Vagina is otherwise a female vagina. What does it look like and where is it located? Vagina is the final stretch of a woman's genital tract. Its appearance and size may vary from woman to woman. These slight differences are perfectly natural. Check the functions of a woman's vagina, what it looks like, how to care for it and where are the erogenous zones of the vagina.
Vagina , otherwisevagina , is the most intimate sphere of the female body. Check outvaginaand learn about 4 types of its structure.
What is a vagina? Vagina structure
Vagina is a vagina, i.e. the final segment of the reproductive system in women. The vagina is usually about 6-8 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. It is made of stretchy, elastic fibers. The vagina is lined with the mucosa, which produces a whitish discharge during the cycle, and when aroused it produces transparent mucus to facilitate intercourse.
Vagina (vagina) is an extension of the uterus and it is through it that the exfoliated epithelium of the endometrium comes out in the form of monthly blood. The entrance to the vagina from the outside is surrounded by the smaller (inner) and larger (outer) labia. Above them is the clitoris, and even higher - the pubic mound. In virgins, the lower section of the vagina is closed by the hymen, which most often has a lunar shape. The membrane breaks during the first intercourse.
What is a vagina for? Vagina functions
The vagina has several key functions, primarily related to reproduction:
- this is where a penis is introduced during intercourse and sperm ejaculates in it;
- the vagina produces mucus to facilitate fertilization;
- this is the final section of the genital tract through which the baby emerges during labor;
- is richly innervated and supplied with blood, which makes her penetrating a woman pleasurable.
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What does a vagina look like?
In professional terminology, only the vagina is used to describe a vagina, that is, the part of a woman's genitalia that cannot be seen. However, when most people say "vagina" they also mean the vulva, which is the outer part of a woman's genitalia. It consists of, among others labia minora, greater, urethral opening, clitoris,pubic mound. Their appearance is different in each of the women, hence an informal division into the types of vaginal structure.
Type 1. Small labia majora and small labia minora
Sometimes this type of vagina is called a stomata or "Barbie" - because the genitals are hardly visible, like in a doll. The labia are small, the smaller ones hide under the big ones and nothing sticks out.
Type 2. Small labia majora and labia minora large
This is otherwise the so-called butterfly. In many women, contrary to the nomenclature, the deeper folds of the skin protrude a bit, which makes them seem larger than the outer labia. Most often, this does not make any difference to a woman's he alth or comfort, but sometimes the size of the labia is so large that rubbing against underwear or during intercourse is painful. For some women it is also an aesthetic defect and causes psychological discomfort. Then you can decide to undergo surgery to reduce the protruding labia.
Type 3. Large labia majora, small labia minora
Colloquially this type of vagina is called a "bun". With this structure, the outer labia are large and fleshy, while the smaller labia are hidden inside and completely invisible.
Type 4. Asymmetric labia
Some people also distinguish the type in which the labia are smaller asymmetric - one may, for example, be completely hidden and invisible, and the other may be a bit longer and protrude. Despite the differences in lip length, this type of build is quite common among women.
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What color is the vagina?
The outer part of the vagina can be pink, purple, brown - this is perfectly normal. It can only be disturbing when the labia become red and sore - such symptoms are a frequent signal of inflammation or irritation, e.g. due to pressure. Then it is best to wear skirts or very loose pants in the crotch for a few days, until the symptoms subside and not to do sports such as cycling. However, if irritation persists, see a doctor.
See also: Anus and labia whitening - methods and prices
What does the vagina smell like?
The vagina constantly produces a secretion that consists of cervical mucus, exfoliated vaginal epithelial cells, and good bacteria such asLactobacillus . It contains lactobacilli, which determine the acidic pH of the vagina (optimally it should be 4.5) andthus protect against the penetration of microorganisms.
These features also determine the specific smell of the discharge - it is slightly acidic, but not unpleasant. However, it should be remembered that there are a lot of sweat glands on the skin of the labia, which is why wearing tight, artificial clothes promotes the formation of an unpleasant odor in these areas. The he althiest thing is to wear loose, airy pants or dresses made of natural materials.
Worth knowingVagina after childbirth - how does her appearance change?
The vagina is very stretchy, which allows the baby to come into the world. However, it does not shrink immediately after giving birth - it takes at least 6-8 weeks for her to return to the pre-pregnancy state. It is better to refrain from intercourse during this time so that the tissues heal fully. To speed up the process of vaginal contraction after childbirth, it is worth doing Kegel exercises.
How do I care for my vagina?
You don't need any special treatments to keep your intimate area he althy - you just need to wash yourself. Fragrance soaps, shower gels or highly perfumed intimate hygiene products are not suitable for this. Usually, gynecologists recommend ordinary natural soaps with the shortest possible composition, which do not cause allergies and are gentle on the skin.
You should wash more often during your period. If we do not have such a possibility, it is worth carrying with you moist wipes for intimate hygiene.
Although manufacturers of intimate cleansing liquids argue that only their products enriched with e.g. lactic acid are suitable for cleaning intimate areas, it is not worth being advertised. Lactic acid has a significant influence on the presence of beneficial bacteria in the vagina, but we do not wash the vagina inside when washing ourselves. Vagina successfully cleans itself and the introduction of any cleaning agents, even with a low pH, disrupts its natural functioning. Also, beware of vaginal irrigation - this procedure destroys the lactobacilli naturally present in the secretions of the mucous membranes, which exposes you to more frequent intimate infections.
Aesthetic treatments
Depilation of pubic hair does not matter hygienically - on the contrary, the hair stops germs and protects against chafing.
Most women wax their bikini area because their hair is unsightly. You can shorten the pubic hair, remove it with a razor or wax partially (French epilation) or completely (so-called Brazilian epilation). The choice of method depends on your preferences and your pain threshold. However, it is important to take care of hygiene - we only perform epilationon freshly washed skin and disinfected tools.
Vaginal erogenous zones
The entire length of the vagina is highly innervated, which is why intercourse gives a woman a lot of pleasure. Some people believe, however, that there is a special point on the anterior wall of the vagina - the so-called G-spot - which is extremely sensitive and can be the source of a very intense orgasm. It is best to find it with your fingers - it can be recognized by its slightly thickened structure. Positions from the rear favor the G-spot stimulation: doggy style and with a teaspoon, when the penis bumps against the front wall of the vagina.
Most women, however, achieve orgasm by stimulating not the vagina, but the external organs, especially the clitoris. This is the most erogenous zone on the map of the female body and the easiest to arouse. Many women also enjoy stimulating the so-called point U, i.e. the mouth of the urethra.