You were sure you could get pregnant this time. Unfortunately, menstruation has started. You are losing hope, will and strength. Relax, nothing has been decided yet. However, it is worth doing a few tests to find out what causes infertility and, if necessary, to start appropriate treatment. What does infertility diagnostics look like and what does it consist of? What tests are necessary to determine infertility?
Infertility diagnosisis essential in many cases. The World He alth Organization has recognizedinfertilityas a social disease. Mood swings - alternating between hope and disappointment - are experienced by approx. 20 percent. couples trying to conceive. That's twice as many as 20 years ago!
Fortunately, it can be treated with many methods. With the better effect, the earlier the therapy is started. When is the right time to start infertility diagnosis?
Infertility diagnosis - don't delay
Regular intercourse (2 - 4 times a week) for a year without any protection (i.e. without the use of contraceptives), should endpregnancy . If not, the couple have reasons to fear that making their dreams of a child come true will not be so easy.
The period of the greatest fertility of a woman falls between the ages of 20 and 25, then the chances ofconceptionnaturally decrease, and after the age of 35 they decrease very quickly. So although on average every fifth couple cannot have a baby, this problem is less common for young people. Among couples treated for problems with having children, the majority of couples are approaching the age of 40.
Therefore, women in their thirties should not delay the decision to see a doctor any longer. Younger ones, who are easier to get pregnant due to their age, may try for another year. But after two years of unsuccessful trying for a child, it's time to take a closer look.
Infertility diagnosis - possible causes of infertility
For women:
- hormonal disorders and the resulting lack of ovulation
- obstruction of the fallopian tubes, resulting from, for example, a history of infection of the appendages or endometriosis
- anatomical defectsreproductive organs.
For men:
- poor sperm quality, caused e.g. by a history of mumps with testicular inflammation or infection of the genitourinary system, varicose veins in the area of the vas deferens, low levels of sex hormones
- abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs, e.g. non-descent or torsion of the testicles.
Marital infertility: it has a genetic or immunological background - this is a situation when - to put it simply - a woman's body treats sperm as enemies and prevents fertilization, or when a man's body destroys its own reproductive cells.
Infertility diagnostics - see the doctor together
Problems with conception are a matter for both partners. Many men take offense at the mere suspicion that the problem with conception could be caused by their own. However, the statistics are inexorable: about 35 percent. cases of infertility concern a woman, and exactly the same percentage - a man.
It happens quite often that both partners have fertility disorders at the same time (approx. 20%). That is why you should visit the gynecologist together. In the case of infertility, this specialist is the primary care physician and he or she will refer you for appropriate tests.
Infertility diagnostics - basic tests
In the first place, your gynecologist may ask you to monitor your menstrual cycle to help determine when you ovulate. Every morning, before getting out of bed, you will take the temperature in the vagina (then the measurement is most accurate) or under your tongue, and plot the results on a graph made on a piece of paper.
A jump in temperature (0.3-0.5 ° C) in the second part of the menstrual cycle (around day 14) and its persistence at a higher level for at least 10-12 days confirms ovulation. however, the gynecologist will suspect - and a medical history is often enough - that you may have a hormonal imbalance (which is sometimes the cause of anovulation), and will also order hormonal blood tests.
In this case, the level of not only sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone) is determined, but all that affect the menstrual cycle - hormones produced by the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and thyroid gland. The next step will be vaginal ultrasound to assess the stages of cell maturation in the ovaries and the course of ovulation. Your partner will be referred for a semen test.
This is important, because it may help you avoid further tests - expensive, more complicated and often painful. The determination of the number, mobility and structure of sperm allows to confirm or exclude male sperm immediatelysterility. If it turns out that something is wrong, the test is repeated after 3 months to see if the poor semen quality is persistent.
Further infertility diagnosis
If these basic tests do not give a clear answer as to the cause of the problem, then you need to resort to more specialized diagnostic methods. First, you will probably be referred for a test to assess the structure of the reproductive organs along with the assessment of the patency of the fallopian tubes - hysterosalpingography (HSG).
It consists in administering a contrast agent through the cervical canal to the uterus and fallopian tubes and simultaneous taking X-rays at various stages of the examination. As the contrast medium travels through the reproductive organs, it is possible to see and evaluate the structure of the uterus, detect birth defects, intrauterine adhesions, polyps and fibroids, and assess the patency of the fallopian tubes.
If changes in the uterus are found, HSG is supplemented with hysteroscopy - an endoscopic examination that allows you to carefully see the inside of the uterine cavity. But hysteroscopy allows even more - the doctor can see and assess the condition of the endometrium (lining of the womb) and the uterine openings of the fallopian tubes.
If she finds any abnormalities or obstacles that make conception difficult, she can surgically remove them immediately. Similar possibilities are offered by laparoscopy - through small incisions in the abdominal wall, the doctor introduces an optical apparatus (endoscope) with surgical equipment.
This allows him to see and accurately assess the ovaries and the small pelvis as well as the patency and mobility of the fallopian tubes. You can also diagnose endometriosis - a disease that can cause infertility. It consists of the formation of small, cystic nodules from the "wandering" cells of the mucosa lining the uterus that have passed beyond the uterus and lodged there, for example in the ovaries, fallopian tubes or other organs (appendix, peritoneum, bladder).
Cause of failure - allergy to partner
If the results of the research conducted so far are positive - you are he althy, fit, you love each other on those days when there is the best chance of conception - and yet nothing comes of it, the problem may lie in … allergy. This will be explained by a special test that is performed 9-24 hours after intercourse. Mucus is collected from the cervical canal and checked for live sperm.
They should be there. If they do not move, it may be a sign of the so-called hostility of the cervical mucus. This means that the sperm cannot make its way through it and reach the fallopian tubes. Though it seems unlikely, it is not the case at allrarely.
Infertility diagnosis - what is conducive to conception?
Success depends primarily on whether you love each other when you are most fertile, which is the few hours before and 2-3 days after ovulation. In order to hit this moment, you need to learn how to determine the day of ovulation - either by taking your temperature daily or by observing vaginal mucus. But there are many other factors that can affect whether or not you get the pregnancy you want, including:
- regular lifestyle - then all processes in the body run in a fixed rhythm and disturbances are less frequent
- correct, well-balanced diet - thanks to the right amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, the body is strong and he althy
- good mental condition living in stress can cause problems with getting pregnant. Often it is enough to go away, rest, change the lifestyle and stop thinking about conception during intercourse in order … to happen.
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