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Acromegaly, like gigantism, is a disease that occurs when the pituitary gland secretes too much growth hormone, causing irreversible overgrowth of external and internal organs. Acromegaly should be treated as soon as possible, because changes in the body caused by excess growth hormone are life-threatening - experts argue.

Acromegaly , likegigantism , occurs when the pituitary gland begins to produce too much growth hormone. Acromegaly develops slowly, and progressive changes in facial and body features are often associated with the natural aging process. Therefore, acromegaly is diagnosed late, which can lead to irreversible changes.


  1. Acromegaly - causes
  2. Acromegaly - symptoms
  3. Acromegaly - complications
  4. Acromegaly - diagnosis
  5. Acromegaly - treatment

Acromegaly - causes

Acromegaly develops when the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone in adulthood. - The pituitary gland, measuring only one centimeter, is responsible for the external appearance and the growth of individual parts of the human body. It is a bean-shaped endocrine gland located at the base of the brain that secretes growth hormone. Typically, the growing process is completed by the age of 16-20, when the sex hormones reach maturity. Some people develop a tumor in the pituitary gland which also increases the production of the hormone later. As a result, the bones and tissues of the body grow excessively, which is the main symptom of acromegaly, explains Prof. dr hab. med. Marek Bolanowski, head of the Department and Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Isotope Treatment, Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław.

Acromegaly - symptoms

- The typical symptoms of the disease are primarily changes in appearance. The disease affects the growth of bones, but also soft tissues - the nose, mouth and tongue are enlarged, the mandible enlarges, leading to undershot teeth and an increase in the spacing between the teeth - says Professor Grzegorz Kamiński, head of the Endocrinology and Isotope Therapy Clinic of the Military Medical Institute.

- The hands and feet also get enlarged, the skin on them seems tense and the soft tissue is swollen. Increased amount of growth hormone is providedthe cause of hypertrophy of the heart, thyroid, liver and intestines. Sick people complain of headaches, bone and joint pain, limited mobility, as well as sweating and vision problems - lists prof. dr hab. Marek Bolanowski, MD.

- Usually patients change the size of rings, shoes or gloves to larger ones. Changes in the mouth and upper respiratory tract make persistent snoring bothers them and change the tone of their voice. However, significant changes in appearance appear gradually. The easiest way to notice them is by comparing current photos with photos from years ago - says prof. dr hab. Marek Bolanowski, MD.

The characteristic symptoms of acromegaly are visible to the naked eye. Nevertheless, it takes an average of 7-9 years from the appearance of its first symptoms to the correct diagnosis. The reason is the slow progression of the disease.


Acromegaly - serious complications

- The biggest problem with acromegaly is late recognition. The longer the disease lasts, the greater the growth of the pituitary tumor, on the one hand, and the development of complications on the other, says Prof. Wojciech Zgliczyński, head of the Endocrinology Clinic of the Postgraduate Medical Center at the Bielański Hospital in Warsaw.

And the complications of acromegaly include complications in the following systems:

  • circulatory system (hypertension, heart failure),
  • respiratory (persistent snoring and obstructive sleep apnea),
  • digestive (constipation and colon polyps),
  • endocrine (diabetes, enlarged thyroid and hyperthyroidism),
  • osteoarticular (osteoarthritis), nervous (headache).

- That is why it is so important to build awareness of the characteristic symptoms of acromegaly, not only among patients, but also among general practitioners and specialists in other fields of medicine - adds prof. Zgliczyński

Acromegaly - diagnosis

To determine whether the pituitary gland disease is the cause, a laboratory test is performed. It consists in measuring the levels of growth hormone in the blood under normal conditions and under load with glucose, and in the blood of IGF-1 (a hormone produced in the liver under the influence of growth hormone). In he althy people, glucose inhibits the secretion of growth hormone, in people with acromegaly - no.

To determine the cause of acromegaly, a pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast scan is performed. Laboratory and imaging tests are performed by an endocrinologist. If acromegaly is diagnosed early enough, there is a chance of successful treatment and preventioncomplications.

Unfortunately, changes in appearance are often underestimated, and usually the disease is not diagnosed until 8-10 years after the first symptoms appear.

- Too late detection of the tumor may deprive the patient of the chance of a complete recovery. A patient who is not effectively treated lives on average 10 years shorter than his he althy peer - explains Prof. Marek Bolanowski, Head of the Department and Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Isotope Treatment, Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław.

According to an expertprof. Wojciech Zgliczyński, head of the Clinic of Endocrinology at the CMKP at the Bielański Hospital in Warsaw

Sometimes only a comparison of photos from the past allows you to notice differences in appearance. The process of transformation is gradual, and therefore the changes may not be noticed even by those closest to us. It happens that the change in patients is noticed only by their long-lost friends. Especially if the patient had completely different facial features during the last meeting. Sometimes their suggestions lead to a search for the cause of the changes taking place. Patients themselves often ignore the first symptoms and do not look for the cause of their enlarged hands, even though they are forced to give up wearing jewelry or to enlarge their rings. Men can explain to themselves that the hypertrophy of the hands is caused by hard physical work. Interestingly, although the disease affects both sexes, it is more often diagnosed among women, because by nature they pay more attention to appearance.

Acromegaly - treatment

- The basic procedure is the surgical removal of the pituitary tumor. The later it is detected, the larger it is and the more difficult it is to remove entirely. Thus, it is more difficult to stop the progression of the disease - explains Prof. dr hab. Marek Bolanowski, MD.

- It should be emphasized that untreated, neglected acromegaly shortens patients' lives by up to 10 years. Only the inclusion of the right therapy eliminates this threat. Therefore, it is worth being vigilant and, if necessary, reacting quickly - says prof. Wojciech Zgliczyński.

Recently, endoscopic techniques have been used more and more often, which reduces the invasiveness of the procedure. In addition, drugs that normalize the secretion of growth hormones and reduce the size of the tumor can be administered as an alternative or as a supplement. If the surgical and pharmacological treatment is ineffective, radiotherapy can be used.

Changes in appearance may indicate a serious illness

Enlarged feet, hands, ears and nose are the main symptoms of acromegaly. Although the disease is visible at first glance, the main problem still remains proper and earlydiagnosis. As the experts under the "Acromegaly - pay attention!" Campaign emphasize an early diagnosis of the disease can be successfully treated, while its diagnosis may take years.


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Association of Acromegaly Patients and Supporters

More information on acromegaly can be found at and on the Facebook profile of the Association Stowarzyszenieosobzakromegalia

The article uses materials prepared by the Association of People with Acromegaly and Supporters. In the photo: Maurice Tillet - a person with acromegaly who is the prototype of the fairy-tale ogre Shrek.

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