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Infertility and infertility, although they sound similar and are often used alternately, mean something completely different. When do we talk about infertility, and in what case do the couple struggle with infertility? Find out what are the causes of these diseases and what is their diagnosis.

Infertilityis described by the World He alth Organization (WHO) as the inability to get pregnant for 12 months despite regular intercourse (2-4 times a week) without the use of contraceptive methods .Infertility affects nearly 20 percent par in Poland , and WHO recognized it asa disease of civilization in the 21st century . In turninfertilityis a complete, irreversible and permanent deprivation of the possibility of having one's own child.

Causes of infertility

Infertility, both in women and in men, can be influenced by many factors. In women, it can be caused by endocrine disorders.

Infertility in women

Improper hormone levels may impair the ovaries, lead to the inhibition of ovulation or the production of hormones necessary for the proper implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

May be the result of adhesions in the smaller pelvis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes or their obstruction. Difficulty conceiving a child may be due to the mucus's abnormal reaction to sperm.

Infertility can accompany many chronic diseases - for example diabetes. Hormonal diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), may be responsible for difficulties in getting pregnant.

Male infertility

Almost half of the cases of fertility disorders may be due to the male factor. Many men struggle with the problem of reduced semen quality.

The number of sperm with normal parameters has decreased significantly in recent years. Male infertility can be the result of testicular diseases, e.g .:

  • testicular hydrocele,
  • varicose veins,
  • cryptorchidism
  • Is testicular cancer.

Systemic diseases may be behind male infertility, e.g.

  • diabetes,
  • thyroid disorders
  • or hypopituitarism.

Causemale infertility may be related to obstruction of the sperm tubes.

Stress is another factor that often prevents you from conceiving a child. In stressful situations, a man's body accumulates cortisol, which blocks the secretion of testosterone (the male fertility hormone).

In addition, the fertility of women and men is adversely affected by an unhe althy lifestyle:

  • smoking,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • and even an incorrect diet.

Causes of infertility

Infertility in women

Infertility affects women who do not have a uterus, which may be the result of the removal of the uterus or a set of congenital abnormalities characterized by vaginal and uterine agenesis.

The cause of infertility is premature ovarian failure, which is the case when the ovaries stop producing eggs before the age of 40.

Sexually transmitted diseases can contribute to infertility, such as :

  • chlamydia,
  • gonorrhea,
  • as well as endometriosis and cysts.

Male infertility

In turn, in men, infertility may be associated with the negative effects of infectious diseases or damage to the vas deferens. It can be caused by the lack or underdevelopment of the sexual organs.

The most dangerous disease affecting male fertility is mumps, the complication of which may be bilateral orchitis. Infertility also results from an inherited genetic disorder.

Infertility diagnosis

The diagnosis of the causes of infertility should be performed simultaneously in both partners. One of the first tests that should be performed by a woman who is not able to become pregnant is the assessment of the ovarian reserve.

A sono-HSG test should be performed to detect obstruction of the fallopian tubes as well as abnormalities in the structure or shape of the uterus. In addition, the woman should check the correctness of ovulation.

The basis for the diagnosis of male infertility is semen analysis, which is used to assess the quality of sperm, their number and activity based on the standards set out by the World He alth Organization.

Infertility and infertility - treatment

Infertility is the permanent inability to have children that cannot be treated so far. In some cases, infertile people who dream of having a baby may use sperm, egg or embryo donation.

In turn, infertility treatment depends on the cause of problems with getting pregnant. Inin most cases, the expected results give:

  • hormone therapy,
  • cycle monitoring
  • or minor surgical procedures.

However, if the couple fails to get pregnant despite treatment, it is worth considering insemination or in vitro fertilization.

  • Infertility - causes, diagnosis, methods of infertility treatment
  • Infertility - what is it? Differences between infertility and infertility
  • What are the causes of female infertility?

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