Artichokes have numerous properties and nutritional values, so it is worth including them in your diet. Artichokes are highly valued due to the content of cynarin and inulin, substances that improve the functioning of the digestive system and stimulate metabolic processes. Therefore, artichokes are one of the best natural slimming preparations. However, these are not the only he alth-promoting properties of this vegetable. Check what other healing and nutritional properties of artichokes and how to eat them!
Artichokes: what are these?
Artichokesis a vegetable ,which has numerous properties and nutritional values. They were appreciated by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean basin, where artichokes come from.
As early as antiquity, artichokes werea remedy for indigestion, liver and kidney disorders.It was not until the 20th century that Italian scientists discovered a compound that is mainly responsible for the he alth-promoting properties of artichokes. It is cynarin.
Artichokes: cynarin's healing properties
Artichoke isa natural hypolipemic drugthat reduces serum lipids. It helps to maintain the proper concentration of cholesterol in the body, and thus supports the treatment or prevents the formation of atherosclerotic changes.
According to scientists, cynarin , the main active ingredient of artichokes, is responsible for lowering triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. Cynarin inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, accelerates the process of removing triglycerides and cholesterol with bile, and intensifies the process of conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. Thus, cynarin canlower cholesterol by up to 60 percent .
In the list of medicinal plants, artichoke cynarin is called:
- cholekineticum-a choleretic drug that stimulates the emptying of the gallbladder from gallstones, which are made of cholesterol;
- cholereticum- choleretic drug, stimulating the production of bile in the liver
Artichoke leaf or root extract contributes to the regeneration of the liver, improves its blood supply and supports the process of removing toxins from the body. In addition,cynarin supports the treatment of diseases of the digestive system , including digestive disorders and bowel syndromeirritable.
ATTENTION! People who suffer from urolithiasis should avoid artichokes.
This will be useful to youArtichokes: calories, nutritional values (per 100 g) raw / cooked
Energy value - 47/53 kcal
- Total protein - 3.27 / 2.89 g
- Fat - 0.15 / 0.34 g
- Carbohydrates - 10.51 / 11.95 g (including simple sugars 0.99 / 0.99 g)
- Fiber - 5.4 / 5.7 g
- Vitamin C - 11.7 / 7.4 mg
- Thiamine - 0.072 / 0.050 mg
- Riboflavin - 0.066 / 0.089 mg
- Niacin - 1.046 / 1.110 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 0.116 / 0.081 mg
- Folic acid - 68/89 µg Vitamin A - 13/13 IU
- Vitamin E - 0.19 / 0.19 mg
- Vitamin K - 14.8 / 14.8 µg
- Calcium - 44/21 mg
- Iron - 1.28 / 0.61 mg
- Magnesium - 60/42 mg
- Phosphorus - 90/73 mg
- Potassium - 370/286 mg
- Sodium - 94/60 mg
- Zinc - 0.49 / 0.40 mg
Fatty acids
- saturated - 0.036 / 0.079 g
- monounsaturated - 0.005 / 0.011 g
- polyunsaturated - 0.064 / 0.145 g
Data Source:USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Read also: Artichoke juice - properties, application. Great for the liver!
Artichokes: anti-cancer properties
Artichoke hasmany antioxidantsthat act as a barrier to free radicals.
- quercetin,
- routine,
- anthocyanins,
- gallic acid,
- luteolin,
- coffee acid,
- chlorogenic acid,
- silymarin,
- cynarin.
Due to their content, artichokes not only delay the aging process, but also inhibit the production of cancer cells.
Artichokes and diabetes
Inulin contained in artichokesinulin helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels , therefore artichokes are indicated for diabetics. In turn, chlorogenic acid increases glucose tolerance and reduces the absorption of sugars in the gastrointestinal tract. Artichoke glycemic index is very low at 18.
Artichokes and slimming
The energy value of artichokes in100 g is only 47 kcal . It is thanks to the low calorific value, low fat concentration and high dietary fiber content that artichokes are recommended by nutritionists as avegetable supporting weight loss . However, these he althy vegetables are most appreciated due to the content of as many as four substancesslimming:
- Cynarynais recommended for people struggling withdigestive system diseases, frequent constipation and slow metabolism . Cynarin improves the digestive process and controls the hormones responsible for regulating blood sugar levels and accelerates the metabolism of lipids in the body, thus supporting people struggling with unnecessary kilograms.
- Inulinhas fiber-like properties becausehas the ability to bind large amounts of water and swell in the stomach when exposed to it . In this way, it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time and prevents hunger attacks. In addition, inulin is a prebiotic that is a breeding ground for beneficial gut bacteria that positively influence the gut's immune system.
- Chlorogenic acidis an antioxidant found in plant tissues.It reduces the absorption of sugars in the digestive tractand thus forces the body to use previously accumulated carbohydrates and fats.
- Niacin , also known asvitamin B3 and PP , is involved in the transformation of carbohydrates, fatty acids, including inhibits the breakdown of fats in adipose tissue and speeds up metabolism.Artichoke is one of the richest sources of niacin among vegetables.
How to cook and eat artichokes?
Artichokes areone of the most popular vegetables in Italy . It is also increasingly appearing in Polish stores, but few people know how to prepare them. We suggest step by year:
- Holding the flower by the petals, cut off the stem that is above the root.
- Then cut off the outer hard leaves and trim the woody tips of the side leaves.
- Cut off the tip of the inflorescence at a height of about 1/3 of the artichoke.
- Finally, cut it in half and use a knife to remove the inside, "hairy" part of the vegetable. Be careful not to cut the artichoke "heart".
- Put the cleaned vegetable in cold water with lemon juice or acidified with vinegar so that it does not darken.
- Then dip the artichokes in water, remembering that there is at least 1 liter of water for each artichoke.
- Boil them in lightly s alted water with a few drops of lemon juice until they are soft (approx. 35-40 minutes).
- You can serve the cooked artichoke with, for example, a vinaigrette sauce.
Artichokes: artichoke extract for acne
Cynarin has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, thereforeo artichoke leaf extract is found inthe composition of some cosmeticsintended for acne skin care.
The richness of B vitamins prevents the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. Artichoke extract is also used totreat certain dermatological conditionssuch as psoriasis, eczema and urticaria.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Artichokes as dietary supplements
Currently in Polish pharmacies there arepreparations containing artichoke leaf extract.These types of dietary supplements mainly support the functioning of the digestive system. They stimulate the production of bile by the liver, and thus support the process of removing harmful metabolic products, and also help maintain the correct level of cholesterol in the blood.
One tablet containson average 20 mg of cynarin , thanks to which the artichoke extract accelerates the metabolism of lipids in the body and contributes to faster removal of unnecessary substances from the body, and thus supports the weight loss process .