2. the week of pregnancy is actually, according to the calculations of gynecologists, the moment when the egg cell matures and is ready to be released from the follicle. If you are preparing for pregnancy, it is now time to start your efforts.
- 2. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
- 2. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 2. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
2. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
As you already know from the text about the first week of pregnancy, the use of the Naegel's rule by the doctor means that the fetal age indicated by the doctor is always 2 weeks older than the real age.
So, according to specialists, you are now in the 2nd week of pregnancy, and in fact, your body is just getting ready for fertilization .
In the 2nd week of the cycle, there is no more bleeding. The follicular phase is still ongoing, during which the uterus is lining with new epithelium. Graff's follicles grow in the ovary.
- Graaf's bubble: structure and role
Usually, however, only one of them matures (if more, it is a multiple pregnancy) to release the egg into the fallopian tube at the right moment (this is the so-called ovulation, which, however, will take place only after several days).
Meanwhile, in the 2nd week of pregnancy, your body is getting ready to receive the sperm: white thick mucus appears in the cervix, which will turn transparent and stretchy over time.
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Its task will be to create favorable conditions for the sperm to survive and facilitate their access to the fallopian tube and the egg there.
2. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
If you are planning motherhood and want to have sex at the best time, you should know that a woman's fertile days last for several days.
To calculate them, you can use the fertile days calculator, but you can also calculate it yourself with the calendar in your hand.
Ovulation, as we mentioned, occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. Fertilization may occur 1-4 days before ovulation and 1-2 days after it.
This is because although a woman's egg only lives 24 hours, ithowever, the lifespan of male sperm is much longer.
- FERTILE DAYS: what influences fertilization?
In humid and warm conditions (inside the female body), they can survive up to 4-6 days. This allows them to wait a few days for the egg to be released from the ovary or to fertilize it 1-2 days after that.
It's worth mentioning that this calculation only makes sense for women with regular cycles. Ladies who have irregular periods but want to know when to ovulate should use ovulation testing. These are tests available at a pharmacy without a prescription.
- Causes of bleeding in the first half of pregnancy
They work by detecting the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine equal to or greater than 40 mIU / ml. An increase in LH concentration indicates ovulation.
The test may be in the form of a dipstick in the urine container or a plate on which the urine is applied with a pipette. The reliability of the urine test is about 99.9%.
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2. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
In the weeks accompanying conception, i.e. in the 2nd week of the cycle, you should not take any medications that may adversely affect your baby's development.
Therefore, if you take any preparations on a permanent basis (e.g. you have a chronic allergy, thyroid disease, etc.), ask your doctor whether they will harm your unborn baby.
- Drugs during pregnancy: what drugs are safe to take during pregnancy?
If that's the case, ask him for safe replacements. And if you just have a cold and take some medications or antibiotics, postpone trying for a baby for the next month, that is, until you finish pharmacotherapy.
Your diet also has an impact on your baby's he alth. Even before conception, try to change your eating habits for the better. Research shows that vitamins and minerals that you eat get to the fetus and affect its development and growth.
- Vitamins and minerals needed in pregnancy
So start eating more vegetables and fruits, bet on red meat to help you build up some iron stores, eat lots of fish, rich in omega fatty acids that affect your baby's intellect and reduce the risk of premature labor.
- Pregnant diet: rules. How to eat properly in pregnancy?
Give up fast food and fatty, unhe althy snacks. Avoid alcohol, don't smoke. You can drink coffee, but in moderation (maximum 2 cups a day) because someresearch shows that it may reduce the chance of conception.
Also read:
- First trimester of pregnancy
- 1. week of pregnancy
- 3. week of pregnancy