Insemination is one of the simplest methods of supporting reproduction. Insemination is possible when the woman has open fallopian tubes. The procedure is not performed in women who have inflammatory changes in the reproductive organs, uterine fibroids that make it impossible to report pregnancy. Sperm from the partner or from a sperm bank is used for fertilization. How does insemination work and how much does it cost?
Inseminationis a relatively inexpensive, simple and minimally invasivemethod of infertility treatment , but its disadvantage is that it is much less effective than in vitro fertilization. It is assumed that for patients under 35 the pregnancy rate is - 11.5 percent for the completed cycle and 10.1 percent for the started cycle (not every started cycle ends with insemination).
Insemination: indications
The insemination procedure is performed in women with ovulation disorders, infertility due to an undetermined cause (so-called idiopathic infertility) or when the mucus is hostile to the sperm. In men - when the sperm is weak and sparse.
Insemination: pre-treatment tests
Before insemination, women must perform the following tests:
- vaginal cleanliness (valid for 2 months)
- culture from the cervical canal (valid for 2 months)
- chlamydia test (important year)
- cytology (valid year),
- VDRL (test for syphilis, valid for 6 months)
Before insemination, men must perform the following tests:
- chlamydia test (important year)
- semen culture (valid for 2 months)
- VDRL (syphilitic test, valid for 6 months)
Insemination: procedure flow
Before the procedure, the woman takes hormonal drugs orally or by injection. The aim of the treatment is to obtain more mature eggs (maximum 2-3) to increase the chances of fertilization. From the first days of the cycle, an ultrasound should be performed regularly to assess the number, size of follicles and thickness of the mucosa.
If the largest follicle is 18mm and the endometrium is at least 8mm thick, the woman receives human gonadotrophin, the hormone that causes ovulation (follicle rupture and releaseeggs).
When ovulation occurs, the male donates semen. In the laboratory, it is rinsed to extract he althy and motile sperm and get rid of any bacteria and prostaglandin that causes uterine contractions. The sperm is then injected into the uterus through a catheter.
The procedure is painless and the woman can return home right after it has been performed. If fertilization occurs, in the first weeks of embryo development, the woman takes progesterone orally or in the form of vaginal globules, thanks to which the functions of the corpus luteum, i.e. the transformed ovarian follicle, are supported.
The effectiveness of insemination
With a large number of motile sperm cells after the first insemination, the chance of pregnancy ranges from a few to a maximum of 20 percent. In case of failure at the first insemination, 3 to 6 attempts can be made. If this does not result in pregnancy, and the partners still want to try for a baby - consider another method of assisted reproduction.
Cost of insemination
The price of insemination ranges from PLN 700 to PLN 1,300 for one fertilization attempt.
Note: Such a pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is considered a high-risk pregnancy. A woman should be under the care of a fertility specialist.
Insemination: types
There are several techniques for insemination:
- intrauterine insemination - used most often, it can be performed with the sperm of the partner (IUI - intrauterine insemination) or the donor (AID - artifical donor insemination)
- cervical insemination
- intratubal insemination
Insemination: contraindications
Contraindications to insemination:
- inflammation in the reproductive organ
- uterine fibroids (depending on location)
- obstruction of the fallopian tubes
- endometrial pathologies
- finding the neoplastic process
- other serious systemic diseases
- presence of bacteria in semen and other sperm pathologies