Laryngitis usually results from previous nasopharyngitis. Laryngitis is especially dangerous for young children, who can easily experience sudden narrowing of the upper respiratory tract and acute breathing problems. What are the causes and symptoms of laryngitis?
Laryngitismeans inflammation of the part of the airway between the throat and the trachea. This position means that laryngitis rarely occurs on its own - usually it is the result of previous nasopharyngitis.
Due to the course of the disease, acute and chronic laryngitis are distinguished, and due to the location
- epiglottitis - most often occurs in preschool age, mostly caused by bacteria
- inflammation of the glottis or vocal folds
- subglottic laryngitis (croup) - most often affects younger children up to the age of two, most often it is caused by viruses
Laryngitiscan lead tosudden narrowing of the upper respiratory tract and acute respiratory disorders.Newborns and young children in particular are exposed to severe complications of laryngitis, mainly due to the different position and anatomical structure of the larynx. The loose connective tissue of a young child's larynx is very prone to swelling and spasms, so the infection manifests itself as sudden shortness of breath and requires urgent medical attention.
Laryngitis - causes
Acute subglottic laryngitis is most often the result of a viral infection, while epiglottitis - caused by bacteria. Other possible causes are:
- sudden cooling of the larynx
- being in dry, dusty rooms
- excessive vocal effort
Causes of chronic laryngitis:
- long-term exposure to tobacco smoke, which irritates the laryngeal mucosa
- chronic respiratory diseases, e.g. chronic allergic rhinitis and chronic paranasal sinusitis
- long-term, untreated gastroesophageal reflux disease, soregurgitation of acid content from the stomach into the esophagus and above - irritation of the larynx mucosa by acidic gastric juice may cause chronic laryngitis
- work in air-conditioned rooms, with dry air, among chemical vapors
- working with the voice, i.e. teachers, kindergarten teachers, singers, journalists, they suffer more often from laryngitis.
Laryngitisattacks mainly in1st and 4th quarter of the year , when the weather deteriorates and the heated, dry air in the house only favors the development of infections.
Laryngitis - symptoms
Symptoms of acute subglottic laryngitisusually appear after 2-3 days of viral upper respiratory tract inflammation as a descending process after previous nasopharyngitis. In turn, inflammation of the epiglottis develops rapidly.
- cough
- dry
- barking
- suffocating
- appears at night and awakens you from sleep
- whistle while breathing, coming out of the larynx (stridor)
- increased activity of auxiliary respiratory muscles - nasal puffiness when breathing in, drawing in supra- and subclavian dimples, intercostal spaces and epigastricity when inhaling
- breathing faster
- silent
- sore throat, usually with a scratchy feeling
- low-grade fever or fever
- weakness, fatigue
The symptoms of chronic laryngitis are:
- chrypa
- cough
- quick fatigue of the voice
- scratchy throat
Laryngitis - treatment
Treatment of laryngitis takes about two weeks. The patient should lie in bed, in a room with a temperature of about 20oC. The patient's room must be constantly humidified and aired - if you do not have an electric humidifier, put wet, thick towels on the radiators.
To relieve laryngeal pain , smear your neck with camphor and wrap it in a warm scarf, do inhalations, e.g. with chamomile or sage infusion. During this time it is obligatory to save the voice - you can only speak in a whisper. You must not smoke or use any sharp spices that could irritate the larynx. Due to the pain associated with swallowing, it is advisable to give the patient not too hot, semi-liquid dishes.
With medications,anti-inflammatory preparations(over-the-counter), cough suppressant syrup (at night) and secretion-thinning syrup (during the day) will suffice. The antibiotic is necessary if the infection is bacterial in origin.
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