Chronic (chronic) fatigue syndrome (CFS) is considered another civilization disease. More and more people struggle with chronic sleepiness, fatigue, physical exhaustion or problems with concentration. What other symptoms does CFS give? How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(chronic fatique syndrome - CFS) is an inexplicable fatigue that does not go away after rest and lasts over 6 months.Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is considered another civilization disease, but it cannot officially be said to be a disease because CFS is not listed in the international list of diseases that psychiatrists can recognize.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Causes
Scientists suspect that the causes of the disease may be immunological factors, i.e. factors related to the human immune system, e.g. allergies and infectious infections (some people have flu-like infections immediately before the onset of CFS).
Chronic Fatigue Syndromecan be caused by severe mononucleosis or by EBV that becomes active after asymptomatic course of the disease. Some researchers have also drawn attention to disorders of lactic acid metabolism in muscles and the presence of enterovirus RNA in muscles, as well as nutrient deficiency.
According to another theory, CFS is caused by a disturbance in the secretion of one of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands.
Find out the causes of chronic fatigue!

Who is most at risk of chronic fatigue syndrome?
Nachronic fatigue syndromepeople who live in constant rush, which is associated with an unhe althy lifestyle, are the most vulnerable. This can result in exhaustion of the body and CFS, which can occur even in young people.
CFS very often affects people who retire.
Some professional groups, such as doctors, nurses, clergymen, psychotherapists and teachers, are also exposed to chronic fatigue syndrome. In these environments, the so-called burnout syndrome, the consequence of which is CFS.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Symptoms
The main symptom of CFS is fatigue (both physical and mental) that is persistent or recurring for at least 6 months, and is so severe that it dominates other symptoms. What's more, this feeling persists after rest and significantly affects the professional, social and personal activity of the patient.
The symptoms associated with CFS may be:
- sore throat
- painful enlarged lymph nodes, especially in the neck and armpit
- muscle and joint pain (but no signs of inflammation or swelling)
- headaches, but of a nature other than the pains that occurred before the disease
- feeling unwell after exercise, lasting more than 24 hours
- memory and concentration disorders
- sleep disorders (often fatigue after waking up than before going to bed)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - diagnosis
In the initial diagnosis, the doctor must exclude many diseases that manifest as fatigue, including anemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes, as well as heart, lung, liver and kidney disease. This group also includes HIV infection, cancer, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, as well as lead and ethyl alcohol poisoning and addiction to psychoactive substances.
Fatigue can also accompany some mental disorders, so they must also be ruled out.
There are indicators that may prove useful in diagnosis. The scientists found the presence of inflammatory markers in the blood of their patients. Moreover, in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, the composition of the intestinal microbiome is abnormal, which may cause inflammatory and gastrointestinal symptoms in patients.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - treatment
Due to the complexity of the chronic fatigue syndrome problem, psychotherapy, physical therapy, pain therapy and even hypnosis are recommended.