Cloves are a spice that has found a wide range of applications. Cloves have anesthetic and refreshing properties, so chewing or sucking them is a proven way of treating toothache and bad breath. In turn, a cream with the addition of clove oil is said to be a way of premature ejaculation. Check what other effects cloves have.
Clovesare the dried flower buds of the spicy clove - an evergreen tree that comes from Asia.Propertiesthisspiceshave been known for over 2 thousand. years. At that time, its healing effects were used in ancient China, during the Han dynasty.
Four hundred years later, Arab merchants brought the carnations to Venice, from where they reached the rest of the inhabitants of Europe, who still appreciate the healing effects of cloves. It is mainly due to the content of eugenol - a substance that reduces the activity of enzymes that lead to inflammation, inhibits the development of yeast infection, and even the rate of development of neoplastic disease. In addition, the clove has also found application in the treatment of other ailments.
Cloves or clove oil for toothache and headache
Cloves will help in case of pain - all thanks to the eugenol contained in them, which has slightly anesthetic properties. It is enough to make a paste from 1/4 teaspoon of clove powder and one teaspoon of cinnamon oil, which is applied to the forehead in case of a headache and other sore spots. In case of toothache, it is recommended to chew a clove or soak cotton wool in clove oil and put it on the sore spot. Studies have shown that clove oil can be used in dentistry as an anesthetic, applied topically before inserting a needle into the gum. The patients stated that thanks to this the pain was reduced.
This will be useful to youNutritional value of ground cloves (in 100 g / in 2.1 g, i.e. a teaspoon)Energy value - 274/6 kcal Total protein - 5.97 / 0.13 g Fat - 13.00 / 0.27 g Carbohydrates - 65.53 / 1.38 g (including simple sugars 2.38 / 0.05 g) Fiber - 33.9 / 0.7 gVitaminsVitamin C - 0.2 / 0.0 mg Thiamine - 0.158 / 0.003 mg Riboflavin - 0.220 / 0.005 mg Niacin - 1.560 / 0.033 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.391 / 0.008 mg Folic acid - 25/1 µg Vitamin A - 160/3 IU Vitamin E - 8.82 / 0.19mg Vitamin K - 141.8 / 3.0 µgMineralsCalcium - 632/13 mg Iron - 11.83 / 0.25 mg Magnesium - 259/5 mg Phosphorus - 104/2 mg Potassium - 1020/21 mg Sodium - 277/6 mg Zinc - 2.32 / 0.05 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 3.952 / 0.083 g monounsaturated - 1.393 / 0.029 g polyunsaturated - 3.606 / 0.076 gtrans - 0.254 / 0.005 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Cloves will lower cholesterol
A few grams of cloves a day support insulin production and at the same time lower cholesterol - this was confirmed by a study described in 2006 at the Experimental Biology meeting in San Francisco. Studies have shown that all those who ate cloves, no matter how much, had lower levels of glucose, triglycerides, and "bad" LDL cholesterol. HDL "good" cholesterol levels remained unchanged. It has also been observed that clove oil prevents the formation of peroxygen lipid groups that can lead to a heart attack.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreCloves for colds
The antiseptic and analgesic properties of cloves help you heal faster when you catch a cold or flu. Cloves will soothe a sore throat, cough (SEE recipe for>>homemade clove cough syrup) and clear a stuffy nose. Therefore, in the period of autumn and winter illnesses, it is worth reaching for tea with cloves. And for he althy people to warm up on winter evenings, we recommend mulled wine with cloves and orange.
Recipe for mulled wine with cloves and orange Prepare 500 ml of red wine, 4 cinnamon sticks, 2 vanilla sticks, 6-8 anise stars, 6 cloves, 2 thicker slices of unpeeled (previously scalded and scrubbed) oranges (you can put a few cloves in their skin), sugar cane to taste. In a saucepan, heat the red wine with cane sugar, cinnamon, vanilla sticks, anise and cloves. While stirring, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cut orange slices in half and put intomug or glasses and pour the wine. The finished drink can be sprinkled with a little vanilla sugar and cinnamon on top. Sucking whole cloves removes unpleasant odors, such as garlic, from the mouth. Reportedly, during the Han dynasty, the subjects had to put cloves in their mouths before they stood before the emperor, so that the smell of the spice would neutralize the unpleasant smell from their mouths. It is said that applying a cream containing clove oil to the penis delays premature ejaculation. There is no scientific evidence for this, but it has long been known that cloves are a natural aphrodisiac. The scent of cloves is very distinctive - it has a warm, sweet, spicy note. Whole cloves can be added to compotes, mulled wine, punches, fruit and meat sauces. They go well with marinated game, pork and lamb. Together with the onion and kohlrabi leaf, they improve the taste of sauerkraut. They also go well with mushroom and broth dishes. The powdered seasoning can be added to patties, pates, stuffing, fish dishes, spaghetti and pizza. It is an inseparable ingredient of Christmas cakes and cookies. Cloves are also one of the home remedies for getting rid of food moths. It is better to buy whole cloves, because when powdered they lose their flavor quickly. Whole cloves can be ground in a coffee grinder, preferably immediately before use. Oil drops out of fresh cloves after pressing. You can also check the freshness of cloves by a water test - fresh cloves float vertically. Cloves - both whole and powdered - should be stored in a tightly closed container in a dry, cool, dark place. You can keep whole cloves for a year, powdered - 6 months.Check the healing properties of popular spices
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Cloves for fresh breath
Clove oil for premature ejaculation?
Cloves - use in the kitchen