, you may feel the kicks less often now
- The baby's movements are not only noticeable to you, but also clearly visible to the environment - when the baby stretches his legs or arms, he pushes your stomach strongly on one side.
- From time to time you may feel strange movements from inside your tummy, unlike the well-known kicks you already know. They are completely normal - they indicate that the fetus has hiccups, which in turn is a signal that the cerebral cortex is developing properly.
- The baby's nervous system works more and more efficiently, so from then on, he may feel pain.
- Scientists are of the opinion that the fetus in the 23rd week of pregnancy feels when the parents have sex, because its heart speeds up when mom has an orgasm. For now, however, it is not known whether the cause is due to the uterine contraction that occurs then or the sudden discharge of endorphins that occurs during climax.
23. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you
In the 23rd week of pregnancy, you may already feel irregular contractionsBraxton-Hicks. They are not painful, they only indicate that the uterus is slowly starting to prepare for birth.
- Uterine contractions in pregnancy - Alvarez, Braxton-Hicks, predictive and labor contractions
This is the time when stretch marks and discoloration may become more visible. Linea negra, i.e. a brown line running through the middle of the belly, will also be darker.
- DISCOLORATION after pregnancy - how to deal with them
Pain in the sides caused by stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus can now be more troublesome. You may be surprised by the worsening of digestive ailments such as heartburn, indigestion, constipation and gas.
You may start complaining of headaches like many other pregnant women in your 23rd week of pregnancy. Periodic dizziness and even fainting may also occur.
- Dyspnea, dizziness, fainting during pregnancy
The body weight from the beginning of pregnancy should increase 4.5-5.6 kg.
Future mothers in their 23rd week of pregnancy usually begin to experience back pain, which intensifies after a few hours at the desk. The fact that you sometimes find it difficult to straighten your back is the fault of your growing belly.
- Spine in pregnancy - remedies for back pain in pregnancy
You may still have a whitish, copious vaginal discharge. Swelling of the ankles and feet, and sometimes also the face and hands, is a norm at this time. However, see your doctor if they don't disappear overnight.
- Edema in pregnancy - where do they come from and how to deal with them
You may already feel very painful cramps in your calves. Since they indicate that your body lacks potassium and magnesium, it is worth enriching your daily diet with dark chocolate, fish, nuts, bananas, tomatoes, avocados and whole grain bread, which contain the most of these valuable elements. And if that doesn't help, ask your doctor to prescribe the correct supplements.
- Vitamins and minerals needed in pregnancy
You may be more irritable and prone to crying now - it is associated with hormonal changes and is perfectly normal.
- Hormones in pregnancy - a real storm
6 things you should do before giving birth
23. week of pregnancy: what to look for. Top recommendations
In the 23rd week of pregnancy, you can start thinking about which hospital your baby will be born in. It is also worth reserving a place in the chosen childbirth school slowly.
Try to limit sodium in your diet. Hisexcess retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling. A safe amount of sodium is 3 grams a day.
You should still exercise regularly. It is especially worth swimming or exercising in the pool, because such forms of activity greatly improve the circulation of both you and the fetus, thanks to them it is also the easiest way to keep fit, which will be important during childbirth.
What can you practice while pregnant? Classes for pregnant women
Also read:
- Second trimester of pregnancy
- 24. week of pregnancy
- 25. week of pregnancy
- 26. week of pregnancy