There are many opinions that are far from the truth about menstruation. Are you sure you won't get pregnant if you have your period? Or maybe you shouldn't bathe and color your hair during your menstruation? Find out what's true and what's a myth.
Irregular periods are a symptom of your illness
Yes. In mature women, the causes of irregularperiodare usually hormonal disorders: excess prolactin produced by the pituitary gland or deficiency of the corpus luteum associated with lower levels of progesterone in the second half of the cycle. The cause of the disorder may be polycystic ovaries (many bubbles are formed in them filled with fluid). Warning! Irregularmensesis considered normal during the first two years of puberty and when menopause begins.
You must not sunbathe or drink alcohol during your period
Yes. Too much sun and alcohol abuse are not good for your he alth. Duringmenstruationthey can additionally cause heavy bleeding, and sometimes even a haemorrhage. Doctors recommend walking or resting in partial shade during this time. It certainly won't hurt a glass of wine with dinner. It is absolutely unacceptable to drink alcohol in direct sunlight!
Menstrual calculator
Do you want to know which phase of your menstrual cycle you are in? Calculate your fertile, infertile and period.
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Painful periods are a consequence of uterine defects
No. Most of the trouble is caused by the appearance of prostaglandins in the uterus. These are chemical compounds that act on the smooth muscles of the fallopian tubes and uterus. They are responsible for the spasmodic contractions in the lower abdomen. The cause of the pain may also be the narrow canal of the cervix (during menstruation, it is pressed by the discharge in the form of clots). Sharp menstrual pains can also signal, for example, hormonal disorders, inflammation of the ovaries or uterine fibroids.
Relaxing medications are the best at relieving menstrual pains
Yes. However, remember not to exceed the daily dose indicated on the package. The same principle applies to pain medications. Those containing acetylsalicylic acid (even in low doses) can make bleeding worse.Some ladies are helped by rest, a warm compress on the lower abdomen or … not too strong coffee with a glass of cognac.

Menstruation protects against pregnancy
No. The period does not protect against pregnancy. It is admittedly unlikely, because the release of the egg takes place in the middle of the cycle. However, such a possibility cannot be completely ruled out.
Heavy bleeding may be a sign of fibroids
Yes. We talk about heavy bleeding when a woman uses more than 10 sanitary napkins during the day. These can be caused by uterine fibroids, but also from ovarian cysts or inflammation of the reproductive organs. A large loss of blood may, among others, anemia, so in consultation with your doctor it is good to take hematopoietic preparations - iron, vitamin B12. You should also limit the intake of painkillers containing acetylsalicylic acid. You should avoid hard work and scrupulously observe the prohibition of intensive sunbathing (also in the solarium), drinking strong alcohol, coffee and cola.
You cannot have sex during your period
No. There are no medical contraindications, so it all depends on your preferences and aesthetic feelings. When undertaking intercourse, special attention should be paid to hygiene. It is worth using a condom as the cervix is open and contamination is easy.
During menstruation you must not dye your hair or make permanent hair
Yes. This is the opinion of hairdressers. They explain it by the fact that, during the period, the glands in the scalp secrete more sebum, so the hair takes up paint less well. They also undergo biochemical changes (which is caused by the increased level of progesterone), which make it difficult to twist them.
If you are having your period, postpone your visit to the dentist
No. However, it must be remembered that at this time the woman is less resistant to pain. Therefore, you can ask for anesthesia when sealing. On the other hand, it is better to postpone tooth extraction for a few days to avoid profuse bleeding and delayed wound healing.
During menstruation it is better to limit work in the kitchen
No. The superstition that during the period one should not pickle cucumbers or bake cakes, it probably results from the fact that a woman's body undergoes large hormonal changes at that time. They are the cause of irritability, apathy and lack of concentration. Perhaps these are the reasons for culinary failures.
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