Muscle cramps can happen to anyone at any time. The pain they experience is related to the fact that the muscle contracts with great force and remains tense for about a minute. What could be the causes of muscle cramps? Muscle cramps can be a symptom of what diseases?
Muscle spasmsare very painful.The causes of muscle crampscan vary widely, and often they occur on a regular basisa symptom of the disease . Muscle cramps can also be the result of certain medications. It happens that muscle cramps are a symptom of a deficiency of certain minerals. The most common muscle cramps are leg cramps (especially calf cramps).
Muscle cramps - causes
Varicose veins
The poor condition of the veins may be evidenced by slight cramps, most often described as pain in the entire calves. Whencalf crampsare accompanied by swelling in your feet or ankles, you may find yourself suffering from varicose veins. In this situation, it is best to contact a doctor who will order the appropriate diagnostic tests.
To avoid the embarrassing ailments of varicose veins, do not wear garters, socks with tight cuffs, or very high-heeled shoes. Also, do not cross your legs, change the position of your legs frequently. After returning from work, rest for half an hour with your legs raised higher than the rest of your body. Regularly use gels and ointments to soothe ailments, e.g. with horse chestnut extract.
S alt and mineral deficiency
Painful leg muscle spasms that appear suddenly, often at night, may suggest disturbances in the acid-base and mineral balance of the blood. They can also be the result of an incomplete diet or weight loss with drugs from an unreliable source, with diuretics.
Such ailments can also be caused by frequent drinking of strong coffee, because it rinses the body of potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the muscles to function efficiently. When their level is low, contractions appear.
In order to normalize the acid-base balance, limit the consumption of strong coffee, take regular vitamin supplements containing magnesium and potassium, return to full-value nutrition (but do not overeat). If the cramps continue to appear after a month, see your doctor. Perhaps it will be necessarypharmacological supplementation of elements and minerals.
Muscle stiffness and pain come on suddenly. They are a reaction to fatigue caused by excessive effort, often in the so-called weekend "strongmen". It usually affects the leg muscles, but can also occur in the forearm muscles. Cramps happen to people who start strength training without a proper warm-up.
Once you feel a cramp in your calf, start massaging the muscle quickly. Press it gently from the side of the calf towards the center. Do a stretching exercise. Stand by the wall and rest your hands against it. Bend your right leg at the knee and stretch your left leg back - both feet touch the ground. Move your hips against the wall until you feel a muscle stretch. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Repeat the same with the other leg.
Overheating and dehydration
The body may react with muscle cramps to excessive overheating, e.g. after a stay at the beach or in the solarium. A painful spasm occurs not only in the calves but also in the arms, and can also affect the abdominal muscles.
To avoid overheating and cramps, hide from the sun in a cool room and make yourself comfortable with your legs up. You can wrap the body with a cool, damp sheet. Slowly drink a chilled energy drink or water with a little s alt.
If symptoms do not disappear after an hour and you feel dizzy, see a doctor. These could be symptoms of heat stroke. To avoid similar problems on the beach and during hard training, drink water or diluted fruit juice every 15-20 minutes.
Sitting in the same position for a long time may lead to cramps. If you like to sit on your leg, the pressure causes less blood to flow to the muscles. They are malnourished and it is precisely by tightening the blood vessels that they defend themselves against a greater deficiency of nutrients.
Proceed as for a cramp caused by overtraining. If you have to sit for a long time, change the position of your legs frequently. Also, make sure not to cross your feet.
Muscle cramps may not be too strong, but they always occur with pain in the entire feet, calves, thighs and even hips. Unpleasant sensations appear during physical exertion and disappear after rest (the so-called intermittent claudication). This is the result of malnutrition and hypoxia in the blood vessels.
If you notice similar symptoms, see a doctor. The sooner the better. You will be given advice on what to eat and what exercise to do to prevent trouble. They must be tailored to your abilities. Maybe thanksthis will do without drugs that lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
Check how it manifests itself and what is the risk of atherosclerosis!
Neurological diseases
Muscle cramps can also occur in diseases with a neurological basis. The most famous neurological diseases that may be accompanied by cramps include:
- multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson's disease
- dystonia
Muscle spasms - types
There are three types of muscle contractions:
- isotonic
- isometric
- auxotonic
An isotonic contraction of a muscle means a change in the length of a muscle with a constant level of muscle tone (e.g. during movement). Isometric contraction is the result of maintaining muscle tone while holding the body in a steady position (such as holding weights or shivering). In contrast, an auxotonic contraction occurs when walking or running, when the muscles change length and tone.
- A diet of three minerals rich in chromium, zinc and magnesium
- Calf cramps: causes. What do calf cramps show?
- Blood morphology - what this blood test is about

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