Tetany is a disease that causes, among others, for tingling or numbness in the face and limbs, and muscle spasms in various parts of the body. Unfortunately, these are non-specific symptoms and indicate many diseases, therefore early diagnosis of tetany (especially the latent form) is not easy. What are the causes of tetany? How do you recognize its other symptoms? What is the treatment of this disease?

Tetanyis a disease characterized by increased neuromuscular excitability. It then comes to:

  • attacks of paraesthesia (unpleasant sensations such as tingling, numbness, or changes in skin temperature)
  • tonic contractions (increased muscle tension occurs over a period of time)
  • contractions of clonic muscles of the upper and lower limbs (this is a series of rapidly successive muscle contractions separated by short periods of relaxation)

Glotting spasms may even occur during a tetany attack, making breathing impossible and therefore life-threatening.

Tetany: causes

There are two forms of the disease:

  • overt tetany (hypocalcemic)
  • latent tetany (also known as normocalcemic, spasmophilia)

In the first case, neuromuscular excitability occurs with concomitant hormonal disorders.The most common causes of overt tetanyare removal of the parathyroid glands during neck surgery (e.g., strumectomy) and numerous autoimmune processes leading to parathyroid dysfunction. In rare cases, hormonal disorders occur as a result of the atrophy of the parathyroid gland and thymus (Di George's syndrome) and all kinds of pathologies causing hypocalcemia, i.e. deficiency of calcium in the blood, e.g.

  • acute pancreatitis
  • Intestinal malabsorption syndrome
  • severe vitamin D deficiency
  • kidney failure

Tetany may also result from the use of diuretics from the group of loop diuretics (a group of strong diuretics).

In turn,latent tetany (so-called spasmophilia)is the result of calcium deficiency, often accompanied by magnesium deficiency and / or hyperventilation.

Tetany: risk factors

Nathe list of diseases that increase the risk of tetany are:

  • allergies (especially bronchial asthma)
  • diabetes
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (especially after the streptectomy)

Overt tetany: how to recognize the symptoms?

The first symptom of overt tetanyis a tingling sensation, mainly in the fingertips and around the mouth. Next, there is increased tension in the muscles of the face and limbs and their contracture. The contractions can be first felt within the muscles of the withers of the thumb with its strong adduction, which gives the hand the shape of an "obstetrician's hand".

Accompanying symptoms may be:

  • anxiety
  • irritation
  • strong anxiety

You may also lose consciousness with accompanying convulsions (which can be confused with epilepsy).

Patients may complain between overt tetany attacks:

  • memory impairment
  • difficulty concentrating
  • insomnia
  • general weakness

These symptoms may be accompanied by a constant tingling sensation in the face and limbs (which may be mistaken for neurosis).

Latent tetany (spasmophilia): how to recognize the symptoms?

There are no symptoms that clearly indicate latent tetany. You can only namesymptoms that suggest illness :

  • increased nervous tension
  • insomnia, depressed mood, fatigue, fainting
  • paresthesia: numbness and tingling in the limbs
  • muscle cramp
  • cardiovascular disorders: palpitations, chest pain and limb vasomotor disorders
  • digestive system disorders, e.g. flatulence
  • colic
  • Chwostek symptom (sudden contractions of facial muscles after a neurological hammer hitting the rim of the masseter muscle)
  • symptom of Trousseau (it consists in the contraction of the fingers of the hand and their positioning in the form of the so-called "obstetrician's hand")

Tetany can be a life-threatening condition

In the course of a tetany attack,glottic spasmand, consequently,closure of the larynxmay occur, which prevents breathing. It is a life-threatening condition, requiring medical attention as soon as possible.

Tetany can also lead to hyperventilation (a condition where you suddenly start breathing too fast and deeply). Then, first aid should be provided as soon as possible, because prolonged hyperventilation may lead to disturbance of the acid-base balance and, consequently, to respiratory alkalosis. Is ita condition that can lead to disorders of brain oxygenation and arrhythmias in people with heart disease.

Tetany: diagnostics

The most sensitive test showing the presence of neuromuscular hyperactivity, and thus tetany, is an electromyographic (EMG) test.

In addition,

is performed
  • electroencephalography
  • echocardiography
  • electrocardiography

Tetany: treatment

Treatment of tetany takes place in hospital(due to the fact that the larynx may close). Usually calcium s alts (calcium gluconate or calcium chloride) are administered. To prevent the appearance of tetany, you should follow a diet rich in calcium.
