Each head injury may have serious consequences. Even a slight blow to the head can damage the brain tissue and blood vessels inside the skull without showing any symptoms at first. When can a head injury be serious and what should be done if it occurs?
The symptom of a head injury is usually a pain, initially mild but increasing over time. Sometimes the pain occurs suddenly and is severe.A blow to the headmay leave the victim confused, irritated or not remembering what happened. Sometimeshead traumaresults in a momentary loss of consciousness. Usually a swelling (lump) appears at the site of impact. When we notice a depression in the skull, it has probably ruptured. This event is often accompanied by a watery discharge from the ear or nose. It happens that the injured person breathes loudly and has a slow but clearly perceptible pulse. Uneven pupils and excessive sleepiness may also be a sign of a head injury.
When a blow to the head has serious consequences
- Concussionmay result from even a slight blow. It causes a temporary disturbance in the work of the brain with the loss of consciousness. The patient regains consciousness quite quickly, but that does not mean that the brain will not be oppressed over time.
- The compression of the brainis the result of an increase in pressure inside the skull. It can be caused by a blow itself, a skull fracture or intracranial bleeding. Symptoms of pressure (disorientation, confusion, loss of consciousness) may appear shortly after the accident, within hours or even days after it. This is a life-threatening condition. The patient should go to the hospital as soon as possible for specialists to take care of him.
- Intracranial hematomais a serious threat to life. It is often the direct cause of death, regardless of the severity of the injury. There are two groups of symptoms of intracerebral hematomas: symptoms of increasing intracerebral pressure and symptoms of damage to specific brain structures. The classic course of epidural and subdural hematomas is characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms, with a dilated pupil on the hematoma side and progressive paresis of the opposite side. The patient's state of consciousness also deteriorates, leading to loss of consciousness.The accompanying symptoms are: bradycardia, increase in blood pressure, increasing headache, nausea, vomiting. These symptoms are preceded by a shorter or longer period of light, i.e. a period of relatively good awareness after a previous loss of consciousness.
Blow to the head - first aid
A person with a head injury should be seated or put down, and the bruised area should be covered with ice wrapped in a cloth (possibly frozen). We do not leave such a person unattended. It should lie still for about half an hour. If she does not recover within this time or her condition worsens, call an ambulance. A person who has lost consciousness must be placed on their side so that they do not choke on their own tongue. Even in the event of a short-term loss of consciousness, it should be referred to a doctor who may order an X-ray or CT scan of the head.
Serious head injuries often require treatment in a hospital. After the tests to assess the condition of the brain, the doctor makes a decision about further treatment. In case of concussion, bed rest is sufficient. If there is a hematoma or if the bones of the skull are damaged, surgery is required.
Blow to the head - first aid
A person with a head injury should be seated or put down, and the bruised area should be covered with ice wrapped in a cloth (possibly frozen). We do not leave such a person unattended. It should lie still for about half an hour. If she does not recover within this time or her condition worsens, call an ambulance. A person who has lost consciousness must be placed on their side so that they do not choke on their own tongue. Even in the event of a short-term loss of consciousness, it should be referred to a doctor who may order an X-ray or CT scan of the head.
Serious head injuries often require treatment in a hospital. After the tests to assess the condition of the brain, the doctor makes a decision about further treatment. In case of concussion, bed rest is sufficient. If there is a hematoma or if the bones of the skull are damaged, surgery is required.
ImportantChildren and people who practice sports are particularly vulnerable to head injuries. It is difficult to protect yourself against all injuries, but you must wear a helmet when cycling, roller skating or skiing.
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