Rheumatism is a term for over 100 different disease entities, covering the entire motor system, not just the joints. They can be divided into two groups - related to tissue aging (e.g. arthrosis, osteoporosis) and non-age related (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, metabolic disorders).
Rheumatismis distinguished by its prevalence, painful and chronic course, high treatment costs and poor prognosis. The painful and long-lastingsymptoms of arthritisand surrounding tissues are caused by substances produced by the body, called inflammatory mediators, e.g. prostaglandin and histamine. They are produced and released by inflammation cells: leukocytes - granulocytes and lymphocytes (white blood cells), platelets, macrophages and mast cells.
And because rheumatic diseases can seriously impair physical fitness - it is better to prevent them and try to prevent the entire motor system from attacking at all costs.
About 5 million people suffer from illness in Poland. The disease affects mainly women - 70 percent. all cases. 1/3 of all pensions were granted for this very reason. Unfortunately, at the present stage of medical development, we cannot completely cure rheumatic disease. The doctors' efforts are focused on alleviating the course of the disease and improving the musculoskeletal system.
The approach to the disease and the methods of its treatment have changed. It used to be about fighting symptoms: joint pain, inflammation and restriction of movement in the affected joints. Prescribed pharmacological agents had many side effects, dangerous to the gastrointestinal tract. The so-called therapeutic pyramid, i.e. the weakest but the least harmful drugs were administered first, and only as the disease progresses - stronger and stronger.
You cannot cure rheumatism, but you can do a lot so that it does not hinder everyday life. Water massage and classic massage are just some of the ways to stop the development of rheumatic diseases.
Rheumatic diseases - causes
Scientists have not yet fully figured out the causes of rheumatic diseases. It is known, however, that their development largely depends on the influence of harmful environmental factors on our body, as well as on predispositiongenetic. In that case, you can ask yourself whether then nothing depends on us? It depends, and a lot of it.
Practically from childhood, you can try to prevent rheumatic diseases - correct posture defects in children at all costs. Take care of proper nutrition, especially rich in calcium that strengthens the skeletal system. It is necessary to quickly remove the sources of any infections that reach us - a classic example is angina, which, if left untreated, can have very serious consequences. It is also important to systematically practice some sport - not professionally, but recreationally
Check the joints!
Rheumatism - symptoms
Chronic arthritis is accompanied by severe joint pain, which becomes unbearable and can exclude you from an active life. The sick are constantly sleepy, tired, and this causes irritation, even depression. In addition, the disease progresses rapidly and leads to permanent changes in the joints that make it impossible to perform daily activities. Over time, it can attack the heart, lungs, kidneys and nervous system. Unfortunately, the changes that have been made to the pond cannot be undone.
The most common rheumatic diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis has been associated with the use of hormone replacement therapy and contraceptives. Today it is known that estrogens alleviate the effects of the disease. The typical symptoms of RA include symmetrical pain in the hands and feet, morning stiffness in the joints, muscle pain, and sometimes problems with the heart, blood vessels and lungs.
It is signaled by pain worsening at the end of the day, when the joints are tired from walking or standing. The degenerative disease may affect only one hand or leg joint, or the entire length of the spine. An unpleasant symptom of the disease may be numbness in the hands, dizziness or headaches.
Soft tissue rheumatism
It manifests itself with pains in the shoulder area (painful shoulder syndrome), elbows (tennis elbow). Doctors speculate that it is connected with many years of overloading the muscles by wearing heavy mesh and performing repetitive movements, during which many micro-injuries occur.
Rheumatism - treatment
Early and correct diagnosis gives a great chance to stop the development of the disease. Treatment of rheumatism can be very effective because many disease-modifying drugs have been introduced. In many cases, biological treatments offer a chance of success. However, treatment with biologics is very expensive.
If recognition comes too late, the changes stopirreversible.
Therapy of rheumatism is comprehensive and includes individual, depending on the degree of disease development, the selection of pharmacological agents, diet and the entire range of rehabilitation methods.
Drugs reduce the body's production of inflammatory mediators, i.e. substances that cause disease, and inhibit their release. Today, in rheumatoid arthritis, at the very beginning of the disease, strong cytostatic drugs blocking cell division are introduced, which in many patients can completely inhibit the progress of the disease. In severe cases, only the latest generation medications, the so-called biological drugs. They bind uncontrolled white blood cells that develop and damage the joints. Thanks to these measures, white blood cells become biologically inactive and the disease development is inhibited.
Physical rehabilitation is also necessary, i.e. a system of exercises, without which the joints become more and more deformed. It sounds like a paradox, but it is movement, painful as it is, that prevents the disease from progressing. Its absence adversely affects the nutrition of the articular cartilage and the production of a special fluid by the synovial membrane, whose task is to reduce friction between the elements that make up the joint.
Proper rehabilitation is very important for the efficiency of the joints:
- massages,
- heat and cold treatment,
- electrotherapy,
- ultrasonotherapy,
- magnetotherapy,
- physical activity.
But in order to be able to rehabilitate, it is necessary to get rid of the paralyzing pain.
ImportantHelp in pain
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) help to relieve symptoms. Even though they can be bought over the counter, do not take them on your own or increase the recommended dose yourself, as they are harmful to the stomach.
In degenerative rheumatic diseases, gels and ointments with a similar effect work well. They relax muscles, improve joint mobility, act locally and do not irritate the gastric mucosa. However, warming preparations should not be used in arthritis. Therefore, before use, carefully read the leaflet or consult a doctor.
Myths about rheumatism
You must do itRemember that even when the disease has left its mark on the body, much can be done to inhibit its development and regain fitness.
- exercise (kinesiotherapy) - passive and active always improve the affected joint; some should be done under the supervision of a specialist, but most of them can be done by yourself
- classic massage - reduces stiffness and tensionmuscles, improves local blood circulation and the blood supply to tissues; patting, rubbing, kneading only with your hands - can be done by a masseur, but some elements can be done by yourself - the more often, the better
- water massage - pours a strong stream of water over the selected body parts; strength, chemical composition and temperature of the water are important; gives an effect similar to classic massage
- balneotherapy (spa treatment) - effective due to the influence of many factors on the body; in Polish spas, peloid treatments are carried out, which consist of covering the body with a type of peat
- thermotherapy - with the use of heat or cold (cryotherapy) causes tissue congestion, which in turn reduces pain, relaxes muscles, eliminates joint stiffness, triggers an anti-inflammatory effect
- electrotherapy (diathermy) - uses electric current (harmless to the patient); as a result, the discomfort is reduced, the blood supply to the tissues improves; a type of electrotherapy is iontophoresis, which consists in introducing a painkiller into the diseased areas
- magnetotherapy and laser therapy - both methods stimulate metabolism in tissues