How to shift your period? How to delay or speed up the period? This question may be asked by women who are planning a vacation or getting married, and the "difficult days" fall on that special day. Find out what is a delay shift, how to reschedule a bleed, and if there are natural methods to achieve this.
How to postpone your period? How to delayoraccelerate period ? The date of menstrual bleeding can be delayed with hormonal contraceptive pills. They inhibit the production of hormones that are naturally responsible for periodic changes in the ovaries and uterus. They contribute to anovulation (ovulation) and inhibit the growth and peeling of the uterine mucosa, thanks to which monthly bleeding is very limited or even completely absent.
Consequently, it is much easier to postpone the period in women who are already using hormonal contraception. On the other hand, women who do not take pills should go to a gynecologist who will individually select the appropriatetablets for delayoraccelerating the period . You can also use other hormonal drugs, but only after consulting your doctor.
By using only progestogens, you can also delay the onset of bleeding.
How to shift menstruation with pills?
Women who use monophasic contraceptive pills should not take a break between successive cycles, i.e. do not stop taking the tablets at the time when the bleeding occurs, but start the next pack - after taking the last tablet from the previous strip, the next day start a new strip at the same time. After a one-week break, you can start using the old tablets again.
Moving your period with two- and three-phase tablets is more complicated and you should ask your doctor for specific instructions.
AHow to move the period with patches?In this case, you can also use the "pack to pack" method, i.e. packaging by packaging.
Progestagens are used continuously from the day indicated by the doctor and the bleeding should appear a few days after discontinuing the tablets.
How to shift menstruation (period) withouttablets, of course?
The period cannot be moved without pills, of course, with home methods. You can delay or hasten the onset of menstruation only hormonally.
According to an expertBarbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, obstetrician gynecologist, assistant professor at the 1st Department and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical University of WarsawIs postponing your period safe for your he alth?
All women who want to postpone their menstruation should report to the gynecologist, preferably 2-3 months in advance. Based on the examination, the doctor decides whether there are any contraindications to hormone treatment, and if necessary, he or she will refer you for additional tests, on this basis, he selects the appropriate type of tablets and tells you how to use them. However, it is impossible to predict what their tolerance will be. Sometimes she is very good. However, there may be unfavorable symptoms, harmless to he alth, but troublesome and disturbing, such as acyclic bleeding, nausea, headaches or breast pain. You should take into account that, despite the continuous taking of tablets, bleeding will occur at the least expected moment. It is believed that with good tolerance, the tablets can be taken continuously for 3 cycles. There is even a ready-made preparation available on the market for such an application pattern.
You have an irregular cycle and you want to move the period?
With those patients who
- have or have had problems with an irregular cycle
- suffer from hormonal disorders
- have a fertility problem
you can also program the onset of menstruation, you only need to know how to do it and the doctor must do it.
Important- Before starting to take any hormones, you should PERSONALLY, for your own good, see a doctor. Do not take hormonal preparations from a friend or those that have been taken because they were once taken
- It is best to start taking tablets at least 2-3 months in advance. It may turn out that the body will react badly to the pills and it will be necessary to change them
- Women who use hormonal contraception should take into account the possibility that, despite the continuous taking of tablets, bleeding or acyclic bleeding will occur.