EKG, or resting electrocardiography, is a popular test of the heart. The indications for the examination are symptoms indicating heart disorders. What is an EKG test and how to prepare for it?
EKG: what is it?
EKG so-called electrocardiographytoa method of examining the heart's workusing an electrocardiograph, i.e. a special device that records the functional currents of the heart muscle. Each time the heart contracts, it produces an electric current. They arise spontaneously, with a certain frequency, which determines the work of the heart.
An EKG test candetect many heart diseases,including:
- heart rhythm disturbance,
- myocardial ischemia,
- heart attack.
EKG is a safe test for pregnant women.
EKG: what are the indications for an EKG test?
The ECG test is performed in the event ofsymptoms , such as:
- chest pain
- palpitations
- fainting,
- unconscious,
- fainting,
- dizziness,
- hypertension
EKG test is also recommended for people:
- with a pacemaker, as it allows you to monitor its functioning,
- taking antiarrhythmic medications to assess the effects of their use,
- with recognized arrhythmia
After the age of 40, ECG testing must be performed regularly every 1-3 years.
EKG: how to prepare for an EKG test?
On the day of the ECG examination, you should give up coffee and smoking at least one hour before, because they accelerate the heart rate and raise blood pressure. It is best toeat a small, light mealso that an overfilled stomach does not increase abdominal pressure.
In addition, the day before the ECG test, and on the day of its performance, avoid alcohol and physical exertion.
Read also: When is a Holter examination recommended and how is such an ECG performed?
EKG: How is the EKG done?
EKG test is anon-invasive and completely safe test . It takes 5 to 10 minutes.
During the ECG examination, the patient is placed on the couch on his back. His skin staysdegreased with alcohol or gasoline at the electrode site (ECG gel can also be used) to reduce the electrical resistance between the skin and electrodes. Then the doctor fixes6 metal-tipped electrodeson the skin of the chest using rubber straps or special "suction cups".
In turn, electrodes resembling large paper clips are attached to each limb. Thanks to the ECG electrodes, it receives signals from the skin, which are then amplified and recorded by the camera on paper in the form of the so-called ECG curve. It isa reflection of the places and times of electrical phenomenataking place in the heart at the time of the test.
Check which diseases weaken the heart!

EKG: performing an EKG at the patient's home
The EKG test can also be performed at home.The patient receives an EKG machineand if he wants to check the heart's work, he calls the number where specialists are on duty around the clock.
The doctor asks the patient to bring the ECG accessory that emits a sound signal closer to the phone. It is read by the doctor on the monitor screen as an EKG trace.
Read also:
- EKG - pros and cons of this heart test
- Exercise ECG (stress test) - heart rate test