Neck pain is not easy to ignore, especially when it occurs frequently and becomes more and more severe. However, there are methods that can help to alleviate it. It is best to use them in consultation with your doctor, so that they complement the therapy recommended by a specialist. Which home remedies for neck pain are the most effective?
Home remedies for neck painshould not be the only method of treating this ailment, as they can only help temporarily: sooner or later a visit to the doctor will be necessary. Especially since neck pain should not be taken lightly. Until some time ago, he was associated with the performance of specific jobs and teased mainly people who spent a long time with their heads bowed.
Today even every second Pole complains about it - not only people who work at the computer, but also users of the mobile internet on their phones.
The causes of neck pain are different - it can be both degenerative changes in the cervical spine, incorrect body posture, and excessive tension and inflammation of the muscles in the neck area. The pain itself can be located in various areas and affect various structures of the neck - not only the muscles, but also the vertebrae of the cervical spine or the discs between them. To eliminate it effectively, the first thing you need to do is find the exact cause of the pain.
Home remedies for neck pain - important quick diagnosis
When the neck starts to hurt, apart from the understandable discomfort, there are also problems with moving it sideways - it is difficult to bend or turn the head, because each such attempt causes pain, tingling or numbness. If the pain occurs frequently, it is necessary to see a GP immediately, otherwise the pain may become chronic and prevent everyday functioning.
Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may recommend a lifestyle change, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and muscle relaxants, physical therapy, and possibly also temporary immobilization with a corset. The treatment may be supported by home remedies for neck pain, which should also be used after consulting a doctor.
Home remedies for neck pain - herbal infusions and compresses
One of the methods recommended by phytotherapists for neck pain is drinking a drink made of viburnum, which has a relaxing and relaxing effect.relaxing the muscles. To prepare a viburnum drink, simply boil two tablespoons of viburnum bark in two glasses of water for five minutes, then remove from heat, set aside for fifteen minutes and drain. It should be drunk an hour after a meal in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons three or four times a day.
Herbs can also be used to prepare soothing compresses. It has an analgesic and relaxing effect: mint, rosemary, comfrey - after preparing a warm infusion according to the instructions on the package, you can soak gauze in it and put it on the sore spot for a quarter of an hour. However, it is worth checking with your doctor beforehand whether warm compresses are advisable in your case.
Home remedies for neck pain - exercise
For neck pain that is not caused by an injury, exercise to strengthen the muscles in the neck and relieve tension in the neck and shoulders can also help. The elimination of tension in this area is favored by slow head movements from one side to the other, as well as warm showers in the shower, during which we also gently move the neck. It is also worth doing exercises to strengthen the neck muscles every day. Here is one of the easiest:
- sit on a chair, put your feet on the floor, place them a little wider than your hips, and point them slightly inwards.
- lower your arms loosely so that the palm of your hand points forward
- "hide" the chin a bit
- breathe in and turn your arms counterclockwise when letting it out (thumb must point backwards). Then stretch your fingers and at the same time gently lift the sternum so that the lower back is slightly arched.
- repeat five times.
Home remedies for neck pain - relaxation
Pain in the neck is often caused by stress-induced muscle tension - so if you live a stressful lifestyle, it is worth trying to relax every now and then by doing simple relaxing exercises that will reduce muscle tension and thus reduce pain. And you can do it in several different ways.
Relieve tension.Sit comfortably, straighten your back and relax your shoulders, then take a deep breath as you slowly tilt your head back. Then tilt your head forward just as slowly as you exhale. Repeat 10 times.
Stuffing and compressions.Sit down, straighten your back, clasp your hands together at the nape of your neck, then slightly push your head forward. Take a deep breath and press the neck muscles with the base of your hand. Then tilt your head back slightly and let the air out. Repeat 5 times.
Self-massage with a towel.Grasp the rolled towel at both ends and place it on the nape of your neck, thenWith a slight resistance, tilt your head back and twist it from one side to the other so that it lightly rubs against the towel. Try to relax your muscles and breathe deeply all the time. Repeat 10 times.