Vitamin D is commonly associated with the prevention of rickets and osteoporosis. Few people know that vitamin D can also prevent the development of depression and diabetes. Vitamin D should also be present in the diet of people who are slimming, as it helps to get rid of unnecessary fat. Check the properties of vitamin D.
Vitamin D - types
Vitamin Dis a group of chemical compounds, including:
- vitamin D1(calciferol)
- vitamin D2(ergocalciferol)
- vitamin D3(cholecalciferol)
They belong to the fat-soluble vitamins. This means that they are not excreted from the body with urine or sweat, but stored in adipose tissue and the liver. In addition, they are better absorbed when combined with fat.
For humans, vitamin D2 (present in yeast, fungi and some plants) and vitamin D3, present in animal products are important.
The most important functions of vitamin D
Vitamin D is classified as a vitamin, but many scientists believe that it works more like a hormone. The active form of vitamin D controls at least 200 genes, and there are vitamin D receptors in every tissue in the body.
It is now known that vitamin D is so important for the body that without its proper level, there is practically no question of full he alth and physical fitness.
Vitamin D:
- participates in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, being responsible for he althy, strong bones and teeth
- is involved in metabolism
- regenerates neurons
- has a beneficial effect on the muscles and the muscular system
- has a positive effect on sleep and regulates its length
- has a beneficial effect on immunity
- supports the bone marrow
- reduces the risk of civilization diseases, including type 2 diabetes
- increases sperm count
- lowers the risk of certain cancers, including colorectal cancer
- helps regenerate the liver.
Vitamin D for strong bones and teeth
Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphate metabolism and bone tissue mineralization. In other words - it supportsabsorption and use of calcium and phosphorus - two elements that are necessary for the proper functioning of the skeleton and teeth.
Its deficiency leads to disorders of calcium and phosphorus absorption. Then, the parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone - a hormone that increases the release of calcium from the bones. The consequence is impaired bone mineralization, and thus - diseases of the skeletal system, incl. rickets, osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Due to the fact that vitamin D is responsible for maintaining the proper concentration of calcium in the blood, which is necessary in the process of passing the nerve impulse and muscle contraction, it also enables the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.
The constant intake of vitamin D3 strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporotic fractures by up to 40%.
Foods rich in vitamin D:

Vitamin D and cancer
Numerous studies show a relationship between low serum levels of the active metabolite of vitamin D - 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol, abbreviated as 25 (OH) D3, and an increased risk of cancer, immune-related diseases, immune disorders and recurrent infections , civilization diseases as well as psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. However, it cannot be clearly stated whether the vitamin D deficiency is the direct cause of it, or whether it is diseases that reduce the concentration of this vitamin in the body.
Some studies show that vitamin D supplementation in doses above 10 μg / day in non-deficient people with 25 (OH) D levels above 20 bg / ml (50 nmol / l) may generally increase mortality, including cancer2 . Controversial, therefore, is the claim that supplementation can lower the risk of premature death and prevent cancer.
Although a 2014 meta-analysis (study results from University of Edinburgh researchers published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology) suggests that taking vitamin D supplements may slightly reduce mortality from cancer and other causes, but recent studies do not support preventive role in cancer. In the latest VITAL (Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial) study from 2022 lasting more than 5 years, no effect of vitamin D at a dose of 2000 IU / day on cancer reduction was found among 25,817 participants5 .
Vitamin D, hypertension and heart disease
Can vitamin D in combination with calcium help in the prevention of hypertension and related diseases? Previously conducted researchshowed that supplementation of these two compounds (in doses of 8,000 IU of vitamin D and 1,200 mg of calcium / day) resulted in a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure by about 9%. and a small decrease in diastolic pressure. However, the matter is not so clear-cut, as the latest research has not confirmed it.
In the already mentioned VITAL study from 2022 (vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial), no effect of vitamin D in the dose of 2000 IU / day on the reduction of cardiovascular diseases was found (trial on 25,817 people). 5
Vitamin D is responsible for maintaining the proper level of protein, which is part of the "good" HDL cholesterol. People with higher blood levels of vitamin D have higher HDL levels (compared to those with low serum levels of this vitamin). Hence, vitamin D can prevent the drop in "good" cholesterol.
Vitamin D can prevent diabetes
As early as in the 1980s and 1990s it was proved that vitamin D is necessary for the proper functioning of pancreatic b-cells. Vitamin D stimulates the secretion of insulin, and thus - maintains the correct concentration of glucose in the blood, which can prevent type 2 diabetes. Importantly, the effect of vitamin D on the action of insulin in the cells of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue is also dependent on calcium .
Vitamin D can prevent colds
Vitamin D3 has a positive effect on the efficiency of the human immune system, which is responsible for fighting viral and bacterial infections. Research shows that taking therapeutic doses of vitamin D3 by patients reduces the risk of influenza-like infections by 36%. up to 50%, their course is usually much milder and the duration of the disease is shorter.6
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Author: Time S.A
Take advantage of the convenient online diets of the He alth Guide, also developed for people struggling with vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. A carefully selected diet plan will respond to your individual nutritional needs. Thanks to them you will regain he alth and improve your well-being. These diets are developed in accordance with the latest recommendations and standards of research institutes.
Find out moreWorth knowingVitamin D is important for pregnant women
Vitamin D is essential during pregnancy because it is co-responsible for giving birth to a strong baby, argue scientists from Southampton University in Great Britain. Their research showed that the higher the mother's vitamin D levels during pregnancy, the stronger the grip developed in the baby. As Dr. Nicholas Harvey argues, this relationship may haveinfluence on the he alth of children later in life.
Vitamin D in allergies and asthma
Vitamin D suppresses inflammatory processes and strengthens the body's immune system. In allergic diseases, vitamin D increases the production of antiallergic and anti-inflammatory cytokines produced by immune cells, which have a strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. People with allergic diseases, e.g. hay fever, bronchial asthma or people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) should pay attention to a good supply of vitamin D, because they have vitamin D deficiency, which increases the risk of respiratory infections, is particularly common.
Vitamin D can prevent depression and dementia
Vitamin D3 is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and well-being. Adequate level of vitamin D3 can protect us against depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In multiple sclerosis, the correct level of vitamin D3 significantly lowers the risk of developing the disease.6
Low level of vitamin D3 may cause discomfort, fatigue, depression characteristic of the autumn and winter period.
Vitamin D can prevent sunburn?
A very high dose of vitamin D taken an hour after excessive sunbathing significantly reduces skin redness, swelling and inflammation - report scientists from Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in the "Journal of Investigative Dermatology" . Their study involved 20 people who were exposed to a dose of UV lamp radiation simulating sunburn. An hour later, they were randomly given a placebo or a dose of 50,000, 100,000. or 200 thousand units of vitamin D.
Researchers studied the participants 24, 48 and 72 hours and a week after the experiment and performed skin biopsies for further testing. The participants who took the highest doses of vitamin D and had the highest levels of vitamin D in their blood experienced long-term benefits. Among other things, the inflammation was less severe 48 hours after "sunbathing", and the skin was less red. The higher the dose of vitamin D, the more patients benefited. The authors of the study emphasize, however, that such high doses should not be taken arbitrarily (the dose recommended by the American Food and Drug Administration for adults is 400 units). The research was conducted on a small number of people and its results require confirmation.
Vitamin D for weight loss
Dr. Shalamar Sibley of the University of Minnesota argues that people who haveVitamin D in the blood is normal, they burn unnecessary fat faster than people who have a deficiency of this substance. Vitamin D contributes to weight loss in several ways. Experts from the University of Minnesota and Laval University suspect that vitamin D, together with calcium, reduces the production of cortisol - a stress hormone that is responsible for the accumulation of fat around the waist.
Also, when your vitamin D levels are normal, your body produces more leptin, a hormone that tells your brain you are full. Unfortunately, this relationship works the other way around - the less vitamin D in the body, the less leptin, and thus the greater the appetite. In addition, when vitamin D is deficient in the body, the amount of two hormones increases - parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol - the active form of vitamin D3. Then the fat cells, instead of being burned, are deposited in the form of adipose tissue - says Michael B. Zemel, director of the Institute of Nutrition at the University of Tennessee. Therefore, people struggling with overweight and obesity (especially abdominal obesity) should especially take care of the proper supplementation of this vitamin.
- Symptoms and effects of vitamin D deficiency and excess
- Vitamin D - food sources
- How to avoid vitamin D deficiency in winter?