Lemon balm is probably one of the most popular herbs for sleep and calming down. However, lemon balm also has other healing properties - incl. improves digestion, relieves menstrual cramps and nausea in pregnancy. In addition, it has been used in cosmetics, incl. as a care product for greasy hair. Check what other effects of lemon balm.
Lemon balm(LatinMelissa officinalis ), otherwise alsolemon herb(with due to the aroma it emits), it is a herb that has numeroushealing properties . Therefore, they have long been used in folk medicine.
Lemon balm leaves(LatinMelissa Foliume), being a medicinal raw material, are used not only for sleep and calming, but also for digestive problems and painful periods. Lemon balm is also recommended for improving memory and concentration as well as for nausea in pregnancy.
In turn,Melissa oilis a great fungicidal and bactericidal specific - it is used in the form of compresses against herpes, mycoses and after insect stings.
Melissa for sleep and calming down
Infusion and other preparations of lemon balm leaves can be used in states of nervous excitation, irritation, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety and vegetative neuroses. In addition, lemon balm soothes headaches and migraines. It can also be used in heart neurosis, in depression and melancholy. It will also work well with problems with falling asleep. Lemon balm owes its calming effect to the components of its essential oil, such as caryophyllene and citral.
It is worth knowing that the most valuable islemon balm grown in the home garden . Powdered lemon balm, available in stores, has little essential oil, so it has little or no sedative effect.
Lemon balm for digestive problems
Lemon balm infusions increase ( although slightly) the secretion of gastric juice and bile, and thus -facilitate digestion and stimulate the appetite . Therefore, after consuming heavy meals (such as bigos, pea soup or bean dishes), it is worth drinking a cup of lemon balm tea. It can also be used in spasmodic conditions of the intestines and tractsbile ducts that cause pain and sometimes colic. In addition, lemon balm is carminative and slightly diuretic.
Lemon balm can prevent atherosclerosis
Drinking lemon balm tea helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood, and thus - can prevent atherosclerosis. In addition, lemon balm inhibits the process of lipid oxidation in the liver, preventing its fatty liver and other diseases.
Lemon balm and pregnancyFuture mothersno worriescan reach for infusions of lemon balm leaves. Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of this herb in order to alleviate the naggingnausea in the first trimester of pregnancy .
Herbs in pregnancy. What herbs are safe in pregnancy?
Melissa for kids
Melissa is also safe for children. It is worth knowing that there arecalming teas for childrenavailable on the market, which contain, among others, this herb.
Lemon balm for painful periods
In folk medicine, lemon balm is also used as an agentsoothing menstrual pain . It will also work well with scanty menstruation or its variable intensity.
Melissa for memory and concentration
Some scientists argue that lemon balm improves memory and concentration. The studies also showed that regular consumption of lemon balm infusion by people suffering from Alzheimer's contributed to the improvement of their cognitive functions (remembering, recognition) and reduced the symptoms of senile dementia.
See also:Herbs to improve concentration
Lemon balm for cold sores and more
Some ingredients contained in lemon balm leaves have antibacterial and antiviral properties. It has been shown that the tannins and phenolic acids contained in water extracts from lemon balm leaves fight, among others, against herpes labial virus. Herpes simplex. You can find lemon balm ointments in pharmacies that, when applied to herpes, speed up the healing process. To achieve the same effect, you can also cover the cold sores with lemon balm oil. However, you should know that lemon balm oil can cause allergies, which will result in redness, itching and hives.
Lemon balm also inhibits the growth of oral bacteria that cause gingivitis. It is enough to rinse the mouth with lemon balm leaf extract once a day. In addition, it has been shown that lemon balm inhibits the growth of Helicobakter pylori, which is one of the causes of gastric ulcer disease.
This will be useful to youLemon balm infusion - recipe. Lemon balm dosage
2 tablespoons of fresh, torn lemon balm leaves or 1 tablespoon of dry crushed herb in a glass and pour boiling water. Infuse for 15 minutes. Drink 1-2 glasses eachinfusion during the day.
Lemon balm for insect bites
Lemon balm will also alleviate the effects of mosquito bites, bee stings or other insects. Just pour 4-5 drops of the oil on a cold compress and put it on the skin.
Melissa - use in the kitchen
Lemon balm can be an addition to salads, cottage cheese, soups, sauces, meat and fish dishes. However, it should be remembered that the aroma of lemon balm is fleeting, so it should be added to warm dishes at the very end. Fresh leaves can be frozen in ice cubes and then added to chilled drinks.
Melissa - use in cosmetics
Lemon balm rinsesare recommended for people struggling with oily hair or scalp inflammation. It is worth knowing that lemon balm extracts are ingredients ofhair shampoos , as well ashighly moisturizing creamsfor sensitive skin and bath lotions.
In turn, lemon balm oil is used in aromatherapy. It can also be used during a relaxing massage - just mix 2-3 drops of oil with a tablespoon of olive oil or grape seed oil and massage into the skin. Thanks to the oil, you can also prepare a soothing bath - just pour 2 drops into 1/2 bath of warm water.