Are you at risk of an acid-base imbalance in your body? The organism strives to maintain the optimal, from the point of view of the correctness of biological processes, pH level, i.e. the proper concentration of acidic and alkaline substances. We can treat this balance to ourselves by eating poorly and leading an inappropriate lifestyle. Check if you are in danger of an acid-base imbalance.
Acid-base balance is a state in which the appropriate ratio of cations and anions in body fluids is maintained, conditioning the correct pH and the proper course of life processes. In simpler words - it is simply the right balance that allows us to maintain harmony in our body.
The acid-base balance is achieved when the blood pH range for most metabolic processes is 7.35-7.45. Higher pH means more alkaline components, lower - more acid components.
Dangerous imbalance occurs at a pH less than 6.8 and greater than 7.8 (for blood). In extreme cases, proteins are denatured, cellular enzymes stop working, and the exchange of respiratory gases stops.
Symptoms of acidification in the body can be easily overlooked or attributed to other he alth problems. Most of the laymen, who have no idea about dietetics, are unaware of the consequences of an acid-base imbalance. And this condition can be extremely dangerous for our body. Disturbances in the acid-base balance cause acidosis and alkalosis. In both cases, it is a condition in which the blood pH is disturbed.
The disturbance of the acid-base balance can lead to joint pain, diabetes, gout, hypertension and many other serious diseases.
Make a test and check if your body is in acid-base balance.
When you are in danger of an acid-base imbalance, find out which products to avoid. The acidifying effect on the body is primarily: dairy products, meat, s alt, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, which are everything that a modern (and fast) living person eagerly and often reaches for.
What products have an alkaline effect on the body? Mostly citrus, but also most vegetables and fruits.Beets, lettuce, apples, celery, bananas and melons are especially active in neutralizing acids. The acid-base balance will be preserved in the body if, for example, bread is eaten with lettuce, cress, parsley or tomato, and meat is obligatory with vegetables - cooked and raw.