Insomnia is an ailment which may be caused by an unventilated room or too high temperature in it. However, the most common causes of sleep problems are he alth problems, e.g. heartburn, night apnea, rheumatic diseases, respiratory and digestive diseases or an overactive thyroid gland. Find out which diseases can cause insomnia.
Insomniacan have differentreasons .Problems with sleepingcan be caused, for example, by an unventilated room in which it is stuffy and the air temperature is too high. An uncomfortable bed, noise from behind the wall or the sound of snoring can also contribute to sleep problems. However, the most common causes of difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up too early, or having poor quality sleep (which is not restful) are various, often very serious, diseases.
Insomnia - causes. Heart failure
One of the most serious causes of insomnia is left ventricular heart failure. Then the patient cannot sleep flat because the heart is unable to pump the blood accumulated in the lungs. The patient is short of breath and has to sit up, which wakes him up.
Insomnia - causes. Hypertension
When blood vessels become overgrown with plaque, blood cannot flow freely through them. Then headaches and dizziness appear, sometimes shortness of breath and trouble sleeping. In some people, the pressure at night may be too high, which may be manifested, among others, by Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up too early or having a poor-quality sleep.
Insomnia - causes. Asthma
Problems with sleep can also cause chronic lung diseases such as asthma. In this disease, attacks of breathlessness most often occur at night. Obstructive pulmonary disease is also associated with reduced nighttime sleep and reduced overall nighttime sleep.
Insomnia - causes. Hyperthyroidism
Increased levels of thyroid hormones, which are observed in the course of hyperthyroidism, may contribute, among others, to anxiety or rapid heart rate, which can lead to insomnia.
Insomnia - causes. Heartburn
This unpleasant ailment can wake you up several times a night, making you feel worse. It affects the quality of lifeand the condition of the whole organism.
Do you have heartburn and want to sleep? Do not drink plenty of fluids before going to bed
This is the burning sensation behind the breastbone. It begins in the epigastric region and radius across the chest to the neck. This causes acid reflux into the esophagus and irritates the esophagus. When you lie down, it is difficult to swallow and your symptoms get worse. The sick person awakens a strong cough and a feeling of choking. If the lack of sleep is caused by heartburn, the cause of the condition must be determined. Occasional heartburn is a condition caused by an unhe althy lifestyle or bad habits.
Insomnia - causes. Restless Legs Syndrome
It is estimated that around 10 percent society does not sleep well because it suffers from Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). These are involuntary movements of the legs themselves. Scientists have studied that there may be about 50 of them per hour (record holders have registered as much as 800 leg movements per hour). RLS sufferers describe their experiences as ants running under the skin, worms crawling between muscles, and blood bubbling through the veins. These symptoms, for an unknown reason, intensify during rest, i.e. right during sleep. It is not known exactly what causes this ailment. One of the theses refers to genetics - apparently it is enough to inherit a defective gene from one of the parents. of patients, the symptoms of RLS appear already in childhood. The disease worsens with age. Certain diseases (e.g. diabetes, uremia, iron deficiency anemia), certain medications (e.g. anti-emetic, anti-epileptic, anti-allergic drugs) can also trigger or worsen the symptoms of this disease.
Unfortunately, no medicine has been invented so far that would calm the legs and allow you to finally get a good night's sleep. Some people find it helpful to go to bed late (at 2-3 a.m.), others use warm or cold compresses on the calves, and others, for example yoga. Doctors prescribe, among others drugs acting on the so-called the dopamine system (a neurotransmitter in the brain that scientists associate too low with the symptoms of RLS), muscle relaxants, or sleeping pills. Unfortunately, none of these therapies are without side effects.
ImportantInsomnia during pregnancy and before childbirth
There are many reasons for insomnia during pregnancy - leg cramps appear, the uterus presses the diaphragm, the baby gives no rest, and the expectant mother very often has to get up at night to go to the toilet. In such a situation, a pregnant woman should do relaxation exercises before going to bed, take a bath with a few drops of lavender oil and air the bedroom.
Insomnia - causes. Menopause
Studies show that estrogens prolong REM sleep. So, postmenopausal women may have problems with sleep. In this case, hormone replacement therapy is an effective method of fighting insomnia.
Insomnia - causes. Stress
Living under constant stress, in a state of constant anxiety, or going through a strong emotional shock can also contribute to problems falling asleep. Then, during the day, symptoms such as problems with memory and concentration, weakened motivation or a feeling of extreme exhaustion appear.
Insomnia - causes. Mental illness
Sleep problems are also a common symptom of mental illnesses, incl. bipolar disorder, neurosis or schizophrenia. People suffering from depression are especially affected by insomnia or waking up too early. Sleep disorders also occur in the course of diseases that are the opposite of depressive syndromes or anxiety disorders, e.g. manic syndrome. Patients struggling with this disease are over-aroused, which makes it difficult for them to fall asleep.
Insomnia - causes. Drugs and stimulants
Some medications, such as antidepressants, glucocorticosteroids, and oral contraceptives, can also contribute to sleep problems. Drugs that suppress appetite can also cause insomnia. People who suddenly stop taking or overdose on their sedatives may also have trouble falling asleep.
In addition, the cause of insomnia may be drinking - especially before going to bed - plenty of coffee and strong tea, Yerba Mate or energy drinks.
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