Embolism is the sudden closure of the arterial lumen by an embolic plug (material). As a consequence, there is hypoxia in the part of the body to which blood was to be supplied, which is a life-threatening condition. Blood clots are the most common cause of embolism, but droplets of fat, atherosclerotic plaques and amniotic fluid can also contribute to it. Find out what types of blockages are there and what else may be contributing to the blockage of blood flow in the vessel.

Embolism(Latinembolia ) is a sudden blockage of blood flow in a blood vessel through an embolic plug (material), and what follows goes - hypoxia of the area to which blood should be supplied. It may happen that the embolic material detaches from the vessel wall and enters the bloodstream into various organs, such as the brain or pulmonary artery. If the embolic material is small, it partially obstructs the vessel. Large embolic material will cause an embolism of the brain or pulmonary artery, with the risk of acute heart failure and death.

Types of embolism - thrombotic embolism

Thromboembolism, i.e. caused by clots of blood, most often occurs as a result of deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs (most often the calves). Thromboembolism can also be a consequence of:

  • atrial fibrillation
  • myocardial invasion
  • bacterial endocarditis
  • heart aneurysm

It is worth knowing that the risk of thromboembolism increases in people taking estrogen preparations, obese people and those over 40 years of age.

Types of blockages - fatty embolism

In this case, the embolic material are fat droplets that can enter the bloodstream after bone fracture with vascular damage and after a strong trauma to the adipose tissue. Fat embolism can also be a consequence of a fatty liver injury, burns or acute pancreatitis. Blockage of the bloodstream by fat may also occur as a result of mistaken intravenous intravenous intramuscular oily preparations, as well as after lymphangiography - radiographic examination with an oily contrast agent.

Types of embolism - embolism with a detached atherosclerotic plaque

This type of embolism most often occurs in the course of atherosclerosis. Research shows that it is the most common direct cause of heart attacks. Maybecan also result in an ischemic stroke.

Types of blockages - amniotic fluid embolism

Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare but serious complication of the 2nd and 3rd stage of labor. It occurs when a strong pressure coexists with uterine ruptures. Then the amniotic fluid is transfused into the mother's bloodstream.

Types of blockages - bone marrow embolism

This type of embolism most often occurs after bone injuries, but it can also occur in the course of rheumatoid arthritis.

Types of congestion - cell embolism

Cells - hepatic (in the case of rapid liver necrosis) or placenta can also be embolic material. Cancer cells, i.e. tumor fragments, which can not only clog the vessel, but also lead to metastasis, are especially dangerous.

Types of blockages - infectious embolism

In the infectious (bacterial) embolus, the embolic material is the dead tissue fragments, bacteria and clotted blood.

Types of congestion - air embolism

Air can get into the bloodstream as a result of, inter alia, pneumothorax with trauma to a large vessel, intravenous air injection, decompression, as well as in the course of childbirth or blowing the fallopian tubes.

Types of blockages - nitrogen embolism

Nitrogen embolism most often occurs in the course of decompression sickness. It affects the person exposed to the external pressure that is decreasing too quickly.

Pulmonary embolism

An embolism can form in any vessel, e.g. in a pulmonary artery. A pulmonary embolism (also known as a pulmonary embolism or pulmonary embolism) is a condition in which the pulmonary artery or any of its branches becomes partially or completely obstructed by embolic material. Even minor surgery can lead to a pulmonary embolism. A clot forms in a vein and then travels to the heart and on to the lungs. Symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack.
