The selection of the right people with whom we surround ourselves every day is extremely important. It has a huge impact on how we feel and behave. For each of us, the priority should be personal comfort and the joy of the relationships we maintain. Sometimes, however, it happens that someone in our environment takes away our energy. Are you dealing with an energy vampire? Take the online test
Do you feel strange spending time with a friend, colleague or … partner? Anyone can be an energy vampire. In many cases, people who display the characteristics of an energy vampire do not realize how they behave and how it affects their interlocutors.
If you experience a drop in mood, you are overwhelmed by "black thoughts", you start to perceive the world negatively, you have the impression that a loved one is manipulating you, it may mean that there is an energy vampire in your environment.
Such people have a tendency to complain, manipulate and be sorry. If you suspect you are dealing with an energy vampire, you don't necessarily have to turn your back on him and end this relationship. It's worth talking about how you perceive her behavior and how they affect the shadows. Maybe an honest conversation will make your interlocutor rethink and change their behavior.
Take the online test and see if you can be dealing with an energy vampire.