Postnatal depression is often confused with baby blues, which is much less disruptive. Although the mother feels anxious about the baby, she is sad and tearful, but she does not lose contact with the baby, as in the case of postpartum depression. Baby blues affects 50 to 80 percent of young mothers, and postnatal depression affects only 10-20 percent.
Postnatal depressionis associated with, among other things, rapid changes in mood. Why is this happening? It turns out that the hormones are to blame. During the postpartum period, both oxytocin and prolactin are released. In addition, the level of sex hormones as well as thyroid and adrenal hormones fluctuate very intensely.
All this causes mood swings. It happens that a woman starts crying suddenly, only to burst into loud laughter a moment later.
Postnatal depression - causes
Depression sometimes, may appear much later, even a year after giving birth.- Young mother still feels unattractive. At some point, she decides it's time for this to change. Meanwhile, low self-esteem persists - diagnoses Monika Dreger.
In addition to attractiveness problems there are organizational problems related to babies. Having a baby turns a woman's life upside down. Not every mom can handle it. Constantly waking up at night, changing diapers, feeding, washing - these are only part of the parents' duties. Added to this is the constant supervision of the baby and the fear that he or she is not suffering from anything. - When it all comes together, a woman can become depressed. So many changes in life at once simply overwhelm her - thinks psychologist Emilian Walendzik.
Postpartum depression - symptoms
The symptomsof postnatal depressioncan develop rapidly. However, when you notice symptoms related to a depressed mood, especially when they last several days, you should definitely seek help.
Symptoms of postpartum depressionare:
- dysphoria,
- severe fatigue,
- irritability,
- weakness,
- refraining from and avoiding childcare,
- difficulty sleeping or insomnia,
- sense of fear,
- negative, intrusive thoughts,
- difficulty making decisions.
Baby blues or postnatal depression?
What is the difference between depressionpostpartum from baby blues?The most common symptoms of postpartum depression include: sleep and appetite disorders, lack of joy in contact with the baby and a sense of incompetence, which do not disappear within a dozen or so days after childbirth. In addition, symptoms of depression may appear even several months after giving birth.
The cause of malaise after pregnancy may be raging hormones. At the time of birth, the mother has high levels of estrogen which drop significantly shortly after delivery. Progesterone levels also drop. Instead, there is an increased secretion of the hormone that enables breastfeeding - prolactin.
Improvement in your emotional state can be expected around day 10 after delivery, when hormonal balance is established.
ImportantPostpartum depression in men
Contrary to appearances, this type of depressive disorder may also occur in newly minted fathers. Depression occurs in young fathers surprisingly often (according to various studies, in 10 to even 25% of them), but often it is not reported.
What are its causes? Some men may fear that they may not be up to the challenge of parenting. The reason may also be changes that take place in the relationship of young parents.
A woman often directs most of her attention to a child, which some men cannot come to terms with.
Postpartum sadness may turn out to be postpartum depression
So it's not unusual for a young mother to feel downcast after having a baby. A bad mood usually wears off quickly. Usually, but not always. Sometimes the malaise lasts longer. When this happens, it is worth contacting a specialist.
When should the alarm light go on? - If the postpartum mental he alth problems persist for two weeks. Then you should go to a psychologist or psychiatrist - advises Monika Dreger from the Warsaw Psychological Group.
You must do itHow to Avoid Postpartum Depression
- Do not lose weight rapidly. A drop in sugar levels causes a depressed mood.
- Make sure that there is someone at home who will take care of the child if you feel worse
- Have a good time with your partner. His behavior may be crucial to your well-being
- Use your few free moments to sleep
- If you are breastfeeding, occasionally express your milk and ask someone else to feed your baby.
- If you feel that you cannot deal with your poor emotional state on your own, see a specialist.
Postpartum depression: important support for loved ones
The most important thing for a woman who gave birth to a child is the support of her relatives, especially the baby's father. "Your partner's behavior is of paramount importance," emphasizes Dreger. The role of a man certainly cannot be limited to nice words whispered in his beloved's ear.
- Gentlemen should supplement women in childcare - Emilian Walendzik has no doubts. Not all men remember it and they repeatedly shirk their father's duties. The repertoire of excuses is extremely rich: headache, workload, fatigue or simply lack of skills.
The partner sometimes does not realize that in this way he contributes greatly to the depression of his other half. It is worth making him aware of it.
Baby blues
ProblemPsychotropic drugs are definitely not recommended for breastfeeding mothers. The baby can also be seriously harmed by: Pyralgina, Aspirin, anti-cancer drugs, radioactive preparations and narcotic drugs.
The basic rule - before taking any medication, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor.
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