Home remedies for sinusitis are intended for people who struggle with the characteristic bloating pain at the base of the nose that radiates to the forehead when bending or exerting. They will bring relief quickly, but will not eliminate the cause of the problem. What are some home treatments for sinusitis?
Home remedies for sinusitiswill help relieve symptoms sinus inflammation, such as runny nose, pain and pressure around the nose and temples and foreheads, which are aggravated by lowering the head or with exertion. However, it should be remembered that these aretemporary measures , ie they only provide temporary relief. To diagnose the disease and eliminate its cause, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Check outhome treatments for sinusitis.
Home remedies for sinuses: s alt compresses
A warm compress made of medicinal iodine-bromine s alt (you can buy it at a pharmacy) will help with clogged and aching sinuses. It is enough to heat a few handfuls of coarse-grained s alt in a frying pan, then wrap it in a linen cloth and put it on the forehead. The iodine and bromine compounds released from the sachet accelerate the process of nasal cleansing.
In order not to apply an excessively hot compress to the face, check its temperature on the inside of the forearm before the treatment. After such warming therapy, it is better not to go out into the cold air for several hours.
Home remedies for sinusitis: pea wrap
Put a few tablespoons of peas into a linen bag or cotton sock, and then put them in the oven preheated to 60 degrees C for a few minutes. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of medicinal iodine-bromine s alt to the peas.
Home remedies for sinusitis: inhalations
Inhalations, i.e. inhaling water vapor together with the aroma of herbs or essential oils, will help thin the secretions, facilitate breathing and reduce pain. You will need a bowl of hot water and a towel to perform this simple procedure.
If you only suffer frompain at the root of the nose , you can do inhalation with a saline solution. Put 4-6 tablespoons of table s alt or sea s alt in a bowl with 2 liters of hot water. Lean over the steaming water, put a towel over your head (so that it forms a tent) and inhale the rising vapors through your nose. Keep your eyes closed when inhaling water vapor. Also, do not bring your face close to the surfacehot water to avoid scalding.
If an additional symptom isrunny nose , use antispasmodic herbs such as chamomile, thyme, peppermint, sage and horsetail. You can also add the essential oils of eucalyptus, marjoram, camphor, herbal, lavender, or peppermint oil. Eucalyptus oil is especially recommended because the volatile compounds it contains have an astringent effect on the nasal mucosa, making it clear and facilitating breathing.
Pour about 1 liter of hot water into the bowl and add about 50 grams of a single herb (or a mixture of herbs), or add a few drops of essential oil. The inhalation should last about 10 minutes.
In order for the inhalation to bring the desired results, you need to do itdaily for about 7 days .
IMPORTANT! Treatmentis not recommendedfor people with couperose skin.
Home remedies for sinusitis: warming ointments
Warming ointments combine the properties of inhalation and warm compresses, i.e. they have an analgesic effect, clear the nose and sinuses. In pharmacies you should look foreucalyptus, rosemary, pine, juniper and camphor ointments . It is enough to gently massage a small amount of the ointment into the area of the forehead and temples. Then you need to tie your head with a warm headband. This method is not recommended for people with sensitive and couperose skin, as the ointments contribute to the burning sensation of the skin.
Home remedies for sinusitis: onions and garlic
Modern phytotherapy recommends inhaling vapors from chopped onion or crushed garlic. If the smell proves to be too irritating and you experience e.g. watery eyes, stop the treatment.
Home remedies for sinusitis: kitchen spices
The smell of caraway, like the smell of onion or garlic, effectively clears a stuffy nose.
- Tea with the addition of cinnamon or ginger has a warming up and decongesting effect on the upper respiratory tract.
- Pour 5 handfuls of mustard seeds into a linen bag. Heat it up (e.g. in a frying pan or in the oven) and place it on your cheeks and forehead. Its irritating smell will quickly remove the secretions remaining in the nose. Warm compresses can be applied several times a day.
- Inhaling freshly grated horseradish will have the same effect.
Home remedies for sinusitis: tincture of garlic and mullein flowers
In natural medicine, a tincture of garlic and mullein flowers, drunk 3 times a day, not only clears clogged sinuses, but also has a bactericidal effect and supports the regeneration of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.
Preparation method: mix 10 choppedgarlic cloves with a handful of dried mullein flowers and pour a glass of spirit over it. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar, screw the cap tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for two or three weeks. After this time, strain the contents of the jar through gauze and pour into bottles. The tincture is ready to eat after about 5 months of aging.
How to care for your bays
There is no one perfect way to care for your sinuses and protect yourself from infections. However, by applying some simple rules in our daily life, we can help keep the sinuses working properly.