Fruits contain nutrients and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Fruit for weight loss is not a myth. Certain types of fruit support weight loss by being low in calories. They also have healing properties used in various ailments. Check what fruits are worth eating.
Fruitsabound innutritional values : enzymes, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, such asvitaminsA, E, C and flavonoids, which particularly intensively affect free radicals generated, among others, in stressful situations, when smoking cigarettes and in inflammation of the body. Thanks to the acid content, the fruit also strengthens immunity. They are responsible for the young appearance of the skin and strong nails.
Fruits are a source of simple sugars that provide us with energy. When fiber enters the body with sugars, blood glucose levels rise much more slowly than when eating foods that are only a source of simple sugars. Two portions of fruit a day are recommended, not exceeding 0.5 kg, so as not to provide too much sugar. Fruits are perfect for breakfast - then simple sugars work effectively on our brain, and vitamins stimulate action from the early morning hours. In the morning, digestive enzymes are the most active, and this ensures that the meal is digested quickly without accumulating unnecessary fat in the body.
During a slimming diet, it is worth choosingtypes of fruitwith the lowest glycemic index and those in the calorific value range from 50 to 60 kcal per 100 g. Examples of such fruits are: currants, pomelo, apple, peach, cherries, strawberries, grapefruits, oranges.
Green fruit
Chlorophyll contained in the fruit of this group facilitates the digestive processes and supports the liver in a natural way. It is worth choosing organic green fruits that are guaranteed to come from a proven source.
Examples of green fruits with exceptional he alth properties:
- Avocado- he althy fats and low content of simple sugars are its greatest advantages. People who include avocados with their meals are less likely to develop metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease. This fruit is nothowever, it is especially recommended during a slimming diet because it is very caloric. One hundred grams of avocados are 160 kcal, which means that the average fruit has about 430 kcal.
- Olives- are one of the most valuable sources of unsaturated fatty acids, and additionally contain little calories. 25 grams, or about 10 pieces, is only 37 kilocalories. Olives are valuable thanks to hydroxytyrosol. It is a flavonoid with an antioxidant effect. It fights free radicals in the body that damage e.g. cell membrane lipids and are responsible for the development of inflammation. Hydroxytyrosol can prevent or alleviate the symptoms of acute pancreatitis. Oleic acid contained in olives reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, strengthens the heart and prevents the occurrence of breast cancer. In addition, olives are high in copper and iron.
- Kiwi- it is recommended to eat kiwi after a heavy and filling meal, especially if it is rich in protein in the form of meat. Kiwi contains an enzyme that facilitates digestion, which allows you to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of overeating. It has more vitamin C than the famous lemon, as much as 93 mg in 100 grams, i.e. one medium fruit meets 100 percent of the daily requirement for ascorbic acid.
- Gooseberry- it's only 44 kcal in 100 grams of fruit. It is a source of lutein, which belongs to the group of carotenoids, i.e. powerful antioxidants. It can prevent chronic diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. As a source of large amounts of lutein, gooseberry soothes the eyes. Therefore, this fruit is recommended for people who overuse their eyesight at the computer.
Seasonal fruits have a bactericidal and detoxifying effect
Red fruit
This group of fruits protects the body against the signs of aging through the action of antioxidants in the form of anthocyanins and lycopenes. Red fruit is effective in lowering cholesterol.
Examples of red fruit with exceptional he alth properties:
- Cranberry- has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which makes it irreplaceable in the fight against urinary tract infections. It contains compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. A lesser-known property of cranberries is their ability to protect brain cells from a heart attack or stroke.
- Cherries- a he althier replacement for melatonin supplements to help you fall asleep. If it is to be effective, it must be consumed regularly, e.g. in the form of juice. 82% of cherries are made of water, andthe remaining 18% is a vitamin bomb.
- Raspberries- cause slight relaxation of smooth muscles, incl. uterus, and therefore may be one of the forms of menstrual pain prevention. However, they should not be abused by pregnant women. These fruits will help with a fever.
- Wild strawberries- thanks to the activity of pectins, these fruits remove harmful metabolic products from the body. They can help fight tartar. They dissolve it through salicylic acid while soothing the gums. Therefore, the pleasant smell from the mouth is also due to the wild strawberries.
- Watermelon- 92% water. It is not rich in vitamins and minerals, but it is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin, which prevent the development of cancer. Thanks to citrulline, watermelon can increase sex drive. Just 6 slices of the fruit guarantees an effect similar to that of a Viagra tablet. It's good to know that watermelon seeds are edible - and very he althy. They are a source of magnesium, iron and B vitamins.
Yellow-orange fruit
Lemons, oranges, kakis, pineapple, mandarins and other fruits from the yellow-orange group owe their color to the content of beta-carotene, which in the human body turns into vitamin A. Consuming them is advisable in situations of fatigue, during diseases related to the circulatory system, but also with degeneration of joints and problems with the skeletal system.
Examples of yellow and orange fruits with exceptional he alth properties:
- Ananas- thanks to the bromelain content, pineapple has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties. It is recommended for people who have problems with arthritis or osteoarthritis. In addition, the taste of pineapple may make it easier to eliminate sweets from the menu during slimming diets.
- Kaki- also known as persimmon, is a source of provitamin A (beta-carotene). This fruit, as proven by research, can strongly inhibit the development of leukemia cells and induce their apoptosis, i.e. programmed death.
- Mandarins- the content of provitamin A is ahead of oranges, lemons and pomelos. This vitamin is especially valuable during the growth period as it contributes to building strong bones and teeth, but also has an impact on the condition of our skin and protects it from harmful UV rays.
- Lemon- 100 g contains 53 mg of vitamin C. Lemon supports the body's immunity. It also soothes the course of the infection. It is a source of beta-carotene, B vitamins and K vitaminsand E. The smell of lemon relieves headaches in some people. Adding lemon to water increases the likelihood that we will drink more of it per day thanks to its pleasant citrus aroma, and regular fluid replenishment is one of the most important eating habits. In addition, lemon juice neutralizes the fluids in the stomach, which allows you to get rid of the sudden feeling of hunger.
- Grapefruit- stimulates fat burning, detoxifies the body of toxins and has a high fiber content. In addition, it can lower blood glucose levels.
- Papaya- has a very good effect on digestion, so it is recommended primarily for people who have problems with defecation. Papaya also supports the fat burning process.
- Melon- thanks to the high content of B vitamins responsible for the nervous system, consumption of melon will allow you to concentrate better and fall asleep more peacefully at night.
- Pigwa- known as the Polish lemon. It is recommended in the form of juice combined with honey as a natural remedy for colds and flu. During the autumn solstice, quince is a good addition to tea (not boiling), as it will help fight a dry cough, for example.
- Pomelo- otherwise known as a giant orange. Its juice has alkaline-forming properties, therefore it should be consumed by people complaining of heartburn or gastric reflux. The enzymes contained in it limit the absorption of sugar and starch from food, so it can be a fruit of choice during a slimming diet.
List of the most calorific fruits
Source: TVN Agency
Black and purple fruit
Fruit with this color is best eaten raw so that it retains as much as possible anthocyanins, i.e. natural dyes that do not like processing at high temperatures. Anthocyanins oxygenate and nourish the brain. They promote concentration and improve memory. Before consumption, purple fruit can be sprinkled with lemon juice, because vitamin C will act as protection of the dye - not allowing it to be destroyed. In addition, it will facilitate the absorption of antioxidants from the fruit. It is also worth knowing that the darker the fruit, the more antioxidants it contains. Violet fruit primarily helps in the fight against atherosclerosis or ailments related to the circulatory system. Fruits rich in anthocyanins also inhibit the aging process by trapping free radicals.
Examples of black and purple fruits with exceptional he alth properties:
- Blueberry- 100 grams of fruit equals about 57 kilocalories. Thanks to the content of flavonoidshas a positive effect on memory. This fruit also contains a lot of phytoestrogen, which blocks the action of enzymes responsible for the formation of cancer, e.g. breast, liver, thyroid gland. Blueberries also contain ellagic acid, which prevents cancer of the lung, larynx and esophagus.
- Blueberries- they rule in July, but they can help with ailments throughout the year, eg in the form of dried fruit or juice. They have a calming effect. Blueberry juice or infusion is a natural remedy for diarrhea. They are also called the antidote for stomach poisoning and cough problems.
- Aronia- prevents all kinds of civilization diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes or eye diseases. Usually, due to the tartness of the fruit, it is consumed in a processed form, e.g. in the form of juice. It is a good choice for people working at the computer. Delays the progress of diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts or macular degeneration in the eye.
- Black currants- 100 grams of this fruit (63 kcal) covers 260% of the daily requirement for vitamin C. Only rose fruits are ahead of currants in this respect. Eating black currants strengthens hair and teeth. Due to the high fiber content - pectin, eating currants lowers blood sugar levels and reduces cholesterol levels.

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreAccording to an expertAgnieszka Ślusarska, dietitianFruits eaten with nuts and dairy products have a lower glycemic index (GI)Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on concentration, memory, etc. But, as you know, they contain also a lot of simple sugars, which are not recommended in the brain's diet due to a sharp jump and, consequently, a drop in blood sugar levels, causing fatigue. I have heard that when you eat simple sugars (ie fruit) in combination with fats, they are digested more slowly. Is it true and why? Does that mean that fruit eaten "solo" is not as he althy as it is commonly believed to be? Why, then, bars containing both a lot of simple sugars and fats cause such large fluctuations in glucose levels? Agnieszka Ślusarska, dietitian: Yes, it is true that fruit eaten with fat, e.g. almonds, nuts or fatty cheese, slowerthey raise blood glucose. This is because fat delays the digestion of carbohydrates. Such a meal has a lower glycemic index. Fruit eaten "solo" will raise blood glucose faster, so have a higher GI.

White fruit
White fruit has bactericidal properties. Although considered the least nutritious fruit, they contain antiviral and anti-inflammatory phytoncides. People who eat bright fruit regularly reduce their risk of stroke in half compared to those who eliminated white fruit from their diet.
Examples of white fruits with exceptional he alth properties:
- Apple- has a high water content and low calories (approx. 48 kcal per 100 grams), which is an ideal combination for people who are on a diet. It is best not to peel the apple from the skin, as it is directly below the skin that contains the most vitamins. Thanks to the high fiber content, they help fight constipation. Apples regulate the work of the intestines, protecting against colon cancer. They are a source of vitamin C, A, E, K.
- Banana- definitely one of the fruits recommended for people with hypertension. In 100 grams, it has approx. 358 mg of potassium. Bananas should be avoided by diabetics as these fruits have a high glycemic index (60-70) and are high in calories. One hundred grams of this fruit is about 90 kilocalories.
- Grapes- thanks to the polyphenols they contain, they can protect against organ damage during the development of the metabolic syndrome. It is also a type of the rare fruit that contains iodine that is essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, delicious raisins are made from the grapes. Of all grape varieties, the most recommended variety is red, less green and white - red grapes contain more flavonoids, i.e. natural antioxidants that fight free radicals responsible for the development of cancer. Darker grape varieties are also richer in iron.
How to properly wash fruit?
Source: TVN Agency