How much vitamin C does lemon have? And is it possible to strengthen the body's resistance to colds, flu and seasonal infections by eating lemons? Lemon stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and digestive processes, accelerating the body's self-cleansing - it is an important component of slimming diets.
Althoughlemonis not the queen of vitamin Cat allof vitamin C
, it contains enough (53 mg / 100 g) to support immunity and soothe the course of infection. The more so because it also has a lot of routine that prevents the loss of vitamin C from the body and seals the blood vessels.Lemon is a fruit whosepropertiesandnutritional values have already been appreciated in China and India, where they probably come from. It is worth knowing that the first written mention of lemon lemonade comes from Egypt.
It is not fully known how this plant migrated, probably Arab traders introduced lemon to the Mediterranean. In the 11th century, the lemon was transported to Spain, and from there to further parts of Europe. Then Christopher Columbus took the lemons to the American continent. These fruits were especially appreciated by people affected by the California Gold Rush because they protected against scurvy - they were prepared to pay a dollar for one lemon.
- Lemon - anti-cancer properties
- Lemon for rheumatoid arthritis
- Lemon - nutritional values. What kind of vitamins in lemon?
- Lemon - acidifies the body?
- Lemon - slimming properties
- Does lemon tea harm your he alth?
- Lemons - selection and storage
- Lemon - use in the kitchen
- Lemon - use in cosmetics
Lemon - anti-cancer properties
Lemon is a good source of beta-carotene, vitamins B, E, potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron. There are also terpenes that stimulate the production of saliva. And because the production of digestive enzymes increases along with the secretion of saliva, lemon stimulates digestive processes, accelerating the cleansing of the body - therefore it promotes weight loss. It's a good idea to start the day with a glass of water with a slice of lemon. However, remember that such a drink stimulates the appetite!
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Lemon is made from the crossing of lime and citron, a fruit already known in ancient times, which is now mainly used to make candied peel.
Lemon contains limonene, a powerful antioxidant that has anti-cancer properties. In laboratory tests, these compounds destroyed cancer cells in the mouth, skin, lungs, breast, stomach and colon, as well as neuroblastomas found mainly in children.
Besides, lemon, right after cranberry, showed the strongest inhibitory effect on the proliferation of liver cancer cells in an in vitro study. Because limonene stays in the bloodstream for a long time, scientists believe that it is better than other nutrients at inhibiting the growth of cancer cells (by comparison, the phenols present in green tea stay in the body for 4 to 6 hours).
It is worth knowing that lemon peel has the most he alth properties. It is the source of the compound called limonene.
Lemon for rheumatoid arthritis
Lime, like other vitamin C-rich foods, protects against polyarthritis. Research conducted on a group of over 20,000 Patients who ate the least vitamin C-rich foods had a risk of developing the disease more than three times higher than those who consumed the highest amounts.
Worth knowingLemons - nutritional values ( in 100 g). What kind of vitamins in lemon?
Caloric value - 29 kcal Protein - 1.10 g Fat - 0.30 g
- Saturated fatty acids - 0.039 g - Monounsaturated fatty acids - 0.011 g - Polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.089 g
Carbohydrates - 9.32 g (including simple sugars 2.50 g) Fiber - 2.8 g
Phosphorus - 16 mg Potassium - 138 mg Sodium - 2 mg Calcium - 26 mg Iron - 0.60 mg Magnesium - 8 mg Zinc - 0.06 mg
Vitamin B1 - 0.040 mg Vitamin B2 - 0.020 mg Niacin - 0.100 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.080 mg Folic acid - 11 µg Vitamin E - 0.15 mg Vitamin C - 53.0 mg Vitamin A - 22 UI
Source: National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
ImportantDoes lemon acidify the body?
It is commonly believed that since lemon is sour, it acidifies the body. Nothing could be more wrong. Lemon - like other citrus fruits - is an alkaline product and helps to maintain the acid-base balance of the body.
Lemon, although acidic (pH 2-2.5), is also rich in alkaline minerals, which remain in the blood during metabolic changes, increasing its pH, and thereforegoes - they alkalize the whole body.
It is worth knowing that, for example, sugar, although sweet in taste, acidifies the body.
CHECK:Products that deacidify and acidify the body [LIST]
He alth properties of citrus [TOWIDEO]
Lemon - slimming properties
Does lemon lose weight? Lemon contains fiber that supports weight loss. In addition, it has cleansing properties for the body. Lemon juice speeds up metabolism, so it is worth drinking it as a support during the diet.
Does lemon tea harm your he alth?
If you add lemon immediately after pouring boiling water over the tea, the resulting infusion may be harmful to your he alth.
Metal - aluminum enters the infusion when brewing tea from the coffee grounds. However, in small amounts and in a hardly digestible form, it is harmless to he alth.
The situation changes when a lemon slice or lemon juice is added to the hot tea during the brewing process. Then aluminum from tea in combination with acid creates available aluminum citrate, which can be very harmful to he alth.
Therefore, it is better to add lemon to the infusion without the coffee grounds and only when it cools down.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youLemons - selection and storage
Choose lemons with a bright yellow color and a smooth, shiny skin. Ripe lemons have a slight scent at the ends. Any ripples show that the fruit has a thick skin. As a rule, lemons ending with a "navel" have less juice and thick skin.
Lemons stay fresh for 1-2 weeks at room temperature. They can be kept in a refrigerator in a plastic bag for up to 6 weeks
Lemons - preparation and serving
We get the most juice from a lemon at room temperature, and even slightly higher.
Before juicing, the lemon can be softened by rolling it over a hard surface. We will get 3-4 tablespoons of juice from a large lemon. Cutting the fruit diagonally, not in half, also brings good results.
If you just need a little juice, just pierce the skin with a toothpick, squeeze the juice, and then insert the toothpick into the hole to prevent the lemon fromlost its freshness.
Lemon juice, pulp or zest can be added to salads, soups and any other dish that you want to give a fresh citrus flavor.
Lemon juice can be used to make buttermilk from milk.
Lemon juice is enough to prepare fish without the need to cook / fry it, which is used in traditional ceviche salads.
You shouldn't drink lemon with hot tea, because vitamin C is lost at high temperatures.
Lemon - use in the kitchen
Lemon juice whitens stains on the hands after peeling vegetables, when added to the fish it makes the characteristic smell disappear.
So that the rice is not sticky, but loose, just add one tablespoon of lemon juice to the rice pot as soon as the water starts to boil.
A dash of lemon juice added to guacamole (from a rapidly darkening avocado), salad with apple or pesto will keep their nice, appetizing color for longer.
It will smell better in the refrigerator when lemon peel is left in it.
Lemon - use in cosmetics
People who are not allergic to lemon can use it in cosmetics, e.g. as a deodorant. It is enough to rub a little lemon juice into the armpits (not immediately after depilation or shaving!) For a mild antibacterial, toning and refreshing effect. Lemon will also help with deodorant stains on light-colored clothes. Just soak them in water with lemon juice. Lemon juice will also brighten the nails of the elderly and smokers.
According to an expertDr. Elżbieta Szymańska, MD, a dermatologistCan moles be removed with lemon juice ?
I have about 18 moles on my face, quite small, about 1 mm each. This is my complex and I would like to have it removed. I found the way lemon juice is. It involves spreading the moles with lemon juice several times a day. Is this a safe way? I've read that it can irritate the skin and lead to cancer.
Elżbieta Szymańska, MD, PhD, dermatologist:You should not use such a method to remove moles. First of all, they should be assessed dermoscopically before deciding on their removal. Lemon juice causes skin irritation and pigmentation changes, without the proper therapeutic effect.