- Megaloblastic anemia - causes
- Anemiamegaloblastic - symptoms
- Megaloblastic anemia - diagnosis
- Megaloblastic anemia - treatment
Megaloblastic anemia is a blood disorder that results from a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate. These are vitamins responsible, among others for the proper functioning of the nervous system, therefore in the case of megaloblastic anemia, apart from the typical symptoms of anemia, there are also disorders of this system. What are the causes of a deficiency of these vitamins? How to recognize the symptoms of megaloblastic anemia? What is the treatment?
Megaloblastic anemiais a blood disorder in which the number of red blood cells falls below normal due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. The form of megaloblastic anemia is pernicious anemia, or Addison-Biermer disease.
Megaloblastic anemia - causes
Vitamin B12 deficiency may be the result of:
- an improper diet that is poor or completely free
- the absence or blockage of IF function (the so-called Castle factor) - a substance produced by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa, which, by combining with vitamin B12, enables its absorption. This may be due to atrophic rhinitis or resection (removal of all or part of the stomach) or the presence of antibodies against IF
- disorders of vitamin B12 absorption in the intestine (e.g. inflammation of the mucosa or intestinal resection, neoplastic infiltrates, amyloidosis, chronic diarrhea)
- anatomical abnormalities of the intestine that favor the growth of bacteria that use vitamin B12 (e.g. intestinal diverticulosis)
- tapeworm infections with broad-necked tapeworm
- pancreatic insufficiency
- using certain medications (e.g. neomycin)
- with rare genetic defects
Folic acid deficiency may result from:
- improper diet, low in folic acid
- increased demand (pregnancy, lactation, significant stimulation of erythropoiesis - the process of multiplication of red blood cells)
- malabsorption in the intestine (chronic diarrhea, inflammation, fistulas)
- disorders of folic acid metabolism (e.g. due to drugs, alcoholism, vitamin C deficiency)
Anemiamegaloblastic - symptoms
In the case of anemia resulting from vitamin B12 deficiency, in addition to the general symptoms of anemia, the following appear:
- neurological disorders - deep sensation and vibration disorders, paresthesia, spasticity (muscle tension), balance disorders
- personality changes
- drowsiness
- paranoid reactions
In turn, with folic acid deficiency, apart from general symptoms of anemia, irritability or depression is found.
Megaloblastic anemia is also characterized by early graying of the hair, which becomes thin and loses its shine, as well as inflammation of the tongue mucosa (the so-called buffalo tongue - dark red or pale with features of atrophy of papillae), pain and changes in the area of the corners mouth and lack of appetite.
Megaloblastic anemia - diagnosis
Ifmegaloblastic anemia is suspectedthe following is performedtests :
- blood count
- cytomorphological examination of bone marrow
- Schelling test - study of vitamin B12 absorption from the gastrointestinal tract
Megaloblastic anemia - treatment
Treatment of megaloblastic anemia depends on its cause. In the case of vitamin B12 deficiency, the intramuscular administration of this vitamin (in the form of injections) is used. Folic acid deficiency is supplemented with oral preparations.
Bibliography: Mariańska B., Fabijańska-Mitek J., Windyga J.,Laboratory tests in hematology , PZWL Medical Publishing, Warsaw 2003