Reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, and more specifically gastroesophageal reflux, is the regurgitation of food content and gastric juices into the esophagus. Patients with acid reflux often underestimate the symptoms of the disease - while untreated reflux is not only very troublesome, but can also lead to the development of esophageal cancer. What are the causes and symptoms of reflux? How is esophageal reflux treated?
Reflux - general characteristics of the disease
Reflux,otherwisegastroesophageal reflux disease(professionally referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD for short) , is a troublesome and quite common disease today, and it is estimated that in developed countries it affects about 20 percent of the population.
The risk of developing acid reflux disease increases with age. The disease must not be taken lightly.Untreated refluxleads to damage to the esophagus, chronic inflammation that may result in the development of the so-calledof Barrett's esophagus , which is a precancerous condition, and evenesophagus cancer .
Reflux disease is estimated to increase the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma 6 times, gastroesophageal junction cancer 5 times and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 2 times.
Causes of reflux
Common causes of reflux:
- relaxation of the esophageal sphincter muscleat the entrance to the stomach. This muscle should be shrunken most of the time. When we swallow, it relaxes for 6-10 seconds to pass food, fluid or swallowed saliva through. If it stays relaxed longer (in patients up to one minute after each swallowing), this causes acid reflux into the esophagus. Lower sphincter disorders have their causes: they often arise after stomach surgery, and are also the result of smoking, drinking alcohol and large amounts of coffee
- hiatal herniathat is the passage of a part of the stomach cavity through the diaphragm to the chest. Happensthis is the case in obese people whose abdominal pressure rises.
- some medications , including: birth control pills, medications for heart diseases and hypertension
- reflux disease often accompanies other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, systemic sclerosis, hormonal disorders
Symptoms of reflux are easily confused with symptoms in the course of ischemic heart disease, and can even be taken for symptoms of a heart attack.
Reflux - symptoms
The symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease are similar to those of heartburn:
- esophagus burning
- burning and pain behind the breastbone, reminiscent of heart pain
- belching
- heartburn
- There is periodicregurgitation of stomach contentsfrom the stomach into the esophagus, and evenreturn of food . This often happens when lying down and when bending down, after a heavy meal.
The following ailments are associated with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease:
- esophagitis
- esophagus stricture
- Barrett's esophagus
- adenocarcinoma
Specialists see a relationship between acid reflux disease and diseases and ailments such as:
- cough
- chronic laryngitis
- bronchial asthma
- dental cavities
- sinusitis
- pharyngitis
- pulmonary fibrosis
- otitis media
- bad breath
Reflux - when to see the doctor?
In the case of reflux disease, the alarm symptoms that should prompt the patient to see a doctor as soon as possible are:
- swallowing disorders
- pain when swallowing
- weight loss
- esophageal bleeding
How to diagnose acid reflux?
Do I have acid reflux?In order to answer this question, it is necessary to undergo specialist tests ordered by a doctor.
The tests to help detect acid reflux include:
- x-ray withcontrast- the patient swallows a special paste and the radiologist tracks the route of the swallowed preparation
- gastroscopy or endoscopic examination of the esophagus - is more reliable than x-rays
- pH-metry or measurement of acidity in the esophagus
- manometric test (manometry)
This last test consists of letting a special probe with sensors recording changes in esophageal pressure into the esophagus. This test can detect decreased tension in the esophageal sphincter.
What can you eat with acid reflux? Diet for acid reflux

Acid reflux treatment
Treatment of acid reflux consists of several components.
- change of lifestyle
Treating acid reflux starts with changing your diet and eating pattern. If you suffer from acid refluxavoidanything that increases gastric acid secretion, such as :
- coffee
- chocolate
- fatty food
- alcohol, both spirits and red wine
You also have toeat more often , but in smaller portions. Overfilling the stomach, as well as eating foods that increase acid production, promotes acid reflux.
Ailments related to reflux can also be alleviated by keepingupright posture while eating- do not lean over the table andsleep in a semi-sitting position . Overweight people shouldlose weightand they will definitely feel better.
- drug treatment
In more advanced stages of gastroesophageal reflux disease,drugs should be administered : inhibiting the production of gastric juices (proton pump blockers), drugs that improve the functioning of the sphincter and protect the esophageal mucosa.
- surgical treatment
If the treatment does not bring relief,reflux surgery(fundoplication using the Nissen or Toupet method), today it can be performed laparoscopically. Unfortunately, almost half of the patients, also after surgery, require continuation of pharmacological treatment.