The anovulatory cycle is a cycle during which an egg is not released ready for fertilization. Consequently, the lack of ovulation makes it impossible to become pregnant. However, an ovulatory cycle is difficult to recognize as menstruation may occur during the cycle. What are the causes and symptoms of the anovulatory cycle? What is the treatment?

The non-ovulation cycleis a cycle in which there is no ovulation (ovulation), i.e. the release of a mature egg from the Graaf's follicle, which is ready for fertilization. This is sometimes the case in the first years of adolescence, and is not a cause for concern. Then, instead of bleeding, you may have a scanty, brownish discharge.Anovulationcan also occur in women after childbirth, but ovulation should occur over time. However, in women of reproductive age, the anovulatory cycle is abnormal and requires diagnosis.

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Ovulation-free cycle - causes

  • changes in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which are responsible for the secretion of hormones that stimulate the maturation of eggs. These changes can be caused by:

- neuroses, high stress or depression - pituitary diseases, e.g. tumors, inflammation - hyperprolactinemia - increased production of prolactin

  • diseases of the ovaries - inflammation of the appendages and pelvis, polycystic ovary syndrome, cysts, fibroids or ovarian tumors, surgical intervention within the ovaries
  • thyroid disease - thyroid hormones are closely related to a woman's fertility
  • excessive production of androgens (male hormones) - then the level of female sex hormones decreases, which results in impaired growth, maturation and release of the egg, as well as short and irregular menstrual cycles
  • use of certain medications, e.g. antihistamines, antiemetics or psychotropic drugs
  • contraceptive pills used for many years
  • weight loss (anorexia) and intense exercise

Non-ovulation cycle -symptoms

Symptoms of ovulatory pain (pain in the lower abdomen - stinging or pain on one side around the ovaries) and vaginal discharge that resembles egg white may appear during ovulation.

Ovulatory cycles make it difficult to get pregnant.

Correctly, at the time of ovulation, there is also an increase in body temperature, which lasts for several days, and then drops. Therefore, the symptoms of anovulatory cycles will be:

  • no increase in body temperature during the period of expected ovulation
  • no other ailments that have accompanied ovulation so far, e.g. pain in the lower abdomen
  • irregular cycles (usually shorter around 21-24 days or longer around 35 days)

Ovulatory cycle and menstruation (period)

Menstruation may occur during an ovulatory cycle. However, the period may appear "with a shift" ( although it does not have to - it may appear on the expected date). In addition, anovulatory cycles can cause abnormal menstrual bleeding (spotting may appear instead of bleeding).

Ovulation-free cycle - diagnostics

In addition to gynecological examinations, you need to consult an endocrinologist who will order hormonal tests.

Non-ovulation cycle - treatment

Treatment of anovulatory cycles depends on their cause. For example, if the cause of anovulatory cycles is polycystic ovary syndrome, your doctor will first perform blood hormone tests and a transvaginal ultrasound, followed by hormone therapy to restore your cycle regularity. In turn, in the case of ovarian cysts, it may be necessary to remove them surgically. However, cysts tend to recur, so follow-up examinations should be performed after surgery.
