Celandine celandine (Chelidonium majus L.) has numerous healing properties, but it is best known as a proven method for warts. Few people know that celandine celandine soothes stomach aches, including those that occur during menstruation. However, despite its versatile properties, it can also have a toxic effect, which is why not everyone can reach for this herb.
Celandine celandine( Chelidonium majusL . ) is a common growing throughout Poland weed. Other names for this herb are: celandine, wart herb, goldsmith, celidonia, cyndalia, greater celandine, eggplant, cencylia, wart, wart, swallow's nest, sandalin, santaline, and victorious.
Few people know that this plant has numeroushealing propertiesthat have been used in natural medicine for centuries. Celandine celandine foundusealready in ancient Greece.
Dioscorides - Greek physician and botanist - used celandine as aantipyretic drug . In turn, the Roman writer Pliny attributed to celandine the power to restore the sight of swallows whose eyes had previously been torn out. This is probably where the Polish name of this herb came from.
In folk medicine in many countries, it is believed thatmilk juiceleaking out after breaking the plant is a proven way to remove warts. Celandine has also been shown to relieve pain, lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate.
In turn,infusion of young leaveshas a choleretic effect and regulates the activities of the digestive tract. Preliminary studies also show thatalcoholic extractsof this herb have anti-cancer activity.
This herb is antiallergic and, as experiments on animals have shown, it reduces or reduces anaphylactic shock.
Celandine for warts
Celandine juice has viral and bactericidal properties and is used to treatwartsand otherwarts , caused by, among others, by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Contemporaryphytotherapyrecommends that the juice should be lubricated for a few dayson the wart . Sometimes it takes more time, but apparently - soonerlater - the wart will disappear.
Celandine should be used very carefully . Rubbing the eyes with the juice from the stem may cause serious ailments.
The fungicidal properties of celandineare used externally in the treatment of skin infectionsCandida albicansand other fungi.
Celandine for stomach and menstrual pains
Celandine celandine has arelaxant effecton the smooth muscles of the digestive and bile ducts, as well as the urinary, reproductive organs and even the bronchi. Preparations of celandine are also used in bronchial asthma (asthma) and migraine.
Therefore, preparations of the celandine herb, mainlycelandine tincture , are used orally in natural medicine for abdominal pain caused by intestinal colic, hepatic colic or in the area of the bile ducts .
Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of celandine preserves also to relieve menstrual pains.
In addition to its diastolic effect, and thus - analgesic, celandine also has a diuretic, choleretic and defecation-facilitating effect.
Celandine on the liver - does it harm or help?
In herbal medicine, celandine has been used for centuriesin the treatment of liver diseases . However, the results of studies on the effects of celandine herb extracts on liver function are very inconsistent.
On the one hand, there isprotective effect , on the other hand, there arereports of a number of toxic effects.¹ Protective effect of alcoholic extracts from the herb celandine is associated with the improvement of bile flow.
However, cases of toxic effects running from:
- liver enlargement
- hepatitis
- increased activity of liver enzymes
- high plasma bilirubin
Celandine - anti-cancer properties
Initial laboratory tests show thatalkaloids contained in celandine- such as:
- chelidonina
- sanguinarine
- chelerythrine
- coptyin
have potential anti-cancer effects, which has been proven, among others, by in studies on sarcoma cells and mice with lymphoma.
Other researchers found thatchelidonine derivative , containing phosphoric acid residues -Ukrain- used together with gemcitabine, is effective in cancer therapy pancreas.
In vivo studiesdemonstrated the effectiveness of the chelidonine derivative in the prevention of recurrences and aftersurgical removal of the tumor. At the same time, a positive effect was observed on the indicators of the immune system, including the level of interferon .¹
The scope of its application includes the treatment of cancer, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and hepatitis C. Ukrain is registered with the National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, Meryland, USA) under the symbol NSC61570.
Celandine - calming effect
The herb also has slight sedative properties, which are the result of its antispasmodic and analgesic effects. In herbal medicinecelandine decoctionis used to soothe the nerves and get a good night's sleep.
To prepare it, add 1 cup of lukewarm water to 1/2 tablespoon of herb and steam it, covered, for 30 minutes.
Set aside for 10 minutes and strain. The decoction prepared in this way can be drunk 3 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons not only for calming down, but also for menstrual and intestinal pains.
Celandine for the heart
Both animal studies and clinical trials have shown that the celandinealkaloidcalledberberinein celandine prevents ischemic episodes.
In addition, berberine has a hypotensive effect, i.e. it lowers blood pressure.
Celandine celandine - side effects
Even when using the recommended doses , there may be mild gastrointestinal discomfort, i.e .:
- indigestion
- nausea
- diarrhea
intensified with long-term use.
In turnusing large dosesmay result in:
- stomach pains
- gastrointestinal cramps
- urinary incontinence
- drowsiness
- pain and burning sensation in the mouth
- hypersalivation
- nausea
- diarrhea
Severe poisoningis characterized by:
- dizziness and headaches
- disturbed consciousness
- sleepy
- coma
- drop in blood pressure
- tachycardia¹
The side effects listed above usually appear after prolonged use, i.e. over two months, and are often the result of "self-healing".
Celandine - indications and contraindications
According to The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP), the indication for the use of this herb may besymptomatic treatmentmild and moderate spasms of the upper gastrointestinal tract, bladder and biliary diseases and dyspeptic disorders ( indigestion ).
Contraindicationsto its use are:
- bile duct obstruction
- coexisting or previous liver diseases
- simultaneous use of other drugs that temporarily disrupt liver functions
In the case of treatment lasting more than four weeks, it is advisable to test the level of liver enzymes .¹
Celandine extracts should not be used with:
- glaucoma
- peptic ulcer disease
- during pregnancy
Remember to use celandine and preparations based on itonly under the doctor's prescription and under his supervision ! All because of the high toxicity of this herb.
ImportantDespite the versatile healing properties of celandine, there are activities aimed at eliminating the raw material and its preparations from healing.
The President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, in the announcement of August 4, 2010, writes that " it is not recommended to use medicinal products containing this plant material".
The announcement of the President of URPL, WMiPB shows that "the risk of using the raw material for medicinal purposes outweighs the negligible therapeutic benefit".
At the same time, it is indicated that the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has also taken steps to includeChelidonium maiuson the European list of herbs whose risk of use exceeds the accepted therapeutic benefits¹