Tran has many he alth properties. They were discovered only in the 1960s. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A and D, fish oil has a positive effect on the work of the brain and strengthens the body's immunity during autumn and winter illnesses. In what amounts should you take fish oil to support the functioning of the body?
Tranis an oil concentrate obtained from fresh Atlantic cod liver or other cod family fish. The fish oil contains a unique composition of essential unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) from the omega-3 group - including the most important ones, i.e. eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - and omega-6 as well as vitamins A and D, which are necessary for proper functioning organism, especially during the period of growth.
1 cod liver oil contains an average of 300-1250 IU. vitamin A, therefore already 2 capsules cover the daily requirement for this vitamin (according to the data of IŻIŻ in Warsaw, in adults it is about 800 IU). It is similar with vitamin D3 - one capsule of fish oil contains 30-125 IU. vitamin D3, the daily requirement for this vitamin is 200 IU
It is worth knowing that fish oil is often referred to as oils obtained from other species of fish, e.g. shark liver oil or halibut. However,the term "fish oil" is reserved only for oil obtained from the liver of cod fish.
Tran - who is it for?
Tran can be taken by almost everyone, especially people who have an increased need for this type of substance, i.e. children and adolescents in the period of intensive growth (puberty), weakened people, especially in the elderly, sick and in during convalescence, as well as people leading a stressful lifestyle, as well as abusing alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
Tran strengthens the immune system
Unsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 and omega-6 groups provide the body with the building blocks for the production of anti-inflammatory hormones that improve the functioning of the immune system. In turn, vitamin A seals and regenerates the mucous membranes, preventing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through it.
It is especially important in the period of fall and winter illnesses, when the mucosa of the respiratory tract is particularly exposed to contact withviruses or bacteria. Of course, supplementation is only one element of improving immunity and should be combined with a he althy diet and exercise.
It should be remembered, however, that fish oil and other vitamins cannot be used during antibiotic therapy, because they support not only the weakened body, but also bacteria and viruses that cause the disease. Therefore, fish oil and other vitamins should be administered after the end of antibiotic treatment - only then will they support the regeneration process of the body.
Tran improves brain function
Unsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 group affect the formation and functioning of the brain: they improve its blood supply and improve the flow of nerve stimuli between gray and white matter. For this reason, fish oil is recommended primarily for children to develop better and have no problems with memory and concentration, as well as for the elderly to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Interestingly, research by scientists has shown that a woman who consumes the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy gives birth to a smarter and larger child.
ImportantCan I take fish oil while pregnant?
This should be decided by the attending physician. It should be remembered that the maximum allowable daily dose of vitamin A in a pregnant woman (including diet) is 5000 IU, and its overdose may damage the fetus.
Tran supports the work of the circulatory system
Essential fatty acids included in the fish oil reduce the concentration of triglycerides and "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increase the concentration of "good" (HDL) cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing its coagulability, preventing the formation of blood clots, and thus hence - the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis is reduced. Tran also helps regulate high blood pressure. Cane also often contains vitamin E, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects red blood cells from premature breakdown.
Tran in anti-cancer prevention
According to research conducted by scientists from the University of California, fish oil, and specifically the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, lower the risk of breast, ovarian and intestinal cancer. In contrast, researchers from the Washington Center for Genetics, Nutrition and He alth believe that fish oil can reduce the size and number of tumors and their tendency to metastasize.
Tran can prevent eye diseases
Vitamin A can prevent eye diseases, including macular degeneration, which is the most common cause of blindness in adults and the elderly. Its deficiency mayalso cause amblyopia at twilight, the so-called night blindness, burning and drying out of the conjunctiva, and even corneal ulceration.
In turn, omega-3 fatty acids are a component of the eye's retina. It is suspected that children who do not eat fish may be more susceptible to visual impairments. However, their deficiency in the diet of a pregnant woman can lead to retinopathy of premature babies (which can even lead to complete blindness).
Tran for strong bones
Vitamin D contained in the process is involved in the calcium-phosphorus balance in the body. It facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and thus - the correct shaping of the bones and teeth. That is why it is recommended for children and adolescents in the period of growth. Tran is also used in the prevention of rickets because it stimulates the regeneration processes and slows down the destruction of all tissues (including cartilage and epithelial tissue) and the treatment of bone calcification disorders. In the elderly, it can prevent osteoporosis.
But beware!An excess of cod liver oil can lead to osteoporosis- this is the result of research by scientists from the Norwegian University of Trondheim. All because of vitamin A, high doses of which cause bone thinning. Vitamin A is included in the cod liver oil only during its production. It is added to keep the fish oil long-lasting thanks to its anti-rancid properties. In this way, two "hostile" ingredients are contained in one product.
ImportantTran for children. From what age can you give fish oil to children?
Traditional fish oil can be given to children over 4 years of age. However, pharmacies offer fish oils with a fruity aroma that can be given in small doses to babies from 6 weeks of age.
Tran nourishes the skin
Crude oil is also available in pharmacies without a prescription, which is used on the skin, mainly as a wound healing agent and in the initial stage of bedsores or frostbite formation. The one in capsules is especially recommended for postmenopausal women due to its nourishing effect on the skin: it prevents excessive keratosis and dry skin (thanks to vitamin A).
Tran - overdose
Fish oil should be consumed only in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer. Prolonged use of too high doses of cod liver oil may lead to an overdose of vitamin A or D. This leads to hypervitaminosis, which may manifest itself in: loss of appetite, weight gain, polyuria, enlargement of the liver and spleen, neurological disorders and headaches.
Tran - contraindications. Who shouldn't take cod liver oil?
Tranu should nottake people suffering from hypercalcemia and kidney stones, as well as people who are already taking preparations containing vitamins A and D. It should not be taken by people using strong anticoagulants (because they can prolong bleeding time). People with sarcoidosis should contact their doctor before using cod liver oil.
Tran - which one to choose?
When choosing fish oil, pay attention to the label and the concentration of EPA and DHA acids. The bigger it is, the better quality the fish oil is. The price can also be a clue, although not always. The liquid cod liver oil must be stored in the refrigerator and used within 5-6 weeks of opening.
Tran - how to use it?
Adults should take fish oil 2 times a day, 2 capsules with meals , unless your doctor tells you otherwise. For results, it is necessary to consume the fish oil regularly from fall to spring.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
Take advantage of the convenient online diets of the He alth Guide, also developed for people struggling with vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. A carefully selected diet plan will respond to your individual nutritional needs. Thanks to them you will regain he alth and improve your well-being. These diets are developed in accordance with the latest recommendations and standards of research institutes.
Find out moreTran - can fish oil be eaten in summer?
It is not recommended to take fish oil in the summer.Fish oil contains vitamin D, and the production of this vitamin in summer, under the influence of the sun, is quite increased and it can be overdosed.