Olive oil is becoming more and more popular in Poland every year. It is a unique fat and is therefore a favorite of nutritionists and doctors. Olive oil is used primarily in the kitchen, but also has a beneficial effect on our he alth and is used in cosmetics.
As the name suggests, olive oil is squeezed from the olive tree. This, in turn, lives up to 2,000 years and blooms all year round, bearing fruit until the end of life. The olive harvest is in the fall. The olives and the pits are crushed and the juice is pressed out of them. After the water is centrifuged and filtered, pure olive oil is obtained. 500 kg of olives yield approx. 57 liters of olive oil.
Depending on the variety and harvest date, the olive oil has a wide range of shades - from yellow to dark green. Light, straw-colored is milder in taste than greenish. The smell and taste depend on the variety of olives used, usually mixtures of different types are used. Some of them produce intensely peppery oils with a distinct hint of bitterness. If the oil is orange in color and tastes "metallic," it is most likely rancid. Rancidity is caused by storage for too long or under inappropriate conditions.
Olive oil: types
Olive oil is mainly used in the kitchen. however, choosing the right fat is not the easiest thing to do - there are many types of olive oil on the market. Which one works best and what are each of them applicable?
Extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is a product of the best quality - it is obtained from the first cold pressing, it is completely natural fat, without any additives, it has a greenish color and is thick. It is recommended to be used prophylactically - for he alth purposes - it can also be used as an addition to salads, but preferably raw. The acidity level of extra virgin olive oil is not more than 0.08 percent. It is very easily available in Polish stores.
Virgin olive oil
Virgin olive oil is also a virgin product, however, its acidity level is more than 0.08 percent but less than 2 percent. Rarely available in Polish stores, and it workswhen frying, cooking, as an addition to salads.
Olive lampante
This type of olive oil is refined, or heated. Heating olive oil causes it to lose its taste, smell, polyphenols and vitamins, which is why it is then mixed in the right proportions with virgin or extra virgin olive oil.
Olive oil is classified according to its acidity.
Olive pomace oil
This type of olive oil includes sansa oil (Italian name) and pomace oil (English name). These are the lowest quality products, obtained from the residues of the pressing process. Chemical solvents are added to them, which leaves little olive oil left in the product. The olive pomace oil is refined to make it edible.
The classification to particular groups is determined by organoleptic characteristics and acidity (extra virgin has the lowest), i.e. oleic acid content, which affects not only the quality and taste of the oil, but also its nutritional value.
It is also worth adding that olive oils of the highest quality have one of the two certificates:
- PDO(protected designation of origin) - means products manufactured in a specific place (country, city, region), and their name cannot be use in relation to other products.
- PGI(protected geographical indication) - also names products produced in a specific place, but the entire process of producing olive oil does not have to take place there , it can be e.g. only preparation, production or processing.
Cheat sheet for shopping
- extra virgin- the he althiest virgin olive oil
- virgin- extra virgin olive oil with slightly higher acidity than extra virgin
- refined- blend of refined and virgin olive oil
- pomace, sansa or orujo- pomace oil
Olive oil: he alth benefits
Although olive oil is pure fat, it is completely unusual - tasty, aromatic and he althy. As it is a plant product,cholesterolis not present. It contains mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as the beneficial squalene. They inhibit the development ofatherosclerosis , because they lower the amount of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of "good" (HDL). They also lower blood pressure. The oleic acid contained in the oil protects against asthma and allergic mucositisnose. In addition, olive oil helps with gallstone disease, gastritis and gastric ulceration, and constipation. Theantioxidants(especially polyphenols andvitamin E ) contained in it prevent the formation of free radicals and thus, by strengthening cell membranes, counteract the aging process. Olive oil is a rich source of vitamins A, E, D and K, so it acts as an anticoagulant and helps in the fight against gastritis. What's more, this natural fat improves the digestive process and allows you to get rid of toxins from the body faster. It also has a good effect on the bone growth process in children. Olive oil is eagerly consumed by people who are slimming because it minimizes the feeling of hunger.
Olive oil: use in cosmetics
Although we are used to using olive oil mainly in the kitchen, its possibilities are much greater. Already in the times of Hippocrates, it was used to dress wounds and rub the body, and it was often dipped in the inner side of a bandage put on a dislocated leg to recover faster. Olive oil was spread over the entire length of the hair and nails to give them shine and prevent breakage. Olive oil is especially recommended for people who would like to emphasize the natural curl of their hair. For several years, this use of olive oil has become popular again. What's more, olive oil is also used to make soap, body lotions and washing pads for baby clothes - the fat is so delicate that it does not irritate the skin.
Worth knowingHow does olive oil serve the heart?
The team of prof. Marek Naruszewicz, head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Molecular Basis of Phytotherapy of the Medical University of Warsaw, was the first in the world to show that oleacein present in olive oil (only extra vergine) effectively inhibits the inflammation causing the breakdown of atherosclerotic plaque, which can prevent, among others, heart attack and stroke. In a study published in the journal Phytomedicine, they showed that oleacein can alter the functions of inflammatory macrophages - they begin to secrete anti-inflammatory interleukin. Thanks to this, the plaque becomes stable - it does not break and there are no blockages in the arteries. A Polish study confirms the phenomenon of the Mediterranean diet, in which the inhabitants of the Mediterranean basin are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases than other Europeans. Polish researchers received an American patent for the use of oleacein, and European and Polish patents are to be granted soon. They isolated impurity-free oleacein from the leaves of a common ligustra, which belongs to the same family as the olive tree - this is alsohas been covered by a patent and significantly improves the possibilities of obtaining oleacein in an industrial form, which will be used in the production of the future drug.
Source: www.naukawpolsce.pap.pl
Olive oil in the kitchen
Olive oil is the staple fat in the Mediterranean diet. Cold-pressed, it is an excellent addition to salads, boiled and stewed vegetables, pasta and rice dishes. Refined may be used to make home-made mayonnaise (it has no characteristic aroma). Olive oil is also perfect for frying, you can heat it up to a high temperature (even 200 ° C). To take advantage of its he alth benefits, it is better to eat the virgin one raw, and for frying use cheaper species (e.g. refined and expeller). It is worth remembering that the olive oil will retain its he alth benefits if it is stored in a cool place. At temperatures below 8 ° C, it will become cloudy and form a precipitate (which, however, does not reduce its nutritional value or taste). Olive oil does not like light (it makes it rancid like any fat), so it is better to store it in a dark glass bottle. After opening, the oil must be used up within 3 months.
Olive oil: recipes
Feta in olive oil
- olive oil - 1/4 liter
- feta cheese - 25 dag
- juniper berries - a few
- coriander - 1/2 teaspoon
- 1/2 teaspoons coriander seeds
- black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
Preparation method:
Dice the cheese, put in a wide jar. Add spices, pour in olive oil (you can add olives). Close the jar tightly and refrigerate for 2 days.
Olive flavored with herbs
- 5 basil sprigs (tarragon, savory, rosemary - to choose from)
- 5 cloves of garlic
- small shallots
- 1/2 liters of olive oil
Preparation method:
Peel the garlic cloves, put them in a bottle together with the shallots and basil. Pour in the olive oil, screw the lid on top and set aside for 2 weeks in a dark place. The oil can also be flavored with a different set of herbs and spices: garlic, sun-dried tomatoes and rosemary, or chili pepper.
Pickled pepper
- 4 red and yellow pepper pods
- 1/4 liters of olive oil
- 4 cloves of garlic
- rosemary sprig
- s alt
- pepper
Preparation method:
Put the paprika pods in an oven at 220ºC for about 10 minutes. When the crust is baked, take out and cool. Peel the pods, remove the seeds and cut into quarters. Garlicchop finely. Arrange layers of paprika in a jar, sprinkle them lightly with s alt and pepper, and sprinkle with garlic. Pour with olive oil, put in rosemary. Close the jar, set aside for 1-2 days.
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