Diabetes in pregnancy occurs in about 3% women expecting a baby. It appears between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy and usually ends six weeks after the baby is born. What should an expectant mother with gestational diabetes do to protect herself and her baby?
Diabetes in pregnancymay be the result of hormonal changes in the pregnant woman's body. They cause cells to react differently toinsulinor the pancreas produces less of this hormone. Doctors also believe that a certain enzyme produced by the placenta breaks down insulin, so it does not affectblood sugarenough to prevent hyperglycaemia (hypoglycaemia). get sick shortly before pregnancy, but this has not been detected. Unfortunately, not all women planning a baby are advised to have a blood sugar test. This only applies to those who are at risk, e.g. are obese, over 35, have had a child weighing more than 4.5 kg, or someone in their family has diabetes or has had diabetes. However, you may want to do this test on your own.
ImportantThe higher the glucose concentration in the mother's blood, the automatically the higher the glucose concentration in the baby. The adult body can tolerate these changes, but they pose a risk to the fetus. Excess sugar in the blood causes the baby to produce additional amounts of insulin, which in the fetal period acts as a growth hormone - the baby is born big (to avoid perinatal injuries, a caesarean section is sometimes necessary). An excess of insulin also disturbs potassium metabolism, which can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and even death of the infant. Babies who are too sweet of pregnancy are more likely to develop diabetes later in life than others.
Symptoms of gestational diabetes
At the beginning, the symptoms of diabetes are not intensified, moreover, pregnancy causes the woman's body to behave atypically, so it is easy to overlook diabetes. The only way to find out if you are sick is to check your blood glucose levels. The examination is compulsory and free. They are performed twice:
- in 9.-10. week of pregnancy - this is a fasting blood sugar test,
- between week 24 and week 28 - this is a 50 g water glucose load test.
- If the sugar level is too high (over 125 mg%), the gynecologist will refer the woman to a diabetes clinic.
Note: U 30-50 percent women who have had gestational diabetes may develop type 2 diabetes in the 10 years after having a baby. To avoid overlooking it, check your blood sugar at least every two years.
Gestational diabetes - what to do
You need to check your blood sugar every day with a blood glucose meter and record the results in a special diary. After one week of these tests, your doctor will know what treatment to use. In order to bring about normal blood glucose levels, i.e. normoglycemia, you also need to change your daily habits.
- Diet. You will arrange it with a diabetologist or dietitian. It is important to eat often (five times a day), but in small portions. Meals should be varied, rich in vitamins and microelements. The basis of the menu will be the calculated amounts of lean poultry and cold cuts, lean cheeses and yoghurts (products rich in protein). For the time of illness, forget about sweets and sweet fruits, because they contain simple sugars that are quickly absorbed into the blood and raise the level of glucose. Also, avoid animal fat, which affects the work of the pancreas.
- Movement. Exercise and walks are recommended - they will help you burn unnecessary sugar.
- Insulin. Nearly 20 percent women are not enough diet and exercise to control glucose. They need medication. Not oral tablets are given during pregnancy, but insulin injections. First, you do them in a diabetes clinic under the supervision of a doctor or nurse, and then at home alone. Typically, pen injection is used for injection, i.e. pen-like syringes with a very fine needle instead of a refill. After childbirth, the dose of the hormone is gradually reduced. Externally administered insulin will not harm your developing baby. On the contrary - it can protect his body against the consequences of blood sugar from the mother.