Sore mouth is a common condition. The causes of painful erosions or ulcers vary from inadequate oral hygiene, through erupting eights, to diseases of the tonsils or the gastrointestinal tract. The mouth ulcers usually go away on their own. What are the causes and symptoms of aphthous stomatitis?
Aftsare small and very painful erosions or ulcers, i.e. defects in the mucosain the mouth , covered with a white coating and surrounded by an erythematous, flammable rim.
Aphthous stomatitis can manifest as single or grouped canker sores on the soft palate, cheeks, lips or tongue.
Afts vary from 0.5 mm to 3 cm in diameter, but usually not larger than 5 mm. The sores are often mistakenly referred to as thrush.
Thrushare creamy white raids caused by fungi called yeasts. They are usually less painful than erosions and affect children.
Aphthas in the mouth: types and causes of mouth ulcers
- Small aphthae
Small mouth ulcers arechronic, recurrent mouth ulcerswhich adults struggle with more often than children. The most common causes of this type of aphthae are:
- inadequate oral hygiene(including eating with dirty cutlery, eating unwashed fruit and vegetables, as well as bad habits, e.g. biting pens or biting nails)
- dental diseases(inflammation of the pulp, caries, tartar, rising eights, etc.)
- mechanical damage to the oral cavity(e.g. stings with a toothbrush, irritation during dental procedures)
- improperly fitted prosthesis
- autoimmune disorders , caused e.g. by stress
- food allergies and hypersensitivity
- taking various medications
Genetic factors, i.e. family predisposition, play a significant role in aphthous stomatitis. If there have been cases of recurrent aphthosis in the family, the risk of aphthosis in children is 90%.
If aphthas occur more than once a year, recurrent aphthae may be suspected.
- Aftybig
The appearance of large aphthae is caused by:
- non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene
- using toothpastes containing sodium dodecyl sulfate
- eating certain foods (hard cheese, nuts, foods containing preservatives)
- deficiency of vitamins and minerals (especially iron, folic acid, vitamin B12)
- hormonal disorders
- autoimmune disorders (e.g. HIV)
There may also be herpes-like aphthas, the symptoms of which are similar to herpetic stomatitis, i.e. it occurs periodically up to several hundred small erosions at the same time at intervals of several weeks.
Recurrent erosions or ulcers of the oral mucosa may be one of the symptoms:
- acid reflux disease
- tonsil diseases
- sinusitis
- Behcet's syndrome
- latent fungal infection (e.g. intestines)
- Crohn's disease
- celiakii
- papillomavirus infection
- herpes infection
Aphthas in the mouth - symptoms
In the initial stage of inflammation, small circular erosions or ulcers appear on the oral mucosa, which become covered with a white coating after 1-2 days.
In the case of small aphthae, the accompanying symptom may be enlargement of the surrounding lymph nodes. Painful ulcers take 4-8 days to clear.
In the case of small aphthae, the accompanying symptom may be enlargement of the surrounding lymph nodes. Painful erosions disappear after 10-14 days.
In the case of large mouth ulcers, single or multiple ulcers may develop on the oral mucosa, which after healing, i.e. after 3-4 weeks, leave scars.
Expert opinion: How to cure canker sores in children and adults?Maciej Nowak, MD, PhD, periodontist, dentist, lecturer at the Medical University of Warsaw"Usually, aphthas heal spontaneously within 1-4 weeks. Sometimes tests are needed to help distinguish them from changes that occur in the course of systemic diseases, such as gastrointestinal parasites, iron deficiency, vitamin B12 , diabetes, celiac disease or Crohn's disease.
If, despite strict compliance with the rules of oral hygiene and avoiding local trauma, resulting from the impact of hard food, cavities, biting pencils or nails, the mouth ulcer does not disappear, contact your dentist.
Your doctor may recommend the use of healing agents to reduce pain symptoms, such asalso order general blood tests to rule out systemic abnormalities.
In order to exclude the coexistence of systemic diseases favoring the formation of aphthas, you should visit your primary care physician who will conduct further diagnostics. "
You should also go to a medical consultation when painful erosions (minor and large canker sores) appear more than once a year.
Regardless of the diagnosis and possible systemic treatment, local treatment should also be started with an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic preparation that isolates the lesion from irritants, which will protect the aphthous tissue and thus protect against pain.
When choosing the right preparation, especially for children, it is worth considering that it is easy to apply, also on hard-to-reach places in the mouth, has a pleasant taste and does not irritate the delicate mucosa.
Its consistency and resistance to abrasion caused by the movements of the tongue and saliva are also important - it is the stable film layer that constitutes a mechanical protective barrier and enables the action of ingredients supporting the ulcer healing process.
Match the formulation to the type and location of the lesion.A gel will be ideal for the treatment of single, limited lesions in easily accessible areas of the oral cavity.
However, when the changes are numerous and difficult to access (e.g. on the back wall of the throat), it is worth reaching for the spray preparation, then we will reduce the risk of gag reflex during application.
The numerous and diffuse ulcers in the mouth (e.g. in orthodontic patients) will be treated with preparations in the form of a mouthwash that accurately reaches each affected area.
Look for preparations containing polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and / or hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy.
ImportantDuring the treatment period, you should avoid hot drinks, too warm food and alcohol. You should also avoid chocolate, citrus fruits, acidic foods, s alty or spicy foods, and other foods that can irritate the mouth.
You should enrich your diet with products rich in B vitamins, especially B12, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, echinacea (you will find it in echinacea). The menu of a person struggling with canker sores should not be complete without:
- yoghurt
- yeast (contain flu B vitamins)
- immunity-boosting fruits and vegetables: onions, garlic, beans (contains amino acids, iron and flu B vitamins)
- ginseng, ginkgo biloba, borage seed extract and oil will also helpfrom shark liver.
Home remedies for mouth ulcers
1. Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day with a decoction of rose water, which reduces inflammation. Other herbs that can be used to treat aphthae and rinse are chamomile, raspberry leaf, sage, burdock and red clover decoction.
2. Put a freshly brewed and cooled tea bag over the aphtha. The tannin contained in it reduces pain and has a drying effect.
3. Disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide (never alcohol).
4. Rinse your mouth with a mild s alt solution (dissolve half a teaspoon of s alt in a glass of warm water).
5. Use over-the-counter preparations from the pharmacy.
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