Most of us associate being successful in a certain area with having superhuman self-control. We think that someone who always finds time to train, passes exams and has everything buttoned up to the last button is a person who constantly renounces something. However, science shows that what we confuse with willpower is often a habit.
People with developed habits rarely have to resist the temptation to laze around on the couch, order unhe althy food, procrastinate with tasks, or watch one more video before starting an action. Unfortunately, often the so-called the autopilot takes control of us, and before we think, we waste our time on activities that bring nothing useful to our lives. With established good habits, it takes little willpower to make a wise choice.
Change can be difficult. Building good habits takes effort and mindfulness. Fortunately, learning offers both tips for getting started and strategies to consolidate them. Here are some steps to help you set goals and get where you are to where you want to be.
Here are 5 simple steps to help you build a habit