Anxiety is a feeling that is difficult to clearly define. Each of us can come into contact with it, as internal anxiety may appear both in the case of various temporary, difficult life situations, as well as in connection with mental disorders. So how do we get rid of the feeling of inner anxiety, what are the causes of anxiety, and why do we constantly feel inner anxiety?


  1. Anxiety: causes
  2. Anxiety: symptoms
  3. Anxiety: how to deal with it?

Anxiety- it is difficult to define it unequivocally. After all, patients visit doctors with various ailments. Some of them are easier to describe (this is the case, for example, in the case of chest pain or a burning sensation in the esophagus), other symptoms, in turn, are much less specific and the patient may experience considerable difficulties with how to present to the physician what he needs. it really hurts. The second of the described situations can be encountered in the case of the feelingof internal anxiety . It is difficult to define this phenomenon unequivocally - different people may feel their inner anxiety differently. However, it is not associated with commonly known problems such as burning, itching or pain.

Inner anxietycan be felt generally - without the specific location of the ailment - and it is possible that the patient will experience this problem in some specific area of ​​the body. The most common complaints are a feeling of internal anxiety in the chest or a feeling of internal anxiety in the abdomen. This problem can be both temporary and quickly passing, and it is possible for patients to experience chronic internal anxiety.

Anyone can feel a nonspecific, internal anxiety - a child, a young woman or a retired man. Theoretically, it would seem that such ailment is basically harmless, but in reality, the feeling of inner anxiety may result from the existence of even serious disorders in the patient's he alth.

Anxiety: causes

Feeling inner anxiety mostly isassociated with one of the more common psychiatric problems which are anxiety disorders (neurotic disorders). This feeling may occur in various individuals belonging to this group, however, the most typical is the feelingof internal anxietyin the course of generalized anxiety disorder (also called generalized anxiety disorder). A possible cause of the feeling of inner anxiety are also other mental disorders, which are affective disorders (mood) - the described feeling may appear especially in the course of various forms of depressive disorders.

It is not, however, that every person who experiences anxiety has an anxiety disorder or a mood disorder. Transient inner anxiety can arise in many different situations that every person comes into contact with. We are talking here, for example, about overwork, coming into contact with a completely new, stressful situation (e.g. a change of job or place of residence), or about preparing to make a declaration to your chosen one. Any person can feel inner anxiety, but in order to be able to determine whether it is a serious problem, one should consider whether this feeling is accompanied by any other problems.

Worth knowing

Anxiety: symptoms

Inner anxiety can be especially worrying when it coexists with other ailments. Constant, excessive worrying, the feeling of constant anxiety and somatic problems: sweating, dizziness and increased heartbeat, combined with attention and concentration disorders as well as irritability may result from the existence of neurotic disorders in the patient. Ifinternal anxietyis accompanied by a marked depression of mood, combined with energy loss, sleep and appetite disorders, as well as apathy and anhedonia, then there is a high probability that the patient is struggling with affective disorders .

Anxiety: how to deal with it?

People with the feelingof internal anxietyappear due to the existence of mental disorders, should definitely see a specialist. It can be a psychiatrist, psychologist or psychotherapist. The exact type of therapy depends on the cause of internal anxiety, however, both in the case of neurotic disorders and in mood disorders, both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy are used. If the patient really suffers from any of the aforementioned diseases, then proper treatment of them will help to get rid of the feeling ofinner anxiety.

Anxiety - as beforeoutlined - however, it occurs not only in connection with mental disorders. After all, it can be experienced in various situations, which only lead to a temporary "strain" of the adaptability of the human psyche. In such situations, various relaxation techniques can help to free oneself from inner anxiety. There is simply no one universal remedy in this case - after all, every person relaxes in completely different situations. One person is helped by breathing exercises, the other is physically active, and the third is spending time with friends. For this reason, you just need to listen to yourself - if you feelinner anxietyand you want to fight it, you should simply devote yourself to those activities that reduce our stress level and allow us to relax.

About the authorBow. Tomasz NęckiA graduate of medicine at the Medical University of Poznań. An admirer of the Polish sea (most willingly strolling along its shores with headphones in his ears), cats and books. In working with patients, he focuses on always listening to them and spending as much time as they need.

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