Vegetables have many properties and many nutritional benefits - they can help prevent many diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and even cancer. That is why it is worth introducing vegetables to your meals, without worrying about their calorific value - vegetables provide few calories. Check what types of vegetables are there and how to prepare them.
Vegetablesare the basis of the he althy eating pyramid published by the Food and Nutrition Institute, which means that they should be included in the diet of every human being. Vegetables have manyhe alth properties and provide manynutritional benefits . When eating them, we don't have to limit ourselves too much, because theircaloric contentis low. It is recommended to add them to almost every meal so that you consume at least ½ kg of vegetables a day. Together with fruit, they should satisfy more than half of the daily requirement for food during the day, whereby vegetables should be ¾ in proportion, and fruit ¼ in this demand. The colors of vegetables are especially important because they reflect the content of natural pigments, such as chlorophyll, carotenoids or anthocyanosides, which can help in the fight against various diseases. Vegetables are divided into color groups:
- red - they are a treasury of mainly lycopene, anthocyanins and potassium,
- green - rich in chlorophyll and vitamin C
- violet - are a source of anthocyanosides
Nutritional values of vegetables
Vitamins - this is the greatest advantage of vegetables. They contain beta carotene, vitamins B, C, E, K and PP that regulate all processes in the body. Vitamins are responsible, among others, for digestion, cholesterol level, resistance to infections, wound healing, vision, metabolism, blood pressure, the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Minerals - they are the building blocks of bones and teeth, but also the regulator of the acid-base and hormonal balance of the body. They participate in the transformation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In vegetables, we find minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine.
Fiber - stabilizes blood glucose levels. It frees the body from heavy metals and toxins. It is helpful in constipation and pain related to hemorrhoids.It prevents the development of cancer and helps to fight excess weight. Vegetables that are particularly rich in fiber are e.g. dried tomatoes without pickling (about 12 g per 100 g of product), peas (about 8 g), lentils (about 7 g), beans (about 6 g) and green peas (approx. 4 g).
Water - is the main component of the organism (approx. 70%). Its regular supply is the basis of any diet. Water is responsible for maintaining the proper body temperature. Good hydration facilitates concentration, removes toxins, protects against cancer and improves metabolism. Vegetables with a high water content include cucumber (96%), tomato (95%), radish (95%), zucchini (95%), pepper (92%) and broccoli (91%).
Green vegetables
Green vegetables are rich in lutein, which is good for your eyesight. They contain vitamins C and K, potassium and folic acid. The latter is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It helps to cope with stress and soothes the nerves. Due to the abundance of chlorophyll, i.e. the green dye in these vegetables, the human body is freed from toxins, which is why cleansing diets are often called green diets. Green vegetables are low in calories and recommended for weight loss. Additionally, they can help people struggling with bad breath. Green vegetables soothe inflammation, prevent anemia and support liver function. The most valuable are: romaine lettuce, savoy cabbage, leek, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green peas, asparagus, green beans, cucumber, kale and spinach.
- Romaine lettuce- Unlike the more popular iceberg lettuce, which is not very nutritious, romaine lettuce is a green vegetable rich in vitamins. Already two glasses meet the daily requirement of an adult human for vitamin K, half for vitamin A and 1/3 for folic acid. It is also a source of magnesium.
- Savoy cabbage- supports the body's immunity and speeds up metabolism. It has the same amount of vitamin C as lemon, approx. 30-36 mg in 100 g of the product. Additionally, it is an example of a vegetable containing large amounts of calcium and vitamin B6.
- Por- contains one of the flavonoids, kaempferol, which is an ingredient with special properties to prevent atherosclerosis. It inhibits the development of inflammation accompanied by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Eating the right amount of leek also reduces the risk of stroke. Poultice in the form of a white chafed part of the leek works well in rheumatic diseases.
- Broccoli- one glass is about 1/5 of the daily fiber requirement.Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, C, E and A. This vegetable is known primarily for its anti-cancer properties due to sulforaphane, which is abundant in it. It can protect, among others against breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer.
- Brussels sprouts- is characterized by a high content of folic acid, therefore it is recommended primarily to pregnant women. It also contains vitamins K and C. When administered to the youngest, it will strengthen their immune system.
- Green peas- recommended for diabetics due to the low glycemic index (35). The nicotinic acid it contains reduces cholesterol build-up in the veins. Additionally, peas are a vegetable rich in protein (about 3-4 g per 100 g of product). People who regularly practice sports need it, because it affects the process of rebuilding and strengthening the muscles.
- Asparagus- a natural diuretic that also accelerates metabolism. It helps with irritable bowel syndrome and is also rich in magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus.
- Green beans- is a source of protein, which makes it a good alternative to meat in the summer months. When combined with foods with a higher glycemic index, it slows down the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream. It is rich in vitamins C, E, B and provitamin A.
- Cucumbers- accelerate the process of removing toxins from the body along with the excreted urine. The ingredients contained in them lower the risk of heart disease. Compared to other vegetables, cucumber is a record holder in terms of water content, because it consists of as much as 96 percent.
- Spinach- the leaves of this vegetable are rich in potassium, which lowers blood pressure, so this vegetable can be an additional remedy for all people with hypertension. Potassium, acting together with magnesium, regulates the work of the heart. The fresher and untreated spinach is, the more antioxidants it contains, so it's best to eat it unprocessed.
- Kale- gastric and duodenal ulcers, which can be caused by bacteriaHelicobacter pylori , are destroyed by sulforaphane contained in kale. What's more, it also has a lot of beta-carotene, from which the body produces vitamin A that positively affects the eyes and stomach.

Do not peel the vegetablesThe vegetables will retain the most nutritional value if they are not cooked. The vitamins are usually found under the skin, so if possible, do not peel the vegetables before eating, or do so by removing the skin very thinly.
Does vegetables help prevent?cancer?
Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN
Red vegetables
This color group of vegetables is rich in carotenoids - red pigments responsible for the color of e.g. tomatoes, peppers or carrots. Six of these dyes have a significant effect on the human body: alpha and beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. Carotenoids help keep the skin looking young as it protects it from harmful sun rays. They are also responsible for the reconstruction of the epidermis, and if consumed in the right dose, they give the skin a he althy color.
Lycopene in red vegetables is especially good for the heart. This natural antioxidant reduces the risk of heart attacks and cancer, while improving the functioning of the blood system. Additionally, it lowers blood cholesterol levels. The advantage of red vegetables is also the content of potassium in them, which regulates blood pressure and removes excess water from the body.
- Tomato- a source of lycopene with a strong rejuvenating effect and preventing heart attacks. Tomatoes do not lose this antioxidant, even after heat treatment. What's more, in the processed form, it is even 2-3 times more. It is not recommended to remove the seeds from this vegetable, because they are rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive system. Tomato juice is worth drinking when you have cramps.
- Pepper- a source of beta-carotene and vitamins: K, A, E, B6. It also contains four times more vitamin C than lemon. Under the influence of heat treatment, vitamin C from peppers is not destroyed, as in other vegetables. This vegetable has a positive effect on the skin due to the high content of antioxidants that protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals.
- Radish- a natural drug that soothes liver ailments and additionally supports digestion. Extremely spicy taste is given by mustard oil, which contains sulfur that has a positive effect on nails and hair.
Boil vegetables for a short timeDuring thermal processing, vegetables may lose some or even all of their nutritional properties, which should be the most important for us (the above-mentioned tomato is an exception). It is recommended to cook the vegetables with a cover to limit the access of oxygen. In addition, you need to control the time when food is prepared. Cook as little as possible. The vegetables should be slightly soft, never overcooked. They should not stay in the water for a long time. Remember that if you cut your vegetables into very small pieces, more of their vitamins will penetrate the water.
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Find out moreViolet vegetables
Anthocyanins are the common denominator of these vegetables. They can take a range of shades from bright red to dark purple. They catch free radicals, soothing the retina of the eye. They help to prevent hypertension and diseases of the urinary system. They protect against viruses and cause self-destruction of cancer cells. These labile dyes are very sensitive to long processing times at high temperature. Their amount also significantly decreases under the influence of oxygen, therefore its access should be limited during storage. The darker the vegetable, the more antioxidants it has. Examples of purple vegetables include eggplant, beetroot, or red onion. Some green vegetables also have purple varieties, such as kale, lettuce, purple broccoli, and cauliflower. The taste values remain the same, but the he alth properties are different, thanks to the increased content of anthocyanins.
- Eggplant- the content of vitamins does not differ much from other vegetables, but it has specific phenols and anthocyanins that protect against damage to fats in cell membranes and for this reason it is called wonderful food for the brain.
- Red cabbage- otherwise known as blue cabbage. It is used, for example, for treatment in the form of compresses during bronchitis, runny nose, burns or contusions. It only contains 31 kilocalories in 100 grams. Compared to white cabbage, it has more potassium, B vitamins and vitamins C and A.
- Red beans- valuable source of protein after soybeans and peas (22%). Even more than meat has it. It is rich in thiamine, which has an antidepressant effect and additionally improves memory and logical thinking. Red kidney beans contain a lot of isoflow, which is the natural plant equivalent of the female hormones. Therefore, it is recommended primarily to women going through the menopause, because isoflated reduces its symptoms.
- Beetroot- in addition to a large dose of valuable vitamins, this vegetable helps pregnant women through its high iron content - thus protecting against anemia in this important period for them. However, the calcium it contains additionally strengthens bones and teeth. During menopause, beetroot should be frequenteat as they reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
- Red onion- its sulfur content protects against blood clots. Sulfur molecules also fight inflammation and increase the body's resistance. Therefore, it is good as an addition to sandwiches in the autumn and winter period. Compared to ordinary onions, the red variety of this vegetable is much milder. It owes its distinctive color to anthocyanins. It is worth knowing that it is much less irritating to the eyes while cutting and cooking.
How to cook vegetables so that they retain as many vitamins as possible?
Hello! Do vegetables cooked individually retain more vitamins and nutritional value than those cooked in one pot together? How to cook vegetables to keep as many vitamins and calories as possible?
mgr Iza Czajka, nutrition physiologist: Hello! Steaming and pressure cooking is best when it comes to minerals and vitamins other than vitamin C. Not peeling vegetables from the skin (carrots or potatoes) also has a positive effect. It is known that you should not cut vegetables, but cook them whole. Despite these tips, it is worth remembering that varied meals, including salads and fruit, will provide you with vitamins and minerals. It does not matter for the nutritional value whether vegetables are cooked together or separately.
Worth knowingVegetables - contraindicationsPeople with stomach and intestinal problems should avoid excessive amounts of vegetables. Even with an easily digestible diet, you shouldn't overdo it during the day. Unpeeled vegetables are especially not recommended for people:
- elderly
- people suffering from inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa
- with excessive irritability of the large intestine
- having infections with fever
Raw or cooked - what vegetables to choose?
Source: TVN Agency
Worth knowingWhich vegetables should be combined and which combinations should be avoided?Cucumber is a vegetable that should not be combined with, for example, paprika, parsley or tomato. The enzyme it contains, called ascorbinase, oxidizes vitamin C from other vegetables and thus destroys this valuable nutrient. Remember that cucumbers are a low-calorie snack, but are best eaten without other vegetables, and tomatoes and broccoli go well together. The former neutralize the action of free radicals through the content of lycopene, while the latter help to remove these components from the body. You will provide even more nutritional value if you heat the tomatoes, aYou will cook broccoli as short as possible and covered.