Hormonal disorders can have different symptoms, depending on which hormones are too low or too high. In women, it can be disorders of the menstrual cycle, nervousness, and in men - erectile dysfunction. Hormones are responsible for the balance of the whole organism, both physically and mentally. Find out which symptoms are causing the hormonal imbalance and what is the treatment.

Hormonal disordersgive various symptoms .In women, these are most often disorders of the menstrual cycle, problems with getting pregnant. In turn, hormonal disorders in men can manifest themselves with erectile dysfunction.

Hormonal imbalance may also suggest mood disorders, acne, discoloration, excessive weight gain or weight loss.Hormonesare responsible for the balance of the whole organism, both physically and mentally.

Hormonal disorders - disorders of the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea, problems with getting pregnant

Polycystic ovary syndrome may be the cause of menstrual disorders and problems with getting pregnant. In the course of this disease, hormonal imbalance occurs.

There is an imbalance in the proportion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovary, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which controls the release of an egg from a Graafian follicle. As a consequence, the number of tiny, immature Graaf's follicles increases in the ovaries and ovulation does not occur.

As a result, the corpus luteum cannot be formed and the amount of progesterone in the blood does not increase. The deficiency of the latter hormone is responsible for irregular periods. There is also an overproduction of androgens - male sex hormones. Treatment for this condition is complicated.

If the patient is obese or smokes, it is recommended to lose weight and quit smoking. You may also need to turn on birth control pills.

The action of hormones is interdependent. So you cannot pay attention to the estrogen concentration itself without paying attention to otherhormones , such as progesterone orhormonesof the thyroid gland.

Another cause of menstrual disorders may be diseases of the thyroid gland. If this organ is overactive, it can lead to sparse, infrequent bleeding, aeven amenorrhea). Treatment of hyperthyroidism involves the use of anti-thyroid medications, administration of radioactive iodine, or a thyroidectomy.

Similar problems are caused by diseases of the adrenal glands - Cushing's syndrome and disease. Cushing's syndrome is a condition in which the adrenal cortex secretes steroid hormones, i.e. glucocorticosteroids, in excessive amounts.

If the disease is caused by the use of corticosteroids, gradually reduce the dose of the drug under the supervision of a physician. In other cases, it may be necessary to have an adrenal gland removal procedure or the use of drugs that help block the release of cortisol.

Cushing's disease, on the other hand, is an overactive adrenal cortex caused by a disease of the pituitary gland that controls their work. Most often it is an adenoma. Then the only treatment for Cushing's disease is surgical removal of the adenoma.

An excess of prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) can also cause menstrual disorders, the treatment of which depends on the cause. Hyperprolactinemia can be caused by, inter alia, stressful lifestyle, dieting, and sometimes excessive physical activity.

Hormonal disorders - decreased libido, potency disorders

Hyperprolactinemia can also cause a decrease in libido, both in women and men. Increased blood prolactin levels in men reduce testosterone levels, which is responsible to some extent for penile erection. Therefore, hyperprolactinemia in men will manifest itself in problems with erection, as well as decreased libido and gynecomastia, i.e. breast enlargement.

In women, the cause of a decrease in libido may be an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone. Correctly, the first phase of the cycle to ovulation is dominated by estrogen, which makes you want to have sex more. After ovulation, a hormone called progesterone increases in the woman's body, which reduces the libido.

Reduced sex drive also occurs in hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis). In both cases, you need to take synthetic preparations that balance the level of thyroid hormones in the body.

Reduced libido may be due to fluctuations in hormones and related diseases, says Katarzyna Waszyńska, sexologist

Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN

Hormonal disorders - mood disorders

Excess prolactin, estrogen-progesterone imbalance and thyroid dysfunction can also manifest as irritability, nervousness, easy anger, and even depression. This happens, for example, in timemenopause, when estrogen levels drop.

In this case, over-the-counter herbal preparations can be used, and if they do not help, the doctor may decide on hormonal treatment .?

Hormonal disorders - skin changes - acne, discoloration, seborrhea

When prolactin levels are elevated, acne may develop on the face and neckline, and even on the upper back.

In turn, abnormal levels of estrogen in the body can cause spots and discoloration of the skin. Then, the melanocytes are stimulated to increase the production of the dye, which is the direct cause of spots on the skin.

In contrast, an excess of androgens - male sex hormones - increases the production of sebum that remains in the pores of the skin.

Hormonal disorders - hirsutism

Increased levels of androgens in a woman's body can also lead to hirsutism - excessive body hair, which is manifested by the appearance of dark hair in areas typical of men, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back and face.

In a milder form, there may only be a slight mustache and intense dark hair on the legs and arms.

Hormonal disorders - gaining or losing weight

The cause of excess weight may be insulin resistance. It is a state of the body's reduced sensitivity to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels. In the course of insulin resistance, the pancreas must produce more than the normal amount of insulin in order to keep the blood sugar level at an appropriate level.

Excess insulin makes it difficult to burn fat. In addition, large amounts of insulin cause fluctuations in sugar levels, which trigger hunger pangs, which is not conducive to a slim figure.

If symptoms of hormonal disorders appear, it is best to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist who will recommend appropriate tests.

Leptin resistance may also be responsible for gaining weight. It is a state of the body's reduced sensitivity to the action of leptin - a hormone responsible for the feeling of satiety. It is found in adipose tissue and acts on the hypothalamus, where the satiety center is located.

Leptin levels increase when you eat a meal. Then the appetite weakens and we feel full. Impairment of leptin secretion can lead to the development of obesity.

Weight gain that is not caused by a nutritional malfunction can also be caused by an underactive thyroid gland. This is a condition where the thyroid gland produces too littleamounts of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones greatly affect the metabolism - they are necessary for proper fat burning. Therefore, their deficiency manifests itself in gaining weight.

In turn, significant unexplained weight loss may be the result of an overactive thyroid gland. The sick person is hungry all the time, he also eats at night, but he still loses weight, a lot: from a few to even 30 kilograms in a few months.

Is obesity caused by one of the hormones? Explains Dr. Monika Szymańska, endocrinologist

Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN

About the authorMonika Majewska A journalist specializing in he alth issues, especially in the areas of medicine, he alth protection and he althy eating. Author of news, guides, interviews with experts and reports. Participant of the largest Polish National Medical Conference "Polish woman in Europe", organized by the "Journalists for He alth" Association, as well as specialist workshops and seminars for journalists organized by the Association.

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