The puerperium is the period of six weeks from the birth of the baby. There are many changes in a woman's body after childbirth and in her life. We will help you find your best motherhood and suggest what to expect during the puerperium.

Laying from A to Z: physical activity

You are wondering how it is possible that the stars known from television come back to their beautiful form almost a few daysafter giving birth ? Well, a team of people work on them: from dietitians, trainers to psychologists. You, too, can significantly speed up your recovery thanks to physical activity. Good to know: Start exercising in the first days after giving birth. First, train your pelvic floor muscles - tighten the vagina and the anus for at least 10 seconds. Tighten your buttock muscles several times a day. Whenever possible, take walks with your baby and do "cat's backs". To shape the bust and strengthen the muscles supporting it, fold your arms as if in prayer, bend your elbows to the sides and press your palms together. Or, when you're taking a shower, you can lean your back against the wall and push your loins down as you pull in your abdominal muscles. After thepostpartum period , start going to the pool and cycling. Exercise your crunches no sooner than 3 months after giving birth.

Postage from A to Z: nursing bra

Now it is probably the most important and most exploited garment. Detachable window cups are a great invention. A close enough circumference is important to support the breasts full of milk stably. The cups cannot be too small. In addition to a well-chosennursing bra , your breasts like to pour warm and cool water alternately - it does not affect the taste or quality of the milk in any way. Good to know: Breast pads will protect your underwear against uncontrolled outflow of milk. Try to wash your bras often, even daily.

5 things you don't know about puerperium

Postpartum from A to Z: caesarean section

Usually, it takes a little longer to recover after such delivery than after natural delivery. The more active you are, the sooner you will feel better. Try to walk upright. Don't worry, the seams won't come apart. Good to know: When you have to cough, sit down, press the pillow against your belly, lean forward and boldly cough. You can take care of the newborn baby yourself,wear it - of course, unless your doctor says you should avoid it.


If you are breastfeeding, you need about 600-800 kcal more per day than in the period before pregnancy. This is no joke: the caloric requirement is now greater than during pregnancy. However, this does not mean that you can eat as much as you want. Choose valuable products (what you eat goes to the baby's body with the food). Valuable, meaning what? The choice seems difficult to you, especially since you hear contradictory advice everywhere: "do not eat raw vegetables" - "now you must eat a lot of vegetables." "You should only eat cooked" - "a decent pork chop will not hurt you." Who to listen to? The voice of reason. Don't accept other people's comments uncritically. Your diet should be easily digestible and varied. If, for example, you eat fish for dinner one day, the next day you have meat, and the next - pancakes with cheese. Eat light soups often to aid digestion. Forget about losing weight. The puerperium is the time to regenerate the body, not to lose excess kilos. After a few months, the weight indicator will return to the pre-pregnancy position by itself, provided you do not overeat. Good to know: No studies have proven that using a special diet during lactation will protect your baby from allergies. So there is no reason for you to switch to a rice, chicken and rusk diet. Common sense, however, dictates that when breastfeeding, you should not start your postpartum nutrition with cabbage soup or a purchased cake. In the following days, expand your diet, eat whatever you want, avoiding only heavy, fatty, flattering and fried dishes, as well as spicy spices.

Psychic Form

You have been waiting for the birth of your baby with longing. You imagined how wonderful it would be to hug your baby, and now you have mental lows. There are times when your tears fall on your own, you feel overwhelmed by responsibilities, a change in your life so far. Or maybe you have mood swings: in an instant you are overjoyed at the birth of a baby, and in a moment you feel as if you are under a heavy burden. It's baby blues, or mood disorders of women after childbirth. They usually reach their peak intensity in the first week after giving birth, but may continue for several weeks to come. Good to know: You are not alone with your feelings. Baby blues affects on average every third woman after childbirth. Don't hide your emotions. Ask loved ones for support. Look for women on internet forums who have it behind them. However, if your depression worsens, you suffer from insomnia, nothing gives you joy, you feel unjustified guilt, and the future looks dark to you - you needhelp of a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist. Seeking help does not mean that you are not fulfilling your mother's role or that you are weak - it is evidence of wisdom and concern for yourself and your family.

Perineal healing

The perineum is the most sore, swollen and bruised spot on the body, even if it has not been incised. Staying on the couch is like sitting on hot coals, and the seams pull with the slightest movement, as if someone was pulling invisible strings tied to a wound. Good news: it gets better every day. Good to know: Rest as often as possible without panties, because the access of air helps heal the wound - only put a sanitary napkin under your buttocks. Wash intimate places after each visit to the toilet, from front to back, using a mild intimate washing liquid. Regular bar soaps can irritate them. Give up the sponge, because bacteria multiply in its eyes, which can become a source of infection. To keep sitting from feeling like fakir, place a large, U-shaped, rolled towel under your bottom, or use an inflatable swimming ring. You can also buy a circle filled with polystyrene balls at a medical equipment store. Ice cubes wrapped in a tetrapack diaper will soothe the pain and reduce the swelling of the perineum or caesarean section wounds. When the pain is nagging, reach for a paracetamol tablet. In addition to the perineal wound, a palm-sized wound inside the uterus heals as well. The so-called puerperal excrements, which is everything that is removed through the vagina to the outside.


The puerperium is a time of hormonal changes. The placenta is no longer producing hormones, and the ovaries have yet to take on their pre-pregnancy role. But the hormones responsible for lactation are in full swing. Good to know: Don't get angry when you experience emotions that you don't understand yourself, such as when you have a particular sensitivity, tendency to cry, or a lack of patience. In a few weeks the hormone storm will subside. For now, try to tame your extreme emotions.

Like a wasp

You dream of getting your wasp waist back and putting on your pre-pregnancy jeans, and it seems that you are closer to the moon than to fulfill those desires. You are surprised that the birth is behind you, and you have lost only a few kilos and your tummy is still very rounded. Good to know: Take it easy. There will be time for everything, even if the maternity clothes, rather than the pre-pregnancy clothes, are more suited to your figure. The skin and muscles will return to their former elasticity, especially if you strengthen them with exercise. You will gradually lose your pregnancy weight as well. However, it takes several weeks for this. The changes after 9 months of pregnancy will not be reversed in a few days. For thisit is now puerperium.


Back pain or pain in the loin is a souvenir of pregnancy and childbirth. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, ligaments and joints relax, and the lack of physical activity additionally weakens the muscular corset of the spine. In addition, after giving birth, the spine suffers from lifting and caring for the baby. Good to know: The position in which you breastfeed is very important: attach the baby to the breast, not the breast to the baby. Try to position yourself so that you do not feel any tension or pain in your spine. When picking up your baby, bend your knees instead of bending down. When you need to change your baby on the couch, do not lean over your baby, but kneel down. While ironing, place an upturned bowl or a few books under one of your feet. Change the position of your legs frequently. And occasionally ask your partner to massage your back.

Breast Pump

Although it doesn't matter from your baby's point of view whether you express your milk by hand or with a breast pump, this device can make your life much easier. The milk flows directly into the bottle, which you can put in the fridge or pour the contents into a special container and freeze it. Some breast pumps are equipped with special inserts that massage the breasts and facilitate pumping. Good to know: Electric breast pumps are as good as manual breast pumps, but they allow you to express your milk faster. Before you decide to buy, consult mothers who already use such devices. Girls with weak hands should avoid a pump breast pump. After each use, the breast pump must be thoroughly washed with water and liquid, and then boiled. A good breast pump is operated with one hand.


When pregnant, she reached the size of a pumpkin and weighed a kilogram. During the postpartum period, it gradually shrinks to the size of a pear. After giving birth, her bottom reached the navel, and after 10 days she is already at the level of the pubic symphysis. You feel your uterus contracting as contractions that get worse while you are breastfeeding (a result of your hormones). Sometimes they can be unpleasant and even painful. Good to know: As long as the pain is not too great, it occurs at intervals, and you are also well, there is no need to worry. However, if the pain is severe, tell your doctor, especially if you have a fever or other distressing signals (see box on previous page).

Food rush

Happens in the first days after giving birth, usually between the 2nd and 4th days. Mother Nature makes sure that the baby does not run out of food. Soon, lactation will adapt to the baby's needs, the breasts will no longer be as tense as if they are about to explode, and there will be no leakage of milk. Good to know: If the child hassucking problem due to swollen breasts, you may express some milk before feeding to help him grasp the nipple. Warm compresses facilitate the flow of milk. After feeding, you can make compresses with chilled leaves of fresh cabbage. To avoid irritation of the nipples, wash your breasts with water and once a day with a mild soap. Do not rub alcohol on them. If you have small tears on your nipples, try to ventilate your breasts. You can smear the nipples with your own food, which has antibacterial properties and speeds up healing. Minor injuries can be effectively relieved by creams with lanolin, allantoin or dexpanthenol (you don't have to wash them off before feeding).

Postpartum faeces

This is a discharge from the uterine cavity from the wound after the placenta broke. It appears in women both after natural childbirth and after cesarean section. During the first few days it is bloody and profuse, at the end of the first week of postpartum it weakens, becoming brown-blooded or brown, after two weeks it is dirty yellow, and at the end of the third week - grayish white. It completely disappears after 4-6 weeks, when the wound in the uterus heals. This scenario may vary slightly from woman to woman (don't panic when the bleeding is gone after two weeks). It is important that the amount of discharge gradually decreases. Good to know: Use sanitary towels at this time. Tampons (they retain vaginal discharge, which can result in a serious infection), cotton wool (its lint will stick to the wound), perfumed sanitary pads (may irritate intimate areas) or panty liners (too weak for puerperal secretions) are unsuitable. Try disposable underwear. If it gets stained with blood, just throw it away.


Despite your airy and light clothing, you still sweat a lot? This is normal as long as you don't have a fever. Peeing profusely and sweating is the body's way of getting rid of the excess fluid it has accumulated during pregnancy. This situation may last for several weeks. Good to know: Make sure you wear the right, breathable outfit - avoid clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Ventilate the apartment frequently and take walks with the baby. Antiperspirants can help, or drinking sage infusion (half a glass daily). Do not limit fluids, because they are needed to remove waste products and milk production.


Well, it is impossible to burst with energy when you have another night behind you, interrupted by wake-up calls, and during the day you have a hard time finding time for a meal and a toilet. Good to know: Be a little selfish - try to rely as much as possible and sleep instead of clinging to household chores. Nothing will happen if the husband eats sandwiches instead of lunch or irons himselfshirts. Thanks to the rest, your body will regenerate faster and new strength will enter you. However, don't give up your activity completely. Exercise that is not too strenuous, such as a walk with the child, will also speed up the recovery, improve well-being, prevent constipation, stimulate metabolism and lose kilograms.


You have become a mom, but it doesn't mean that your intimate life is gone forever. However, for he alth reasons, refrain from intimate intercourse during the puerperium, which is about 6 weeks (too early return to sex may result in infection). It is the time for the body to regenerate and heal wounds, including the wounds in the uterus. This does not mean, however, that you should forget about caresses, tender touch, embracing your partner or kisses. Good to know: You can start intercourse 4 weeks after giving birth, provided you check with your doctor beforehand. If you are hesitant to return to intimate close-ups, talk honestly with your man about it. Think about contraception, because it is not true that breastfeeding protects you from getting pregnant. Vaginal dryness is a common problem after childbirth, especially in breastfeeding women. It causes discomfort during intimate close-ups. It can be soothed by using intimate gels (available at a pharmacy without a prescription).


You must consult a doctor when:

  • you have a fever or low fever
  • puerperal discharge smells bad
  • bleeding worsens instead of weakening, clots appear
  • in addition to being very tired you have dizziness, spots in front of your eyes, you suffer from shortness of breath or palpitations
  • you feel a burning sensation and pain when you pee
  • you have swelling and severe pain in your leg
  • the wound of the perineum or caesarean section turns red and pus oozes out
  • breast pain is very troublesome, it gets worse overnight.

Toilet nightmare

Do you associate a visit to the toilet with hell on earth? In the first days after giving birth, peeing is a real challenge. The cause is a sore perineum, an injured bladder and a large amount of urine caused by getting rid of excess water accumulated during pregnancy (the kidneys produce up to 3-4 liters of urine a day!). Bowel movements are another toilet "attraction". Despite your concerns, you should pee for the first time no later than 6 hours after giving birth, and you should pee - no later than on the third day of the puerperium. Don't worry about the seams - they will surely not come apart during toilet battles. Good to know: Try to go to the toilet regularly, even if you don't feel pressured. A full bladder can make it difficult for the uterus to contract. Sit on the toilet so thatthe stream of urine bypassed the perineal wound. If it's too painful, pee in a warm shower. Avoid lying down all the time so as not to make your intestines lazy. Drink a lot, preferably water, and eat high-fiber foods. If bowel movements are very painful, reach for glycerin suppositories (over the counter at a pharmacy). You can use them during lactation. Use other measures after talking to your doctor.

Control visit

Visit the gynecologist's office about 6 weeks after giving birth, even if you feel fine. Don't excuse yourself by the lack of time. This is very important! Good to know: The gynecologist will evaluate the perineum, check the birth pathways and clarify doubts, e.g. regarding sex and contraception.

Food stagnation

A lump in the breast that persists after feeding, which is painful when touched, is a local stagnation of food. Do not wean your baby off the breast because he is the best medicine now. Before feeding, gently warm the sore breast, massage it towards the nipple, and then latch on to the baby. After feeding, put a freshly bruised and previously refrigerated cabbage leaf on the breast. Good to know: If you have muscle aches and a fever of more than 38oC, your breast is swollen, hot, hard and it hurts, even if you don't touch it, you probably have mastitis. Go to bed, do not heat your breasts, do not put pressure, do not avoid drinking. Try to feed your baby frequently and in different positions, and pumping when this is not possible. You are to rest, but not the breast. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help ease the pain. Make compresses of cabbage leaves. After a few days, you should feel relieved. If you do not feel any improvement within 24 hours, contact your doctor or lactation clinic.

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