Heartburn and a burning sensation in the esophagus - there are several reasons for it: certain medications and foods cause it, but it can also be a harbinger of illness. Proper recognition of the source of the ailment is already half the battle. If you have problems with the digestive system, find out what are the home remedies for heartburn.
Heartburnor burning in the esophagus or stomach is a troublesome symptom of digestive disorders or unhygienic behavior, e.g. smoking on an empty stomach.
Heartburn - causes
The causes of heartburncan be:
- Stomach ulcers can manifest themselves with severe pain, burning sensation and nausea when fasting or before eating. After a meal, the pain and burning in the stomach will disappear.
- Duodenal ulcers are manifested by pain and slight burning. Symptoms appear about an hour after eating.
- Indigestion - accompanied by abdominal pain in the area of the navel, burning in the throat, belching and flatulence. These ailments appear after too heavy a meal. Indigestion is always accompanied by heartburn, which is pain and an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus or behind the breastbone.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a weakening of the cardiac sphincter located in the lower esophagus, where it connects to the stomach. This muscle relaxes as food passes through the esophagus. After food enters the stomach, the sphincter spasm closes the esophagus opening into the stomach, preventing acid reflux into the esophagus. When the sphincter muscle loses its elasticity, acidic gastric juice can enter the esophagus, sometimes causing choking pain and a severe burning sensation.
Burning in the esophagus or in the stomach may also be felt after taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, antibiotics, and smoking on an empty stomach. Heartburn may also occur in pregnancy. It is also favored by overeating, which in turn leads to an increase in pressure in the abdomen, and thus also the pressure on the diaphragm on the stomach.
Read also: Heartburn. Where does heartburn come from and what to do with it
Medicines for heartburn
When heartburn occurs occasionally, it is not considered a disease or serious illness. Usually it is considered a penance for indulging in too much of a table. In these situations, relief from over-the-counter and antacid medications will helpgastric.
The mechanism of action of drugs is very similar. All of them neutralize the hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice, coat the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with a protective layer that prevents hydrochloric acid from reaching it. They also reduce the amount of gases accumulated in the stomach, thanks to which the feeling of overflow in the abdominal cavity disappears.
There are a few rules to follow when taking such measures. First of all, these drugs must not be abused or used once, for example, take 2 tablets as soon as the esophagus is burning. Take the entire package.
Occasional taking of such medications may cause the so-called rebound effect, i.e. to cause increased gastric acid secretion. And that doesn't serve the entire digestive tract.
Gastroscopy diagnoses heartburn
When the burning sensation in the stomach or esophagus bothers you constantly, it is necessary to conduct specialized tests to find out the cause of the problem. Gastroscopy helps in making a diagnosis.
During the examination, the doctor introduces a flexible tube through the patient's esophagus, at the end of which there is a camera. Thanks to it, he can see the gastric and duodenal mucosa on the monitor screen, he can also take samples for examination immediately. This is necessary in the case of ulcers that can turn into neoplastic lesions, and without careful examination under a microscope, it is difficult to distinguish them from "ordinary" ulcers. Examination of the sample can also confirm the presence of Helicobacter pylori.
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Heartburn - additional tests
Because even an experienced physician may miss approx. 10% of of ulcer lesions, people suspected of having ulcers are also recommended to X-ray the digestive tract.
They are performed after taking the so-called contrast, which should be drunk a few minutes before the test. The doctor may also order a computed tomography of the gastrointestinal tract. Before the examination, the patient receives a contrast agent intravenously.
Home remedies for heartburn
If you have heartburn problems because you can't help but try the foods that cause heartburn, eat in a hurry, try to follow these tips:
- Maintain a he althy weight.
- Avoid foods and drinks that trigger heartburn - tomatoes, garlic, onions, citrus fruits, chocolate, strong tea and coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, and carbonated drinks.
- Limit your fat intake.
- Eat more often, but in small portions.
- Do not eat right before going to bed and before physical work or
- Do not smoke.
- Limit the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Do not wear tight clothes, belts that increase pressure in the abdomen.
- Raise the head of the bed by 10-15 cm, thanks to which you will prevent the food from flowing back into the esophagus.
- If you need to lie down, lie on your left side as your stomach is below your esophagus to prevent the backflow of your stomach acid.
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