Cocaine is a stimulant drug that induces euphoria and gives a sense of inner "power". Back in the days when cocaine was legal, it was advertised with the slogan: "he makes a hero out of a coward, and a talker out of a silence." Shortly thereafter, cocaine was discovered to be highly addictive and detrimental to the psyche and he alth - including cocaine-induced severe nosebleeds. Today, this drug is considered exclusive and difficult to obtain, and its prices can reach up to PLN 500 per serving.
Cocaineis an organic chemical compound from the group of alkaloids that is obtained from the leaves of the common dwarf tree (coca). Originally, this species was found only in South America and was a popular drug among Peruvian Indians.
Local peoples chewed coca leaves for ritual purposes, to increase physical efficiency and reduce hunger. The drug found its way to Europe during the colonization of South America, but it was isolated from coca leaves only a few hundred years later, in 1855.
The substance was named cocaine ( cocaine ) from the word "coca" (derived from the word "cuca" in Quechua), adding the ending "-ine" to the name. for anesthetic drugs.
Cocaine - history
In the 19th century, before cocaine was banned, it was used extensively in the medical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Initially, it played the role of an anesthetic, i.e. an anesthetic substance in surgical procedures. Soon it also appeared in the composition of painkillers, cough and cold medications.
Doctors prescribed cocaine for people suffering from depression and melancholy. Women's magazines recommended cocaine-based hair care products and praised it as a reliable remedy for cold sores. Vin Mariani, a tonic made from coca leaves, was very popular - it was advertised as a wonderful elixir that stimulates the body and mind, restoring he alth and vitality. Cocaine was also found in the original Coca-Cola recipe - its use in the production of the drink was banned in 1906.
Due to the rapidly growing number of addicts (in the United States only in 1912, 5thousand people), cocaine was banned in the 1920s. Currently, its sale is illegal in most countries of the world, with the exception of a few countries (including Mexico, Peru, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Czech Republic), where it is allowed to have 1-2 grams of it.
Cocaine - types and routes of administration
Cocaine most often appears as a white or yellowish crystalline powder. In drug slang, it is referred to as snow, white lady, charlie, vitamin C. It can be administered in several ways: sniffing, orally, rubbing into the gums, injected after dissolving.
Another type of cocaine is crack (also called jelly, jelly) - these are white-gray or beige pebbles packed in vials or small foil bags. They are insoluble in water, and the only way to serve them is by smoking with a special pipe called "krakówka" or in the form of a cigarette.
Crystals "shoot" when smoked, hence the English name "crack". It is the fastest and most powerful of all cocaine varieties, as it causes a euphoric effect after 7-10 seconds after administration (it is 20-30 times stronger than in the case of powdered cocaine).
The least common form of cocaine is cocaine paste, an intermediate in the process of making the drug from coca leaves. It is brown or beige in color and is intended for smoking. This type of drug is most prevalent in Central America.
Cocaine - action
Cocaine belongs to stimulants, i.e. psychotropic substances that stimulate the nervous system. The drug increases the secretion of dopamine and serotonin - neurotransmitters responsible for feeling pleasure. The subjective feelings associated with cocaine use include:
- feeling of euphoria, joy, contentment,
- increased self-confidence, go-ahead, sociability,
- sense of "inner strength" and increased intellectual and physical abilities,
- getting rid of inhibitions, unpleasant thoughts, complexes,
- increased sex drive.
The euphoric effect of the substance lasts for about 20-30 minutes, followed by the so-called exit, also known as a cocaine pit. It is caused by a sudden drop in dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain and can last up to several days. During this time, the mood rapidly lowers, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, palpitations may appear.
Cocaine - symptoms of taking
External signs of cocaine use are:
- strong psychomotor agitation,
- verbosity - dilated pupils poorly reacting to light,
- increased pressureblood,
- runny nose, sniffling,
- swelling and irritation of the skin around the nose (redness, flaky skin),
- decreased appetite.
How to recognize a cocaine addiction?
If you suspect someone is addicted to cocaine, check their personal belongings for drug use items: empty foil bags of white powder, vials, needles, pipes, syringes, mirrors.
The presence of cocaine in the body can be detected using urine tests available at pharmacies. However, it should be remembered that the substance remains in the body for up to 48 hours after taking it.
Cocaine - side effects. Nose bleeding after cocaine
Cocaine is a highly addictive drug and even a single dose can lead to addiction. Although the substance is not physically addictive, the presence of psychological withdrawal symptoms causes a great desire to reach for the next dose of the drug.
Long-term cocaine use leads to insomnia, anxiety, depression, impotence, and even the appearance of mental illnesses such as persecution, hallucinations, and psychosis. External signs of addiction include weight loss, pale skin, impaired liver and heart function, and general exhaustion due to lack of sleep and decreased appetite.
One of the side effects of cocaine use can also be severe nosebleeds.