Belching is a physiological reflex to expel air that has entered the stomach through the mouth. Usually it is not alarming. Increased belching may be a symptom of gastrointestinal disease or neurotic diseases.

What is burping?

Belchingis the expulsion of the swallowed air from the stomach or esophagus through the mouth as a result of the lowering of the muscle tone - the upper esophageal sphincter. The upper esophageal sphincter lowers its tension during inhalation and the act of swallowing, which allows air to enter. In addition, the pressure in the chest is lowered at the same time. This mechanism sucks air into the lower esophagus.

Belching after eating

Belching(colloquially belching) most often teasesafter a meal . For each act of swallowing a bite of food, 1 to 4 ml of air enters the stomach.

Belching most often occurs after eating, after eating a meal too quickly and chaotically.

After a medium-sized meal, between 100 and 200 ml of air appear in the stomach. Its amount depends on the size of the meal, its type and the pace of consumption. The volume of gas will be greater if the meal has been very abundant, and if you have consumed sodas or substances which produce gas when in contact with hydrochloric acid. The withdrawal of air back upwards occurs as a result of a physiological reflex, because after a meal the lower esophageal sphincter has a reduced tone, and the tension of the stomach walls and its motor function is increased. As a result, most of the ingested air is reflected and thus expelled to the outside.

Belching - symptoms of the disease

  • neurosis-frequent belchingmay occur in people with neurotic disorders and is a consequence of aerophagy - swallowing air
  • indigestion - the hallmark isempty belching , feeling full after eating, bloating or abdominal pain, but there is no objective cause of symptoms

Belching with severe chest pain may be a symptom of a beginning myocardial infarction.

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease - belching bitter is typicalor acidic liquids. Other symptoms include heartburn, hoarseness, dry cough (especially in the morning), chest pain
  • gastric ulcer - characteristic isbelching on an empty stomachand / or 2-3 hours after a meal
  • irritable bowel syndrome - appearexcessive belching and gas . In addition, the symptoms of the disease are alternating constipation and diarrhea, severe pain (which usually disappears after a bowel movement) and abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting
  • so-called lazy stomach - when the food content remains in the stomach for a long time, the fermentation processes and bacterial rotting processes that begin are the source of additional gases with an unpleasant, putrefying smell
  • colo-gastric fistula - fermentation gases from the large intestine go back up, due to impaired gastrointestinal patency, belching may occur
Worth knowing

Frequent burping in pregnancy

Belching in pregnancy is usually a physical symptom. It is caused by the high level of progesterone in the first months of pregnancy, which relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. In turn, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the stomach, from which air, and often also food, flows back into the esophagus.

Homemade belching

1. Eat small portions of meals, eat slowly and bite food thoroughly.

Very often, changing the diet and excluding improper eating habits results in a reduction of symptoms and a definite improvement in well-being.

2. Give up carbonated drinks as they increase the volume of air remaining in the stomach

3. Avoid chewing gum, as you will swallow large amounts of air during this activity

4. Avoid products containing mint, as well as chocolate, chocolate products and cocoa - they increase the risk of belching

Belching - treatment

If, despite the use of the above-mentioned rules, belching persists, see a doctor. In order to make a diagnosis, the exact cause of belching must be determined. Belching is usually treated with pharmacotherapy, using preparations that improve the digestive process, agents that adsorb excess air and fermentation gases.

Worth knowing

Burping and hiccups are not the same

Belching is the expulsion of the swallowed air through the mouth that is found in the stomach or esophagus. Hiccups, on the other hand, are involuntary, sudden contractions of the diaphragm, accompanied by inhalation and the closure of the glottis, which produces a characteristic sound.
